HTML [Dev Log] Grizzly Grove [Gay][v 0.18e]

5.00 star(s) 2 Votes


Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
Uhmm, one tiny update: Today I uploaded the 0.18c version to . So yeah, now we have an online version to play (if anyone is on android/macosx or linux, please test it for me). The game is not indexed yet (meaning you can't find it on search) but it can be played.

I'm considering to launch it here too. It's stupid to have it on and not here, where the game has grown thanks to your feedback. So expect a game thread real soon. No patreon until I finish dalton's story though...that part of my plan is not moving.

EDIT: It seems it's already indexed. Heh, that was fast.
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Feb 20, 2018
Really been enjoying this game, glad to see it's getting updates! One thing I'm curious about is if you have plans to give uncle Sylas any nsfw content? I saw he has a friendship meter and you can call him, would love to see something saucy with him, maybe an "accidental" dick pic? Can't wait to see the future updates on this game!
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Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
Really been enjoying this game, glad to see it's getting updates! One thing I'm curious about is if you have plans to give uncle Sylas any nsfw content? I saw he has a friendship meter and you can call him, would love to see something saucy with him, maybe an "accidental" dick pic? Can't wait to see the future updates on this game!
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy the game! Yeah, I intended to make a daily call to him in order to raise his friendship and your social stat ... but that function was really bugged (I intended to implement it with dalton to raise a bit the romance points) so I have it on the backlog. The function will be implemented later.

Regarding Sylas...I don't know. I enjoy incest content as much as most of us BUT the kink is hard for me to write. When I planned the game a year ago, I thought on having a stepdad ready for that role (Sylas didn't even existed) but I couldn't get into it, it's one of the few kinks I'm not comfortable writing. And then there is, you know... patreon, so I'm afraid it's a no. There won't be any sex content with Sylas.

Maybe I can get back at that if I get more experience as a writer (I'm just a newbie, you must have noticed it on my awkward and weird writing style) but not anytime soon. When I'm not comfortable with a writing goes to hell. There is one sissification scene in the game (mandatory by story) , and took me a whole day to write it. To this day I hate how it is on the game, and any sissification fan would hang me if they read that scene. The same would happen if I tried incest.
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Feb 20, 2018
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy the game! Yeah, I intended to make a daily call to him in order to raise his friendship and your social stat ... but that function was really bugged (I intended to implement it with dalton to raise a bit the romance points) so I have it on the backlog. The function will be implemented later.

Regarding Sylas...I don't know. I enjoy incest content as much as most of us BUT the kink is hard for me to write. When I planned the game a year ago, I thought on having a stepdad ready for that role (Sylas didn't even existed) but I couldn't get into it, it's one of the few kinks I'm not comfortable writing. And then there is, you know... patreon, so I'm afraid it's a no. There won't be any sex content with Sylas.

Maybe I can get back at that if I get more experience as a writer (I'm just a newbie, you must have noticed it on my awkward and weird writing style) but not anytime soon. When I'm not comfortable with a writing goes to hell. There is one sissification scene in the game (mandatory by story) , and took me a whole day to write it. To this day I hate how it is on the game, and any sissification fan would hang me if they read that scene. The same would happen if I tried incest.
Fair enough, major respect for focusing on the story and quality of writing over forcing yourself to add kinks you don't think would mesh well! Looking forward to future updates! =D
  • Red Heart
Reactions: Rafster


Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
Update 0.18d: 04/08/2022

Just a hotfix to fix a critical error. The cheat password is the same as the 0.18 version (Go and look on the 0.18 notes).

Bug Fixes:
* Fixed a nasty bug that happens when you play on any resolution lower than 1280x1024. When the smartphone was opened, users cannot reach the back button even with the use of the scrollbars. Now the smartphone is operative on lower resolutions. This affected especially the mobile users.
* Fixed the discord button link.

Mega link (HTML file only):
Full files:

By the way, I've been thinking if I should launch the game here...and I decided to wait for 0.19 . If I released it here now, it would be the 0.18d version, and most of you already know it. I want to offer more content, something that makes you want to play it once I release it here.
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Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
Time for the weekly report, gentlemen.

The launch on took a good chunk of the week, almost 3 days, but now I'm happy, the game is reaching more people AND we finally have an online version! also, I had to dedicate a day to investigate and correct the smartphone bug on lower resolutions, it was a game-disrupting bug, and affected all the screens on the phone. I'm glad I managed to fix it.

Development wise, the remakes of the optional missions of lvl 2 on lvl 3 are ready and tested, and I'm on the middle of the third one, which is a completely new mission with a client you don't know yet. I guess I'll have it ready this week and I'll start with the regular daily missions of lvl 3. I'll keep you posted.

Back to the cave, and I better get my ass to writing. The game will not make by itself.


Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
You should request a game dev tag now. Come join the fun (and cage fighting :LOL:) in the private dev forum.
You can be sure as hell I will do. I haven't asked because well... the game is not out here officially. It will happen on the next update, and I'm requesting the dev tag immediately.

