Well, I for one don't have
that much of a problem with what you said there, and have a different take on it.
Sure, it's not fine for Chole to just pretend nothing serious happened, but you should try to see things from her perspective too... she's young, naive and hot asf, definitely doesn't miss male attention so we can argue she's just unreasonably clingy, needy and/or desperate for dick that she lacks objectivity in her thinking. Since it's a romance-focused porn game, she prolly never even had sex to begin with, how many young attractive women like her IRL you think can say the same about themselves ?? She says that idiot treats her good and is nice to her
so far, which implies that she's pretty biased in her assumption about her man, a thing the MC and Kayla are clearly not, BUT she's still willing to talk to him and make him explain his actions.
My point is, a young adult making poor life choices or screwing shit up badly is part of every person's journey on this planet, not just hers, and it isn't a thing unheard of. We can all agree or disagree when saying she should've done this or that, but at the end of the day, some of us here already are grown ass adults who went through life and gained experience by learning for our or other ppl's mistakes and making some right choices there too.
Let's be honest for a sec, don't think too many of us were
too rational about our actions and the words that came out of our mouths at 18/19yo or in our early 20s tho, why is it so bad for Chloe to be the same ?? She acknowledges her mistake and asks the MC for help, which will most likely get them closer and take their relationship to the next level. I fail to see the what the problem is here, but we can always agree to disagree on this.
There's also the usual 'it's all done for the
plot' bs excuse we shouldn't forget to mention here, without which we wouldn't be having a story in the first place, so characters screwing up or making dumb choices is only natural to expect seeing at the beginning of every story.
Let's calm down and think about it rationally, bro'. It's just harmless fiction, nothing
that serious to get so angry about it anyway.
So again, she's young, beautiful, naive, barely has any life experience. Her dad not being around to support her and give her life advice, especially on how most men like Billy think and what they really want from an attractive woman like her, also play a huge role in her being soo 'delusional' about stuff, as you claim she is, BUT she's willing to listen to reason and do something about this lil
problem the MC and Kayla found themselves in.
My only actual concern here is
with that mysterious entity that popped up outta nowhere to stir shit up and made the MC age in one night more than other guys do in a few years. What's her role in the story, and how will her presence affect the MC and the other characters ??