HTML [Dev Log] Grizzly Grove [Gay][v 0.18e]

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New Member
Jul 22, 2021
It will be tough to top the Garrett romance, which was intense and dark with romantic high notes! I'm looking forward to seeing this Dalton romance through to the end though, what a hunk... those (nearly) unobtainable daddies.
  • Red Heart
Reactions: Rafster


Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
It will be tough to top the Garrett romance, which was intense and dark with romantic high notes! I'm looking forward to seeing this Dalton romance through to the end though, what a hunk... those (nearly) unobtainable daddies.
I'm so happy whenever I read that someone, somewhere around the world, enjoy reading/playing my lovely and little disaster called game :love: . It really brightens my day.

Garrett's epilogue was very emotionally loaded, and dark. I'm not quite sure I'll reach that level again, but I have some tricks under my sleeve thanks to the experience I got when I made that part.


Active Member
Mar 15, 2021

Rafster, stop it right now. Every time you talk about your game here or in another thread, you're denigrating it or your work. If you continue, I'll come and give you a pair of slaps.

You've done a good job with the story, the characters, the variety of kinks, the playability and ergonomics, the choice of pictures and videos, the consistency between everything, the regular news and your reactivity and many more.

Once this game go out of his shell when you decide to create his own thread, you'll realize that it's better than most of the other games available and that you don't have to be ashamed of your work.

And good continuation.


Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019

Rafster, stop it right now. Every time you talk about your game here or in another thread, you're denigrating it or your work. If you continue, I'll come and give you a pair of slaps.

You've done a good job with the story, the characters, the variety of kinks, the playability and ergonomics, the choice of pictures and videos, the consistency between everything, the regular news and your reactivity and many more.

Once this game go out of his shell when you decide to create his own thread, you'll realize that it's better than most of the other games available and that you don't have to be ashamed of your work.

And good continuation.
It's always a pleasure to read you man, thank you for your kind words. This week has been a bit hard for me, and reading you guys (and the people at the discord) really brightened my day.

The day for release is getting closer, and I'm pushing through as fast as I can. I wish I could tell you guys more about the mission I'm doing now... but it would be massive spoilers, so starting from this week I'll have to be more cryptic with my weekly report.

When I finally have the game's official thread, I'm expecting your post, Oliz. Know this: I'm completely sure that every dev you have given your feedback is thankful for having someone willing to give such detailed feedback notes like yours.


Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
Time for the weekly report, because why not?

I've had a rather difficult week, but progress has been made. As you may know already, there will be two romance missions, two story missions, and the final mission that ends the JCS and Dalton's story. So far, I have: The first romance mission, ready and tested. A little intro for the story missions, and the first story mission complete and tested. I won't get into more details, because spoilers.

So, I'm starting today the second romance mission. I'm having a blast writing this, it reminds me when I wrote Garrett's epilogue, I'm loving it.

Now, moving into another subject: For the next update, I'm also opening my patreon (I'm making it visible when the next update drops), so I want to state and clarify what will happen.

My patreon is only intended for support the development, not locking game features on it. The game content and cheats WILL NOT be blocked by a paywall, so yeah guys, you'll still have to read the changelog in-game to see the password for the cheats. Patreons, starting from tier 2, get a 2-week exclusivity on each content update. After two weeks, I'm releasing the update here and other sites I use to distribute the game. This will happen on the update that comes after the next one. To be more specific: The next update is 0.19, and this will start from 0.20 onwards.

The patreons will have a direct impact on which storylines will be started through polls, can opt for early versions still on testing phase, their names on the game's main screen and, the higher tiers will have the chance to get more scenes for their favorite existing character OR a brand new scene or mission for a new character (one for each user account). It's worth noting that everyone will have access to these scenes on the game, but they will not be mentioned on the walkthrough or update notes, and are subject to approval by me and patreon's guidelines.

So, that's it. Back to my cave. The update is getting closer, guys, we're almost there.


Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
Ok, time for the weekly report. It's not much, but let's start. We are very close to the update.

