Nope. Good guy treats everyone kindly as I said. Goal of bad guy regarding Queen would be her total submission and eventually overthrowing her entirely if possible. But these are just my ideas how "good" and "bad" runs should go, so I am interested how other people think it should go
No, the Queen is, like the Pharao of ancient Egypt, integral to Zeta because of her place in society. She's not only the ruler, but also kind of a protective diety.
And the tradition dictates that the Queen must be female. So, if Zaton becomes Queen, he must shave off the beard and wear a wig and skirt. Like the female Pharao's in ancient Egypt were depicted with fake beard and all.
Which would kind of turn this into a sissyfication / transformation game...
But anyway, it seems unlikely. Shani on the other hand may have a shot.
To be fair, it's already possible to go around murdering and raping, only to then turn around to go back home and cuddle the wife, headpat the daughter and conspire with the downtrodden. But to me this seems like cognitive dissonance for gameplay's sake.
Not really. It is how people deal with bad things that they had to do for whatever reason. I'm quite sure that, for example, the CEO of a modern day mining company has a nice family life, even though the mine workers do a dangerous job for insufficient pay. The same applies for people working for some intelligence agency. Perhaps these agents know somehow that some of the things the do are morally questionable, but they are also convinced that it has to be done for the "greater good".
Also, Zaton is doing whatever he does outside our modern social context. We have insufficient information to know what would be considered moral in Zeta, but I am quite sure he doesn't think of himself as a bad guy. He's just a Stalker and with that job comes certain things.
As such, I don't think there is a "good" path and a "bad" path, because those paths would be judged by our moral standards.