DEVELOPER, PAUSED !!! ... Why there's so many bad sex scene game ?

Your satisfy level to sex scene from games available in F95

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Game Developer
Jul 16, 2017
Seriously man, quit with the masculine posturing and dick measuring. be expected given the avatar...
a. Sex Scene - b. Story - c. Asset (3D model & Environment, Character appearance & clothing) d. Faster Release.
my ranking would be...: A: a unique story...B: graphics that match ( maps/pics/assets ) C: bug testing...( lately every release seems to have 3 to 4 bug-fix versions...a mistake is only human but that is well...too much) D: Sex scenes ( including build up and description that fit well into the game ) and in last place date of release...sometimes it's needs a little longer to be well done most prominent example being summertime saga.
My critics are legit, and people know that. Other who comment try to explain why it's happening also legit. We have good discussion in here to clear the air of the situation.
No one has a problem with you voicing your opinion but demanding graphical improvements using capital letters and rhetorical questions does not help to create a constructive environment for a discussion I mean look at your option for those who might think all is fine...not that I am one of them..there is always room for improvements on that we can agree...but after all the good arguments made in this thread it should be clear why no project is perfect and probably never will be. Aortta's game might be a flash of brilliance to you but it is also a good example that different people like different the end it is probably a good idea to...
calm down's adult games we are talking reason to take any of it that serious...


Game Developer
Sep 18, 2017
For me Porn game is a good way to get horny, so i don't really give a fuck about the sex scenes.
The industry of erotica movie is pretty much dead, porn games are ideal to replace it imo.
This is maybe the reason of why this community is so mature. (from what i've seen here)
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
So for me, sex scene is an important aspect, the key of porn games. But what the people think of the utmost important of porn games ? ... for the start, what do you think important the most ?

a. Sex Scene - b. Story - c. Asset (3D model & Environment, Character appearance & clothing) d. Faster Release.
For me, what really matter is the most difficult part, the writing. The story can lack of depth, the dialogs can lack of constancy, the CG be average, if the writing is good, I'll be hooked to the game. Just because, despite it's possible flaws, a good written game forms a coherent ensemble, and the radiating feelings achieve to build a bond between the player (at least me) and the game. It's the case by example for . The game can be better. The dialogs sometimes feel strange, the CG can have been more polished, but there's this little something in the writing which make you have feelings for the characters.
After this came the dialogs, too many games with a possibly interesting story fall because of totally unrealistic dialogs ; it's the case of . The CG are good, the story have potential, but the dialogs are so incredible that I can't find it interesting ; it feel like a fan fiction wrote by a 13 years old princess. It's also an example of bad writing. This moment where the main character send her sister out of the room because she'll remove her clothes... and let her sister enter again when she's with just her underwear. The author don't though deep enough about the whole scene. That the MC don't want to change in front of her sister, alright, but not in this particular case. They planed to sleep together, sharing the same bed, and just agreed, not reluctantly, that they'll sleep in their underwear. So, no, in real life you'll not send your sister out of the room while you just remove your shirt and skirt.
Then come the accuracy between the CG and the scene, but not necessarily in a "realistic" way. I prefer a game with average CG, but where the pictures are part of the action and their details tell you something, than a story with amazing CG but which are just like painting used to justify the "visual" in "visual novel". Take , by example. The 3D can be better, but there's a scene where you know exactly what one of the character think, just by looking at her eyes. The eyes... This and the mouth, are the most forgot parts of the body. Whatever the character is happy, ashamed, frustrated, angry, or whatever else, they are always looking right in front of them... And when the mouth change, most of the time it's on the portrait, not on the scene itself. At least with 3D CG, when it come to 2D, there's more use of these two parts which tell so many thing about the situation.
And finally come the CG, whatever 3D or 2D. But if good CG can make me like an average game, they need to be really bad to make me dislike a good game. I'm here to use my brain, if I just wanted to fap, there's tons of porn movies, porn comics, and fast fapping flash games around there. No, if I play an adult game, whatever it's a porn one or an erotic one, it's for something else. And just good CG can't give it to me.
All this said, it's my preferences. I know that there's people who put the story in first place, other need good dialogs. It's a question of personal taste and it depend of the reason you play such games. For the same reason, I fully understand that, because of your past, a good CG with realistic scenes can be, for you, the "something else" I talked about.