This week was all about the second romance mission, I had it ready and tested by thursday. However it also gives Ryan (the MC) a new piece of equipment, kinda like what happened with the jockstrap on lvl 2, and everyone is supposed to react to it.

Now, there's a reason why I didn't work on a proper and functional clothing system, and is that most NPCs should react to it. I did it with the chastity cage (which will be in the game real soon after this update), but I didn't think about this new item. I know, horrible planning, but I'm learning. So yeah, I had to go on almost every place (gym and mall for now) and every lvl 3 mission and section of JCS and made the NPC react to it if they notice the item (not always happen). Took me 4 days, but it's finally ready. Ah well, I guess that's one of the many ugly faces of making a game with free roam and not a VN.

I also had to split the second story mission, in two different missions. Tomorrow I'll begin them. This is taking too long, but the wait will be worth it. Thank you for keeping up with me.


Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
Hello people, time to report in, as I did for the last 12? weeks. It's been a long time, but we're close. Let's begin. My PC monitor just died on me the last Wednesday, and I have the annoying flu (no covid thankfully). Right now I'm working using my PC connected to my bedroom's TV. It's annoying because I don't have the computer table where I used to have my monitor, but this will have to do until I get my hands on another monitor. This update will come no matter what fucking happens.

This week, I dedicated it to writing and coding the story mission 2. It's completed and tested. I also took two days to play level 3 again on both routes (yup, there will be two routes. What are those? I'm not telling) and realized that the romance progression was complicated and boring, so I opted for eliminating the grinding part of the romance (I initially set the two dates and sexual encounters with dalton on the office and mall as ways to increase the romance points. Now they are optional and do not increase it). Now the only way to progress the romance is through the two romance missions. Don't worry, you'll see on screen if you were successful or not. I must add, that failing the romance will bring another ending. Not the usual fatal ending I always do... it will be a dark ending kinda like the one at Garrett's epilogue, so it's worth failing the romance too.

Yesterday I started the third and last story mission (we also have the final mission, but that one is the epilogue from the JCS storyline). This mission... is completely different depending on what route you choose at the start of level 3. I'm having a lot of fun writing it.

So, that's it for now. See ya next week.


Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
Hey, it's me, again.

Last week I barely managed to work on the game. The first version of the third story mission is ready, and tested. You're gonna love it. I started yesterday the second version, I wish I could say more but I would enter into spoiler territory.

And speaking about spoilers, I made a modification on the mandatory BDSM scenes on the game. In the game, there are two mandatory BDSM scenes, one in the dark ending of Garrett's epilogue, and other is on the second story mission of JCS level 2. In both of them, the players can opt out of seeing the media and only see the text.

Now, starting from the next update, the text will be blurred (like a spoiler) AND the media will not show if the player opt out of the kink. So yeah, you won't need to read about flogging, or any other BDSM kink. This only apply for those two scenes (and maybe new ones? who knows). The blurred text can be clicked if you have curiosity about it.

So yeah, I know, I know. Get back to programming my ass off. See you next week.


Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
Hello fellas! me, again.

The second part of the last story mission is finished. I had to take a couple of days to test both parts, and it seems ok. Now I started working on dalton's epilogue too. There will be two endings, depending on the success of the romance. If you succeed you'll get ending #1, the good ending so to speak. If you don't, you'll get a darker ending, ending #2. I'm gonna start with ending #2, and then #1 will follow. By the way, there are one or two game over screens if you take a wrong choice or lose a battle in dalton's epilogue, similar to what happens in Garrett's epilogue.

There was a third ending, for people who didn't romance dalton. But I scrapped it because if you don't romance dalton, chances are you're already with Garrett. And the story missions of level 3 don't make sense for someone who is not in love with Dalton. So I decided to drop it, focus on the romance itself, and don't drag the update any longer. If you don't romance Dalton, you can still progress to level 3, but the MC will stay there, doing the regular daily missions and the optional ones. There is a lot of content even if you don't romance Dalton.

