I play this game months ago after a months I decide to try it again.
The game In itself Is simple, light and the plot Is nothing to hard, This might be bad for someone, but as for me I expect nothing more from this game, Its really good In its simplicity, I alos like the fact that I can Infact feel different vibes, from house harem, undeads, tribes to mutants and even monsters, the vibe of this game In general Is very good, this game can be a silly, goofy sometimes but In my opinion Its only doing good to this game, the mc are likable and somehow well reasoned, but that dosent mean he cant show his feelings towards the ones he care about.
The only minus In this game as for me its that the game take place after disaster In a Zeta based on ancient Egypt which mean the sex In Zeta and slavery Is normal thing BUT this game lack of true Egypt sexual vibe, for example where are androgynous slaves? or a rare case of hermaphrodite female? not to mention we had a "mutants" In this lore so It would defend itself or even the Eunuch servant.
But asaide from that I think this game Is a good even If Its not have what a true ancient Egypt vibe, I an well aware of that, this game Is not historically correct nor trying to be, but Its very odd for someone who lick some history about ancient Egypt that Its miss things like that on even with monsters/mutants In the lore.
I wonder how this game gonna develop In the future looking forward.
As for dev pleas dont bother with this forum, 90% has not even paid a single cent and they demanding like they have a rights XD because 5 missing renders come on.