Oh, haven't noticed we have 0.3... didn't read change log, let's see what's new without it
Alright... seems... I don't know... still same... I'll explore more tomorrow or on sunday, I think the skill unlock tree here is a little bit too much strict in a way to actually unlock something and doing one thing wrong might ruin everything... at least it seems to me like that - finallly got some lewd skill after I found "bug" which allowed for infinite leveling... at least I think it's bug... anyway... I think game could be more free in this way.
Few bugs
- people start to disapear after a while, maybe caused by few reloads from save. You can still interact with them, but they just are not there
- fence in the forest, when interacting with, blinks the screen, possibly not bug, but could use at least some message (like in next update or maybe later...)
- when interacting with armchair, it stays there, when ignoring, it dissapears