I know, I should have ended in June, and I honestly apologize for that. I hope you like the conclusion of the story of JCS. I'm also doing the finishing touchs on the Patreon page and start testing the game from the very beginning before the update. The launch here is really close, soon this thread won't be necessary.

Thanks for following my project, and constant ramblings. See you next week, hopefully with good news.


Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
Argh I love this game so much! I was wondering, is Luke ever going to be a romance? Or will there be any other romances added besides Dalton and Garrett? Obviously I love both of them but I play a 100% dom and I'd really like to have a more subby guy like Luke as a serious relationship option since there isn't too many full-on topping scenes for my MC to do with the current guys. And will there ever be more BDSM kink scenes added? I'd love to try that on Luke. :)

EDIT: just out of curiosity, does anyone know any gay games were the MC takes on a much more dominant role? The vast majority I've come across have the MC as either a sub or switch.
  • Red Heart
Reactions: Rafster


Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
Thank you for your kind words! I'm happy whenever I read that someone enjoy my game :love:

is Luke ever going to be a romance?
Unfortunately, no. He already have someone in his life, who will be revealed on the next update. But don't despair, I have two extra scenes with him.

Or will there be any other romances added besides Dalton and Garrett?
Many more are planned. For example, Mack Williams will be one, and there will be at least 4 or 5 more before I consider the game complete. I'm not telling the others, but one clue is that they make brief appearances on JCS and gym storylines.

Obviously I love both of them but I play a 100% dom and I'd really like to have a more subby guy like Luke as a serious relationship option since there isn't too many full-on topping scenes for my MC to do with the current guys.
I'm aware of that. There is a dom storyline planned, where you'll romance a sub guy. But it's probably after Mack's romance, unless the first poll on patreon tells the opposite. I know it's not much, but there are a couple of BDSM dom scenes on the next update, where you can have some fun with some poor unsuspecting subs (they are new characters introduced on the next update).

Dalton is a top guy... but if you manage to get the good ending with him on the next update, you may see him bottoming for you for the first time.

I'm trying my best to add more dom scenes for the game. It's something I try to correct, I'm a natural sub guy, so the sub BDSM scenes for me are easier.

And will there ever be more BDSM kink scenes added? I'd love to try that on Luke.
Yep, at least four more. I must admit I love writing them.

EDIT: just out of curiosity, does anyone know any gay games were the MC takes on a much more dominant role? The vast majority I've come across have the MC as either a sub or switch.
I have no idea. I know that in demitransference you can take a more dominant role in the game. You can check it out if you haven't.
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Reactions: Oliz82 and Zedire


Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
Thank you for your kind words! I'm happy whenever I read that someone enjoy my game :love:
It was pretty difficult to find your game (I saw it on someone's sig), but why you don't have the game among the other adult games on here? I can honestly say that it is VERY good among gay games, and I'm sure it would be very loved, and you'd get a lot more people telling you how much they enjoyed it if you did. :)
Unfortunately, no. He already have someone in his life, who will be revealed on the next update. But don't despair, I have two extra scenes with him.
Oh, that's fair enough. I guess I just figured because he was crushing so hard on MC that he wanted something with him. Besides which, he's the absolute cutest character of them all and really works for my dom character. lol. But if you have plans for him, s'all good - I like that your characters actually have personalities and aren't all just sluts for the MC (although that's definitely an added perk lol).
Many more are planned. For example, Mack Williams will be one, and there will be at least 4 or 5 more before I consider the game complete. I'm not telling the others, but one clue is that they make brief appearances on JCS and gym storylines.
Nice to hear that there's a bunch more coming! I hope at least some of them are subs, or at least switches totally down to exclusively sub to my MC. lol.
I wonder if one of them is the (newly single - I assume) Tom - the JCS client who is/was married to Vera? Although I dunno how the MC would feel about getting with a dude that was happy to cheat on their spouse. BUT if there's one thing I love about your romance storylines is that it's never so straight-forward and boring as them simply getting together. Heh :D
Actually, I really hope one of them is Wade (the guy who works at the convenience store in the mall, represented by Jaxton Wheeler), because I love the 'secret sub' story you've started with him, and it's always fun to bring out the sub nature in a character who thinks he's dom. Just break him down into submission bit by bit. Actually, making him wear a chastity cage as the 'punishment' for losing some game against the MC would be super fun too.
I'm aware of that. There is a dom storyline planned, where you'll romance a sub guy. But it's probably after Mack's romance, unless the first poll on patreon tells the opposite. I know it's not much, but there are a couple of BDSM dom scenes on the next update, where you can have some fun with some poor unsuspecting subs (they are new characters introduced on the next update).
Sounds awesome - can't wait! :love:
I'm trying my best to add more dom scenes for the game. It's something I try to correct, I'm a natural sub guy, so the sub BDSM scenes for me are easier.
I can see how that would be a bit difficult if it doesn't come naturally, although I have to say there have been some scenes where you've definitely done it justice, such as the scene where your MC has to stand in for a missing porn star in Mack's 'water torture' BDSM movie. That was hot af, and was actually the one time where I felt more than any other that you captured the dom 'voice' for a dom MC very well.
One thing I'm genuinely curious about. If you're naturally sub, and you have a tendency to write more in that direction, why did you choose to make 'Alpha guy' the recommended starting choice for the character, which points much more towards a physical/dom style character, but then lean more heavily into sub choices? I'll be honest, it felt a little odd because when I started out and saw that option I thought I'd be domming left-right-and-center, but then found a lot of the choices for scenes (when playing a pure dom and never touching any 'bottom' choices) only allowed my MC to get his cock sucked or something, which made those scenes feel kind of lacklustre and anti-climactic for me. Also, the amount of guys that talked to my 'Master' dom MC in a subby context or talked about how they were gonna fuck my ass, and referred to my MC as if he let the whole town fuck him (rather than being the one who did the fucking - and even then it hasn't been as much as he'd like lol) was a little immersion-breaking.

Actually, there were a couple of other things I found a little odd. Maybe they're bugs or things you're not aware of (or maybe you are). I'll mention them now but please keep in mind these are just my observations as things that stood out to me, and aren't a complete deal breaker for my playing experience, but they are a bit jarring and immersion-breaking to experience while playing.

The first was my non-twink looking character being referred to as a twink or saying he looked like one, or characters saying that they were surprised that a skinny/weak guy like me did so well in fighting (during the fight club matches) when my MC started out more buff than just about all of them, and when they referred to my character as such all of his skills were already maxed. lol.
Also, I understand you can't control which image the player chooses for their MC, but even the 'default' one (number 1) is a big bear of a guy (who honestly looks more like he's in his 30s than a 28 year old - in fact, there was a grey haired guy among the pictures and he didn't look 28 at all). And the overwhelming majority of choices for the picture to represent your characters are buff bears anyway. So yeah, it's a bit contradictory.
One thing you could do is associate certain values with different MC pictures, so that the game recognises an image of a big buff guy as such, and a more cute, twink-looking sort as something different, and then when you have NPC referring to your MC's appearance, call to those values and give the right description. That may be a bit of work at this point, but you it would stop a hairy bear MC from being referred to as a twink. :D
Yep, at least four more. I must admit I love writing them.
I can honestly say that that BDSM movie scene was my favourite part in the whole game thus far - it was very well written. Are there any plans for MC to potentially become a porn star, or at least get hired for more scenes for Mack, cos that felt really natural for a 'hotshot MC', and I can really see a dom MC making a name for himself in the town's porn industry (and for that matter, a sub MC too). I just hope it doesn't require romancing Mack to get it. I do really like Mack as a character, but there's the obvious clash with my dom MC in the bedroom that would get in the way, if you get what I mean. lol
I have no idea. I know that in demitransference you can take a more dominant role in the game. You can check it out if you haven't.
I have actually downloaded this and planned to try it out after yours, but thanks for the recommendation! It's a shame there's not more gay games where the MC is a dom. I wonder why that is? It's so freaking hot.