Benn Swagger

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2016
No your critiques have been refuted time and time again by the numerous people ...
True true ...
I do like to push my idea to the limit so people can give their perfect answer to refute it with smart/checkmate answer so it would convince me about the whole situation.

Benn Swagger

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2016
For me, what really matter is the most difficult part, the writing...
This actually correlated with what I pointed. Some developer skipped, of what I called it, "In-Between" scene. It is happen with dialog writing too. I understand the lining of conversation should be proportional or else player confuse with what happen/developer-intention to the scene. The unsatisfying sex scene which make me usually ragequit is the same thing. 1 or 2 or probably 5 hours grinding or following the story and what I get usually a scene with lack in-between images and/or lack of sex talk too.

There's a lot of 2D Jap games that I've played. It usually only 2~6 sex images. Start pose, "moving" pose, finish pose. It's true this sex talk have much power to deliver satisfying content. Writing skill indeed a must have in delivering a good game, both in normal and in sex scene. And probably this is the main case of the problem that I've tried to find.

Benn Swagger

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2016
I mean look at your option for those who might think all is fine
Oh damn ... I've been here since 2016 and sweeping these games, to think it would be possible. :FeelsGoodMan:
Well too late though, add it will delete all vote count. Anyway, the poll mean not only for me, but for all current and future developer to see the people trend and thought about the important of the said title.


Game Developer
May 18, 2017
Some people play Japanese games without translation. Perhaps these games have a very good story:test:
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Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Some people play Japanese games without translation. Perhaps these games have a very good story:test:
That seems like a lot of work when you could just rip the cg. Or go to like, gelbooru and find it all there.


Game Developer
May 18, 2017
That seems like a lot of work when you could just rip the cg. Or go to like, gelbooru and find it all there.
If stuck it is ok.
A player can imagine his own story in his head. This also works if the game has a bad translation:eazyHype::teary:

Squark ⚧❤️

Conversation Conqueror
Jun 16, 2017
A load of bashing with no realistic solutions to any problems
There. Everything you've said in this thread condensed.

To further elucidate, you're airing your grievances here rather than in the threads for games that most offend your sensibilities. That is called nullifying your own argument. Stop grandstanding and talk to the developers themselves.
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Jun 10, 2017
The quality of the sex scenes in games has never stuck out as especially bad in the sense that most other aspects (story, characters, dialogue, etc) are usually worse. Then again, it's porn--I'm not really expecting much more. Most of the time, I'm only interested in the setup: I'll happily fast-forward through the dialogue and sex scenes. The game is just a springboard for me to imagine the rest.

In any case, I don't think a well-choreographed sex scene would add much. Imagine someone telling you about their bike ride during their recent vacation. A few choice details like the locale, the weather, and interesting sights should be enough for you to imagine yourself there based on your own cycling experience. Giving a right-peddle-after-the-left rundown of the mechanics of cycling is unnecessary.

Btw, is "Developer, Paused" a reference to "Girl, interrupted"? If so, what's the connection?

Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
I do not agree... Currently i'm creating an Adult Visual Novel, that is my aim. It's not a porn game. It will have nude/porn scenes in it, yes.
Personally it's about innocence, suspense and the tease/wait for the sexual act. If it's still images then it's fine, it's more about the... ah finally he gets the girl or she gets the girl etc... If the animation is short and well timed or place i'm all in. The camera angles and lighting is very important. Dreams of Desires has this down to a tee... I also love his DOF he uses.