I mean, I could do the game thread now if I wanted, but I want to have more new content to accompany the launch. The community here has accompanied me all the way along since 2021, it's fair that they have new content to play.

I can't wait to get into the dev forum here :devilish:


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2017
You can be sure as hell I will do. I haven't asked because well... the game is not out here officially. It will happen on the next update, and I'm requesting the dev tag immediately.

I mean, I could do the game thread now if I wanted, but I want to have more new content to accompany the launch. The community here has accompanied me all the way along since 2021, it's fair that they have new content to play.

I can't wait to get into the dev forum here :devilish:
I'm pretty sure they will give you a dev tag as it is. You have the game available here and on itch.
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Reactions: Rafster


Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
Update 0.18e: 04/16/2022

Just a hotfix to fix a critical error. The cheat password is the same as the 0.18 version (Go and look on the 0.18 notes).

Bug Fixes:

  • The special mission at level 1 didn't trigger for most players, so now it doesn't depend on rng and you only need 40 job progress to get this job. The bad thing is, now it's mandatory to do it.
  • Fixed a couple of broken image links

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Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
Time for the weekly report.

There is not much to say, besides the bug fix (it was worrying me that many players got stuck at level 1 because the damn rng of the special mission) that took me an entire day, I'm just finishing the third and final optional mission. Yeah, I know, I should have finished by now but I barely finished the sex scene yesterday, and only for neutral attitude, I have yet to write the dom/sub versions. But it's nearly finished. And I'll be done with the optional stuff for good on this update.

Well, that's it. Sigh, I need to hurry my ass on this update


Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
Time for weekly report. Again (I'm getting repetitive, isn't it?)

Third optional mission finished. writing, coding AND testing were done, some bugs arise, but I managed to squash them (or at least I think so). Now I'm on the middle of the writing of the daily mission 1. Since it's related with the last optional mission, it doubled the dialogues I had planned...but I'm on it. The coding doesn't seem too complicated this time though.

EDIT: I forgot to add: thanks to the feedback of 0.18, daily missions will have a version of the first time you do them, and another when you repeat them. The dialogs will vary when you repeat it, so it doesn't feel like the groundhog day over and over.

Geez, this is taking longer than I thought and May is getting near...I'm afraid I'm not gonna make it for the planned deadline. Sigh. But I'll keep you posted if there is a delay, I won't be going radio silent like I did on the 0.17 update. Not again.


Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
Time for the weekly report that I almost missed to write.

I finally finished writing the job 1. It was quite a task, given that there are two versions (first time, and repeat) and those two splits on two more if you do or not the final optional mission. So I had to do 4 versions of the same job. Sigh... today I coded it and started to test it. Bugs everywhere, but I'm working on it. The second daily job will be started this week, I guess I should tone down my ambitions for this update or it will be up at 2024 if I keep this up.

Well, that's it. Sorry for the short report, I wish I had more to tell you guys. But at least this keeps you informed.


Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
Time for my weekly report! (What? I wouldn't forget it!)

This week I started the second daily job (currently on the first day version). This will contain a fight... but it's not a fight on the format I'm used to do. I've had 1vs1 and one 2vs1 fights... but this one was different so I had to remake the widgets that controls the fight UI (you know, the initial vs screen and the energy bars) to handle any combination (1vs3, 1vs2, 3vs1, etc... up to 4vs4) in the fights. Had to take 3 days to re-make it but now I'm happy with the results.

Then I started to write the daily job 2. The fight is done AND I wrote a brand new threesome just for this mission. The fight is optional, but believe me, the scene afterwards is hot. Of course, if you lose is game over, so don't lose please.

And I also spent some time planning the script for the future dom storyline. I'm getting all the "resources" right now. :oops:

Well, that's all. Back to the usual cave, see you next week


Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
Hey guys, it's me again. You won't get rid of me easily.

This week I spent two days testing the fight on the job 2 (lots of bugs arise), started and finished the writing, coding and testing of job 3, both versions. I feel that doing two versions on each daily job is more demanding than I initially thought But now only 3 more remain.

I also spent a day thinking and planning the concepts on the next two daily jobs (I'm not even sure about the last one though), and I'm ready to start writing tomorrow. I'm also thinking on reducing the scope of this update, to get it ready on june. This update is taking so long because it's special for me, it finally shapes the game as I envisioned it when I started. But it's taking too long, and I don't like that either.

So this week will be about job 4. Dom players will like it ;)

So, back to work. The game won't program by itself. Thank you for playing, and enduring my constant ramblings.


Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
Hi everyone! time for the weekly report

I'm still writing the daily job 4 of JCS. As I've said before, it's a dom centered mission (sub characters can complete it... but won't get to the sex scenes. The reverse will be true on the next one). It's a rather long sequence, at least for the first day version, the longest I've written, and the sex scene is also lengthy, with one kink I didn't include before (obviously, as per game's design, everything is perfectly avoidable before the scene starts). I'm taking my time, because I know that dom players don't get many scenes dedicated to them in the game and I want it to feel right. Heh, sub scenes are easier for me given I'm more as a sub guy. I have the half of the scene ready, but the other half is the sex encounter. I'm on it right now. Damn, I love writing the BDSM scenes.