OH! There's one other thing I wanted to ask. Can you tell me the name of the porn star you used for Howard (I think that's his name - the manager of the mall that you can have a threesome with Luke with?). He comes across as quite charismatic and invested in the clips in that scene and I'd really like to check him out.
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New Member
Jul 22, 2021
Did you publicize your Patreon yet? I searched for both Rafster and Grizzly Grove and didn't find it. Hope all is well!
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Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
Did you publicize your Patreon yet? I searched for both Rafster and Grizzly Grove and didn't find it. Hope all is well!
I didn't. It will be up two or three days before the update, which is VERY close. I just finished all the levels, and checked the page to see if everything is in order.

It was pretty difficult to find your game (I saw it on someone's sig), but why you don't have the game among the other adult games on here? I can honestly say that it is VERY good among gay games, and I'm sure it would be very loved, and you'd get a lot more people telling you how much they enjoyed it if you did. :)
The game is up on but it was only a test. My initial plan is to publish it when I had two storylines from start to finish. As you can see, Dalton's storyline is not finished but it will be on the next update. The next version, 0.20, is how I envisioned the game on its release. With at least two stories complete (Dalton and Garrett). Of course, I could have published here on 0.18 like I did on but the update was up here since April or March, and I want to offer new content to make everybody play. So the next update, 0.20, will be the official release here, along with my patreon. The community here has helped me so much to shape the game... I love you guys :love:

Why I jumped to 0.20? because I like the number, and because it's a major update.

So expect an official release in one or two weeks.

Nice to hear that there's a bunch more coming! I hope at least some of them are subs, or at least switches totally down to exclusively sub to my MC. lol.
I wonder if one of them is the (newly single - I assume) Tom - the JCS client who is/was married to Vera? Although I dunno how the MC would feel about getting with a dude that was happy to cheat on their spouse. BUT if there's one thing I love about your romance storylines is that it's never so straight-forward and boring as them simply getting together. Heh :D
Actually, I really hope one of them is Wade (the guy who works at the convenience store in the mall, represented by Jaxton Wheeler), because I love the 'secret sub' story you've started with him, and it's always fun to bring out the sub nature in a character who thinks he's dom. Just break him down into submission bit by bit. Actually, making him wear a chastity cage as the 'punishment' for losing some game against the MC would be super fun too.
Unfortunately, Tom's story ends there if you help Vera. Honestly, I find him repulsive, but don't mind me, it's just me being grumpy. Wade... is a fun case, I'll see if I make new scenes with him, I bet you liked his sub scene on the gym.
I can see how that would be a bit difficult if it doesn't come naturally, although I have to say there have been some scenes where you've definitely done it justice, such as the scene where your MC has to stand in for a missing porn star in Mack's 'water torture' BDSM movie. That was hot af, and was actually the one time where I felt more than any other that you captured the dom 'voice' for a dom MC very well.
One thing I'm genuinely curious about. If you're naturally sub, and you have a tendency to write more in that direction, why did you choose to make 'Alpha guy' the recommended starting choice for the character, which points much more towards a physical/dom style character, but then lean more heavily into sub choices? I'll be honest, it felt a little odd because when I started out and saw that option I thought I'd be domming left-right-and-center, but then found a lot of the choices for scenes (when playing a pure dom and never touching any 'bottom' choices) only allowed my MC to get his cock sucked or something, which made those scenes feel kind of lacklustre and anti-climactic for me. Also, the amount of guys that talked to my 'Master' dom MC in a subby context or talked about how they were gonna fuck my ass, and referred to my MC as if he let the whole town fuck him (rather than being the one who did the fucking - and even then it hasn't been as much as he'd like lol) was a little immersion-breaking.

Actually, there were a couple of other things I found a little odd. Maybe they're bugs or things you're not aware of (or maybe you are). I'll mention them now but please keep in mind these are just my observations as things that stood out to me, and aren't a complete deal breaker for my playing experience, but they are a bit jarring and immersion-breaking to experience while playing.

