KKpotato sorry if my message is a little long, I hope I wrote well, I help myself from time to time with a translator, to be sure.
I finally have finish this new update. I wait till the final version, because i think this game it deserves to be fully played. I didn't want to enjoy a half-prepared dish. Even if the dish is excellent, it never gives its all, if you know what I mean.
As always this update was really awesome and top tier.
But there is one thing that disappointed me a little.
When it comes to choosing whether you want to start a relationship with Lola, during the choice I decided to stay in the neutral choice, that is,
being able to choose whether to have vanilla sex with her or wilder one. So i can see both scenes.
My disappointment is on vanilla sex and wild sex. So I hope I can give you a little advice.
Here came my disappointment.
The way some of you view vanilla sex as wild sex. (In this case I think it's your vision of seeing vanilla sex? Hope i am wrong). Why did he disappoint me? Because if you choose to have vannilla sex, the protagonist doesn't come inside her! Why i can crampie inside her in vanilla sex? I love making love and saying sweet things to women, but at the same time I still get inside them and crampie. I can understand that wilder sex needs to be more (sex hardcore). But I think it's totally wrong, not being able to choose whether to get crampie inside her or not.
So I was wondering, can't you give us the choice? The choice to crampie or not inside? Just because you want to have sweeter sex, I think it's wrong not to have the choice. I had to force myself to choose wild sex, just because it was the only choice that gave that ending (crampie). So I was wondering. Is it possible for you to give us the choice as to whether we can get inside? Crampie? I don't want to always have to make the opposite choice because with vanilla people think you don't have to crampie inside.
I hope you understand what I mean. Especially because it doesn't necessarily mean that vanilla always has to be so sweet, saying sweet phrases doesn't rule out wanting to make it a little more lively. To make you understand, not everything is grey. There isn't just vanilla or wild sex. But there is also a middle ground so to speak
Don't limit your choice like that. To make you understand, if I were in the protagonist's shoes, I would have had wild sex, but at the same time being sweet (without the almost choking scene) and I would have come inside her. That's vanilla anyway. Making a girl lose her mind doesn't necessarily mean having to go to extremes. But you can stay in the middle. Sweet phrases, more hardcore sex/love, without exaggerating. And at the end, however, the crampie is the icing on the cake. I hope I haven't exaggerated and have conveyed the idea. Hope you can give us this kind of choice too. But the most important thing is to leave us the choice of whether or not we want to do the crampie

because i always prefer to cum inside!
Also because it's not fair that if you choose vanilla you don't have the crampie or even the scenes ahegao!
Thank you for this new update! I hope my advice is useful to you.