As for what's next? after this one, the final daily job will be one for sub players, and I'll begin the romance/story missions for level 3. I decided to eliminate one daily job, so this level will only have 5.

Well, see you next week with more news.


Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
Time for more updates. This week was really hard for me to work in the game, but here I am, and believe it or not, we're going strong.

I was supposed to start the sub mission last week. But the script didn't convince me... at all, it felt like a cheap mission, almost like an afterthought... and even the BDSM scene didn't save it. It came to a point that writing it was painful.

So I totally discarded it.

Instead, I reworked the mission 4. Originally, it was supposed to have 1 BDSM scene and 1 vanilla scene for dom players. Now it has an entire dialogue tree just for sub players, and two new scenes, 1 vanilla and a BDSM one for sub players. Neutral players will only get the vanilla scenes, sorry. On the plus side, the vanilla ones give attitude points, so yeah, you can farm that mission for attitude points. Dom players still have it easy on this mission, especially if they got to Master. Neutral and sub players... will have to work a bit more on this mission, but I assure you, it's worth it. There will be a couple of kinks that are completely new on the BDSM scenes, but as always, they are optional. That's one of the main design features of this game, so more people can enjoy it.

Right now, I finished writing the non-sex part of the reworked mission 4, and I need to start writing 2 of the new sex scenes, and rewrite some parts of the 2 old ones. After that, I'll test the mission, and we'll have only 4 daily job missions. I'll probably add a placeholder job (no sex scene or many dialogues there) and that's it. I'll start the story and romance missions. And I have some good ideas for them :devilish:

Well, that's it, back to my cave. Thank you for keeping up with my constant ramblings.
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Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
Time for the report of this week. Every time I add a new report, it gets me more stressed that I don't have the update ready. But hey, at least people know that the game isn't dead.

Ok, let's get on the subject, because you're not here to read my ramblings (even though the entire game is just my ramblings with some sex added to the equation :LOL: ). The sub scenes of mission 4 are ready now. I had to take a couple of days to correct grammar mistakes (and I'm sure players will find more) and to test it. The mission was...buggy to say the least. Just like mission 1 and 2, mission 4, due to its content and ways to complete it, required many tests. That's what I get for trying to compress 2 missions on one. But by Friday I had it done. To summarize: On Mission 4 Dom players will get a BDSM secene and a dom-oriented vanilla scene, Sub players will also get a BDSM scene and a sub-oriented vanilla scene. Neutral players will have access to both vanilla scenes (but not the BDSM ones). One thing to note, is that you can farm attitude points from the vanilla scenes, so choose accordingly if you want to gain or lose attitude points.

And what's next? I thought about making a dummy fifth mission... turns out I had another idea I was storing for later, but decided to do it now. Mission 5 will be with an old client, with whom you didn't interact on level 1 and level 2, but this time he'll request a cleaning service from the protagonist. The twist here... the client is a trans men. Before everyone runs to the hills: remember that one core feature of this game is that every non-vanilla kink or sex encounter outside of story missions is optional, so you can complete the mission without even getting to the sex act selection menu. The sex encounter is pretty vanilla, but the player can choose to act as a dom, as a sub, or completely neutral with the client, to give more variety to the encounter.

The mission itself is not as complex as the previous 4, is pretty simple and should be easy to complete successfully. I have the non-sex part of the mission ready AND I will begin to write the sex scene tomorrow. It won't take long, unlike mission 4, this is one is pretty simple.

So that's it for this week, thank you for reading and following my game.


Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
It's the... time of the week isn't it? yeah, my weekly report!

The fifth and final daily job... errr... mission is ready, and tested. A couple of bugs emerged, but nothing serious. So I took a couple of days to order my ideas and plan how the romance and story missions will play on level 3.

Dalton's romance will not play like Garrett. There will be two romance missions (in case you started Dalton's romance) and two story missions that advance the plot of JCS and a final mission that will end both the romance and JCS storyline.

There are two possible ways: if you don't romance Dalton, the two story missions will play out, and then the final mission with specific endings for that path. And then we have the Dalton's romance path: There, the romance missions will alternate with the story missions, advancing the romance and JCS storyline altogether. And will end on the final mission where we'll see different endings depending on what choices you made on the story missions, and if you managed to get high enough on Dalton's romance progress. The only tip I can give you about Dalton's romance is that you must risk, a lot, the relationship in order to advance. One sign you're doing well is to see if you get romance points at the end of the mission. If you do, congrats, you were successful. If you beat the two romance missions successfuly, the landlord and daddy CEO of JCS is all yours.

At the moment, I'm halfway on the first romance mission. Unlike the previous missions, I won't spoil anything here ... or well, just a little: you'll learn a lot about the past of the protagonist here, so expect a bit of dialogue here. Sex wise? I'm not telling.

So, that's it. Back to work then. Thank you for reading.
5.00 star(s) 2 Votes