The first was my non-twink looking character being referred to as a twink or saying he looked like one, or characters saying that they were surprised that a skinny/weak guy like me did so well in fighting (during the fight club matches) when my MC started out more buff than just about all of them, and when they referred to my character as such all of his skills were already maxed. lol.
Also, I understand you can't control which image the player chooses for their MC, but even the 'default' one (number 1) is a big bear of a guy (who honestly looks more like he's in his 30s than a 28 year old - in fact, there was a grey haired guy among the pictures and he didn't look 28 at all). And the overwhelming majority of choices for the picture to represent your characters are buff bears anyway. So yeah, it's a bit contradictory.
One thing you could do is associate certain values with different MC pictures, so that the game recognises an image of a big buff guy as such, and a more cute, twink-looking sort as something different, and then when you have NPC referring to your MC's appearance, call to those values and give the right description. That may be a bit of work at this point, but you it would stop a hairy bear MC from being referred to as a twink. :D
Feedback noted, I'm working more to not have Ryan (the MC) being referred as sub or twink. Having terms assiciated with each portrait could be a huge undertaking, just imagine how much I should adjust for every NPC in the game. But I'll keep the idea in mind, I may come with a similar idea in time.

I can honestly say that that BDSM movie scene was my favourite part in the whole game thus far - it was very well written. Are there any plans for MC to potentially become a porn star, or at least get hired for more scenes for Mack, cos that felt really natural for a 'hotshot MC', and I can really see a dom MC making a name for himself in the town's porn industry (and for that matter, a sub MC too). I just hope it doesn't require romancing Mack to get it. I do really like Mack as a character, but there's the obvious clash with my dom MC in the bedroom that would get in the way, if you get what I mean. lol
I have good news for you. The first poll that will be put on patreon, will be the choice on the next storyline. There are two options, and it's a good time to reveal them:

1) Sex worker storyline, at Ursus Inc. Players with any attitude may sign up for this, and Mack Williams will be the love interest here. Even dom players will be able to romance Mack, he loves that attitude on men too.

2) Porn star storyline at Ursus Inc. Here, Ryan will sign for a Dom/Top position on Mack's porn movies. The love interest here is
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. I'll be telling more details for each one when I do the poll. One thing I must say: He's not easy to submit. At all.

OH! There's one other thing I wanted to ask. Can you tell me the name of the porn star you used for Howard (I think that's his name - the manager of the mall that you can have a threesome with Luke with?). He comes across as quite charismatic and invested in the clips in that scene and I'd really like to check him out.
Cole Connor. And he's really hot too.
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Reactions: Oliz82 and usernoro


New Member
Jul 22, 2021
I think Zedire has given you some great feedback from the perspective of someone who will be playing your game as a dom. I, like the majority of players (and in real life) play as a sub, but what attracted me to your game is that the characters are all big, masculine, and almost all are bears or daddies or both. So the way I envision the mc is more as a slightly younger version of all those older guys who maybe needs to level up a bit, but will eventually mature into one of them. Definitely not a twink and while I don't think it's inappropriate that some characters might throw that word around, I think my mc would take it as an insult.
  • Red Heart
Reactions: Rafster


Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
My original vision of Ryan (the MC) was a cub-like young man, on his 25-27, who will grow larger and stronger as his muscle skills develop over the game, but there are details that doesn't help me, like the portraits that show men way over that age, or some below that age, and deleting them at this point would be absurd. Another thing that maybe is breaking your immersion, is that some of the clips are with twinks (happens with some of the clips of Dalton or Mack. For example, the scene with the guard Trent on the mall happens with a twink). I apologize for those.

Now, I'm pretty liberal with the insults, I say a vast array of them during the game, maybe I should learn some new ones :LOL: :LOL: , even the "F" word, but I try to be careful with it. The only insults that really get to me, are the girly insults, like sissy, etc... those are precisely the ones that trigger Ryan (and me on some degree). But in the future I'll re-check the older sex scenes to see if I have insults that imply that the MC is a twink (no disrespect for the twinks, eh... hell, I'm so skinny that if I were younger I would be considered one).
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Active Member
Mar 15, 2021

There was some interesting things here recently so I wanted to participate though I'm not sure I'm legit for it (since I'm bi and versatile...).

