I played your game and I really liked what you have so far. I liked the blackmail quest in particular.
I can't message you directly or I would. I'd like to offer my help, if you'd like it. I have experience with Unreal Engine, Blender, GIMP, 3DS MAX and more.
I can do the following:
- Creating UI in Unreal Engine with the UMG using widget blueprints.
- Coding in Unreal Engine using blueprints.
- Building Actor AI using Unreal Engine's Behavior Trees.
- Creating textures with GIMP if a 3D model needs it after skinning. (I know how to make 3D models, but I'm not great at it. I can do low-poly models though.)
- Animations in Blender.
I don't need money or even a credit if you don't want to credit me. I honestly just want to see more of the game.
And if you need just info on how to do certain things like how to create Behavior Trees I'd be happy to point you to some learning resources that I have used to teach myself.