Asha is just another girl that's in the game to be fk. Shani is like a second MC if you want to make her a strong and independent woman who fk whoever she wants is ok. it's not my preference but i think it can make a good story but harder to do well.
If you want her to be weak and go to the wasteland lose fights just so you can have the pleasure of seeing her be fk I think you're not too worried about a good story.
Well she's only strong and independant if you let her be as per walkthrough there are two options HELP and SELF self would be the Strong independant woman you want where help is the nice girl that reliese on others as well as helps others. They are choices to raise each of the stats 2 of which are on her first mission one of which are when you see the queen.
Self choices "Life doesn't owe you anything take what you want." "Trust in yourself you've trained for this day." Help choices are "Don't worry i'll be there for you." And "Do what you can to leave this world a better place." I think you're adding a shani has a Mind of her own whereas it seems to me that the real MC is molding her as her father. He can make her as dependent or as independent as he wants. And that is the point of her character.
He's not locking you into warrior princess mode strong girl. The point I'm getting from her character is she's there to be molded through the real MC's actions as well as your actions towards her now i could be wrong and these choices are just how she'll act on her own if you choose not to play her as a MC yourself. To decide what she does without you controlling her. AKA if you choose two help options, she goes to queen without you she'll prolly deny kiss as well as try to help the slaver. Whereas if you do the two self-options and send her to queen, she'll condemn the slaver and probably make out with the queen without your input.
But, I don't know i can only hope the first is the case. Because though allot of work would be needed on Developers part it would be nice to have an actual moldable character in a vn.
-My point is just because it doesn't do what you want doesn't make the story's integritty go down and it can be written in and still fit the story if you choose the help option she already loses a fight without you trying to behead her. So your strong girl who can't lose a fight lost her first fight against mummies if you choose not to help her and kill the mummies for her. Just because she's strong doesn't mean she's the jugernaught baby.- And because she effectively dies in her first mission shows you how weak your army girl really is.