I know, I should have ended in June, and I honestly apologize for that. I hope you like the conclusion of the story of JCS. I'm also doing the finishing touchs on the Patreon page and start testing the game from the very beginning before the update. The launch here is really close, soon this thread won't be necessary.

Thanks for following my project, and constant ramblings. See you next week, hopefully with good news.
There are some devs that continue posting in their dev log after launching their game so you're not forced to let this thread go to sleep. Well, the choice is yours.

I can see how that would be a bit difficult if it doesn't come naturally, although I have to say there have been some scenes where you've definitely done it justice, such as the scene where your MC has to stand in for a missing porn star in Mack's 'water torture' BDSM movie. That was hot af, and was actually the one time where I felt more than any other that you captured the dom 'voice' for a dom MC very well.
One thing I'm genuinely curious about. If you're naturally sub, and you have a tendency to write more in that direction, why did you choose to make 'Alpha guy' the recommended starting choice for the character, which points much more towards a physical/dom style character, but then lean more heavily into sub choices? I'll be honest, it felt a little odd because when I started out and saw that option I thought I'd be domming left-right-and-center, but then found a lot of the choices for scenes (when playing a pure dom and never touching any 'bottom' choices) only allowed my MC to get his cock sucked or something, which made those scenes feel kind of lacklustre and anti-climactic for me. Also, the amount of guys that talked to my 'Master' dom MC in a subby context or talked about how they were gonna fuck my ass, and referred to my MC as if he let the whole town fuck him (rather than being the one who did the fucking - and even then it hasn't been as much as he'd like lol) was a little immersion-breaking.

Actually, there were a couple of other things I found a little odd. Maybe they're bugs or things you're not aware of (or maybe you are). I'll mention them now but please keep in mind these are just my observations as things that stood out to me, and aren't a complete deal breaker for my playing experience, but they are a bit jarring and immersion-breaking to experience while playing.

The first was my non-twink looking character being referred to as a twink or saying he looked like one, or characters saying that they were surprised that a skinny/weak guy like me did so well in fighting (during the fight club matches) when my MC started out more buff than just about all of them, and when they referred to my character as such all of his skills were already maxed. lol.
Also, I understand you can't control which image the player chooses for their MC, but even the 'default' one (number 1) is a big bear of a guy (who honestly looks more like he's in his 30s than a 28 year old - in fact, there was a grey haired guy among the pictures and he didn't look 28 at all). And the overwhelming majority of choices for the picture to represent your characters are buff bears anyway. So yeah, it's a bit contradictory.
One thing you could do is associate certain values with different MC pictures, so that the game recognises an image of a big buff guy as such, and a more cute, twink-looking sort as something different, and then when you have NPC referring to your MC's appearance, call to those values and give the right description. That may be a bit of work at this point, but you it would stop a hairy bear MC from being referred to as a twink. :D
Feedback noted, I'm working more to not have Ryan (the MC) being referred as sub or twink. Having terms assiciated with each portrait could be a huge undertaking, just imagine how much I should adjust for every NPC in the game. But I'll keep the idea in mind, I may come with a similar idea in time.
While reading those messages, I think the best way to do it would be to base the reactions to the concerned stat.
What I'm saying is, when you reach a certain level of the right stat, the characters should react differently (that's what I was suggesting for the scene at the mall when you defend the women, the sex scene should more important if your cleaning skills are better and you chose the right option).
Then, for the dom/sub stat, your attitude should be known/felt by other characters like in the toilets of the mall (the pervy guys and the tucker know if you're a sub or a dom).
The same for the strength or combat skills, they should sense some sort of danger.
Well, you can continue with other stats like this.
I just hope I'm clear.