I think you are ranting cause you are bored with sex games. As many have said, do not play a game you find shitty. I think you'll find you only have a few games you actually like and will probably get bored of them sooner or later.

To test a theory, play a game you find ok when you are horny and then play the same game when you are not. See how you feel about it then.

My point is, if you can't create a better & satisfying sex scene, don't became porn games developer, simple as that. Porn Games = Sex Scene.

Benn Swagger

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2016
There. Everything you've said in this thread condensed.

To further elucidate, you're airing your grievances here rather than in the threads for games that most offend your sensibilities. That is called nullifying your own argument. Stop grandstanding and talk to the developers themselves.
The point of this is to gather developer and prove their point, refute my idealist and solve the trend. If I'm going one by one, not only it's tiring, I have to met with their white knight. If you follow the posting, it's heat yet we try to find the common ground. Also I'm not grandstanding, I felt the bitter of real life too much when my effort lack on something in professional world. I hope you understand where my idealist came from. I just want the professional attitude brought to this developer community. Whereas if the developer already use their 100% effort or not, I don't know, that's why I'm make this thread.

Benn Swagger

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2016
I do not agree...
In the gaming world, each year, release a game or more that getting praised by the community world wide. The praised game became the new standard of quality, for example GTA5 as standard of open world games in 2013. Then comes the Witcher 3 in 2015 as the new standard. Then currently Zelda Breath of the Wild in 2017. So I have my own preference of what games that set as minimal standard to each genre. VN ... this game, Sand Box/Open World/Sim game ... that game. Each people had different preference but 1 think for sure, guaranteed that games is good.

When I'm making this thread, I was shocked that, from my perspective ... why there's a lot of games that not use those awesome games as their minimal standard. If you make VN, you know what VN games that you find it's super awesome, so you make that games as your own game minimum quality. And so on and on.

As OP, I'm not criticize on new released game. One is lack of content to be play & review. Two is the developer could be new to the developing process so quality can be said wont be perfect yet. But then when you're passing 6 months, for 6 update version release and more ... some of these games had increased in quality but there's others are lacking even became like rushed release.

In my point of view, Sex Scene was the peak of the moment. If the story of rapist, how can the dev make a really terrifying rape scene. If it romance story, how the dev can make a really good romance sex scene.

But again, I have to ask to everyone ... What is the peak moment from a porn game (of any genre) in your point of view ?

For example, a Detective story peak moment was when the hero uncover the story ... and it can be double peak with plot twist. A romance movie peak moment was when the couple finally getting together after a series of build up story full of obstacle. For porn games ?


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
But again, I have to ask to everyone ... What is the peak moment from a porn game (of any genre) in your point of view ?
Thats the wrong question. No matter how great your climax it matters not if you don't have a great prologue and rising action to lead to it. If you want a game with a story then you have to accept that story should come first. The art could be better in most games, you'll not find an argument there. What is the problem that we are running into is the limitations of our status as indie developers. With time and money to develop a game, we could create an industry standard for the art. However, because the art in most of these games is made by a single person with a day job and an average system there's only so much that we can do.

Celebrate the great, let the less great fall away. Nothing you say in this thread is going to reach the artists personally. Most of them aren't even here. Those that are are usually contained to their game's thread. There are a handful of devs that are more active in the overall community, but they are far and few between. Hell, even on the Developers Hub, a place where a bunch of us are there to share ideas and ask for help when we can't quite get something the way we think it should look, only about 20% of us are active.

Devs like Palmer, Faerin, GDS, LewdLab, Ptolemy, are almost never on. The reason I bring this up is to reiterate to you, your message isn't going to the right place. If you want to tell a developer that their art could be better, you have to tell them personally. If you want to improve the community overall, you either have to go to each dev, or you need to create on your own. I have a problem with the story in most games. As a result I'm creating 2 games, both in my personal favorite categories, with what I feel is better writing than the normal fare. That is how I plan to change the community.