I'm really enjoying this game! It has a few minor issues, but overall the package is pretty great. The puzzles require you to actually put in a little effort, but aren't ridiculously hard to figure out in any way. The girls are cute, and there's a good amount of sex unlocked even by the time you finish the first case. The story is fairly unique, and manages to keep my interest, while the cases serve as a modest challenge.
As for issues, they're ones I can overlook pretty easily. The MC can be difficult sometimes, swinging from complete idiot to Sherlock Holmes at the snap of a finger. If this was the intention, then by all means it's fine, but if not, then maybe a small rework on the dialogue is in order. Second issue worth mentioning would be the skill points, I feel like they're not used enough in the current build. Of the tests I've seen, I've seen most of them be for the charismatic, and only one for the intelligent. So far, going almost to the end of the second case, I have yet to see a single physical skill check. (Except maybe with Moe, might have missed it there.) My suggestion would be to reduce the amount of skill points gained from the starting choice, and give us a means to raise the points reliably. Throw in some more tests here and there, and maybe tie our money making scheme to our points. (Int solves crimes online, Charisma busks, Strength works as a bouncer, ect)
I look forward to seeing where DA goes from here, definitely keeping an eye on it.