I can honestly say that that BDSM movie scene was my favourite part in the whole game thus far - it was very well written. Are there any plans for MC to potentially become a porn star, or at least get hired for more scenes for Mack, cos that felt really natural for a 'hotshot MC', and I can really see a dom MC making a name for himself in the town's porn industry (and for that matter, a sub MC too). I just hope it doesn't require romancing Mack to get it. I do really like Mack as a character, but there's the obvious clash with my dom MC in the bedroom that would get in the way, if you get what I mean. lol
I thought I tried everything in the game outside the sub content but I don't remember this one (meaning I missed some...).
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As for gay games, they are scarce and furthermore if you have to chose outside the furry and sissification ones (without talking about the ones with just one scene...). I'm so glad when I find a good gay game that I don't care if I'm dom or sub. And since I can't find bi games, I prefer trying gay games (het games are too much about big boobs/ass/dicks with incest with too little romance).

I don't mind the names/insult if it's consensual between the two parties or if it's a sex play (you play as the dom though you're a sub or you bottom though you'te a top...).

As for the appearance, I don't mind as long as it's not too extreme (too skinny for a twink or too chubby for a daddy or ... ; well you understand).

Also, what I really like in a game is making the character I like thanks to the stats (in that sense, Enchanted is wonderful), growing and unlocking content little by little.

It's been a while since I have that idea but, Raster, you should add the link to your itchio page in your signature (and your Patreon when it'll besome available).

Good continuation.
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New Member
Jul 22, 2021
My original vision of Ryan (the MC) was a cub-like young man, on his 25-27, who will grow larger and stronger as his muscle skills develop over the game, but there are details that doesn't help me, like the portraits that show men way over that age, or some below that age, and deleting them at this point would be absurd. Another thing that maybe is breaking your immersion, is that some of the clips are with twinks (happens with some of the clips of Dalton or Mack. For example, the scene with the guard Trent on the mall happens with a twink). I apologize for those.

Now, I'm pretty liberal with the insults, I say a vast array of them during the game, maybe I should learn some new ones :LOL: :LOL: , even the "F" word, but I try to be careful with it. The only insults that really get to me, are the girly insults, like sissy, etc... those are precisely the ones that trigger Ryan (and me on some degree). But in the future I'll re-check the older sex scenes to see if I have insults that imply that the MC is a twink (no disrespect for the twinks, eh... hell, I'm so skinny that if I were younger I would be considered one).
There's an inherent conflict at play for a masculine sub (which is what the mc is if you play as a sub) so it makes perfect sense that insults like sissy or being called a girl would trigger him. Usually takes a good bit of ones life to reconcile that, and the mc isn't fully mature so he's just not there.
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Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
It's 2:45 AM here... but it's time for the weekly report, especially now that we are close to the update.

Ending #2 (dark ending) for Dalton's storyline ready. It had a LOT of bugs that I haven't squashed yet, but I'm still in the process. After I manage to get it to work, I'll start Ending #1.

And, for a petition from a kind player on discord, I added to the left menu an option to advance time. You can advance the clock by 1-12 hours anywhere. Be careful because it may bug certain scenes and events.

That's it, sorry for not having more to report. Hopefully, I'll have better news next week, depending on how it goes with the other ending. See you next week!


Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
Hi everyone! time for the weekly report. Let's begin.

Ending #2 testing proved to be more difficult than I thought, took me two days to get it working, but now it's ready. I started with Ending #1 (the good ending) on Thursday last week, and I've been working on it non-stop. I only have to write the final sex scene with Dalton, and it will be ready for a run on Grammarly and bug testing like I did on Ending #2.

After I finish ending #1, I'll recheck the dialogues on the non-romance route. It doesn't have an ending or story missions, but I want to make sure that the dialogues make sense. Then, I have to update the walkthrough with all the new content, this probably will take me a couple of days. Finally I'll send the first build of the update to 2-3 testers, to see if they catch more bugs before the final release. I'll also have the Patreon page public by then. So next week will be an interesting one.

See you later, and thank you for being patient with me. The update will come soon.
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