VN Ren'Py Abandoned Deviant Desires [v0.5] [PingPanda]

2.30 star(s) 17 Votes

Bobber Tail

Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2017
Can't open on my computer (Mac). I tried double-clicking on the Part 1 .rar, which only opened into one app package. (This didn't seem to automatically incorporate Part 2, as some people have claimed.) Double-clicking on the Part 2 .rar just creates another app package with an identical name and similar folder structure of renpy files. Neither app can be launched.

If there's this much headache on a Mac, must be really bad for those with a PC.
Generally, when I have a 2 part or more download, I highlight ALL parts, right-click (on PC) and select 7-zip to the named folder option. It works fine on Zip and RAR.


May 28, 2017
This has to be one of the slowest-moving titles I’ve ever seen. It’s been eight months and you’ve gotten to version 0.1 BETA. Holy Christ, even if you have two part-time jobs to pay rent, what kind of time is actually being spent on this thing?

“Well, terror, it’s actually a reboot-“

Yeah, that doesn’t make it any better. I checked that thread too; Family Matters made it to version 0.3 between August to December, meaning the entirety of this game’s development has taken a full year, got halted and restarted after four months, at which point it slowed WAAAAAY the hell down and started to become really bloated in the process.

Did the reins switch hands or something? I’m just trying to understand. Like this game HAS potential, but it’s not progressing at any sort of normal or ideal rate. That’s both disappointing and peak compliment for the dev - we DO want more, we just wanna know what’s going on.
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Bobber Tail

Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2017
This has to be one of the slowest-moving titles I’ve ever seen. It’s been eight months and you’ve gotten to version 0.1 BETA. Holy Christ, even if you have two part-time jobs to pay rent, what kind of time is actually being spent on this thing?

“Well, terror, it’s actually a reboot-“

Yeah, that doesn’t make it any better. I checked that thread too; Family Matters made it to version 0.3 between August to December, meaning the entirety of this game’s development has taken a full year, got halted and restarted after four months, at which point it slowed WAAAAAY the hell down and started to become really bloated in the process.

Did the reins switch hands or something? I’m just trying to understand. Like this game HAS potential, but it’s not progressing at any sort of normal or ideal rate. That’s both disappointing and peak compliment for the dev - we DO want more, we just wanna know what’s going on.
I am unsure, but if Dev was novice it makes sense, one learns from their mistakes. They may not have really took it seriously at first, then it caught on, then the issues with incest, then tech changes...I could see your complaint if this was a 20 year vet that just didn't try.


May 28, 2017
I am unsure, but if Dev was novice it makes sense, one learns from their mistakes. They may not have really took it seriously at first, then it caught on, then the issues with incest, then tech changes...I could see your complaint if this was a 20 year vet that just didn't try.
That’s fair... but literally hundreds of devs are coming out of the woodwork, grabbing Ren’Py, learning the system and cranking out games at a relatively consistent pace with no coding experience. Sure, most of them are crap, but progress gets made. (God, if I had a nickel for every “this is my first adult game, hope you like it lol <3” that I saw, i’d have enough money to beat myself senseless with a sock full of nickels)

All that said, I wish the dev all the best. That little sister makes it a bearable wait, but I’m a relatively patient guy these days.


Game Developer
Aug 17, 2017
This has to be one of the slowest-moving titles I’ve ever seen. It’s been eight months and you’ve gotten to version 0.1 BETA. Holy Christ, even if you have two part-time jobs to pay rent, what kind of time is actually being spent on this thing?

“Well, terror, it’s actually a reboot-“

Yeah, that doesn’t make it any better. I checked that thread too; Family Matters made it to version 0.3 between August to December, meaning the entirety of this game’s development has taken a full year, got halted and restarted after four months, at which point it slowed WAAAAAY the hell down and started to become really bloated in the process.

Did the reins switch hands or something? I’m just trying to understand. Like this game HAS potential, but it’s not progressing at any sort of normal or ideal rate. That’s both disappointing and peak compliment for the dev - we DO want more, we just wanna know what’s going on.
Just wanted to address a few things here.

1) This game has not been 8 months in production, it's been 6, 2 of which were wasted simply because I got to a point i wasn't happy with, if I'm not happy with the game I won't continue with it, simple as that, the old renders looked shit, the code was a mess and it needed a rework.
2) I've been working on this version for the past 3 month, not just what you see however, I've also been working on the script for v0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 ( may have a little left over for a 0.6...not sure ).
3 ) "at which point it slowed WAAAAAY the hell down" - "even if you have two part-time jobs to pay rent" before you go shouting your mouth about I HIGHLY suggest you do some research. (1) I currently do work a part time job, Saturday and Sunday, 8pm till 8am ( not sure if that technically counts as a part time job as I do 24 hours but...yeah, only 2 days so I count it as one ). (2) in November of 2017 my Dad had a heart attack which caused him to go paralyzed down one side, due to this I had to quit ( my at the time ) full time job and move out of my house and move back into my Dad's house. I spend my Monday-Friday looking after my Dad from around 7-8-9am ( depending on when he wakes up ) till around 9-10-11pm when he goes to bed. Then I spend the next 4 hours working on the game, that time is spent writing the script and setting up renders that I leave to render throughout the day/night.

I don't want to come across as a dick here by saying this shit, but people on here only see the "incest game with a sexy daughter" and never think that the people working on those have actual lives with actual problems.

I've never told anyone on here or on my patreon what I spend my time on for obvious reasons, I over exert myself on a daily basis and wouldn't have it any other way, but it seems latley all I'm doing it for is for people to bitch and moan at me.

Yes, production is slow and yes, there's not a lot of content, but I'm chopping out as much as I can, I'm only human with human problems, we don't all need to bitch at each other, the world is shitty enough without that.

Don't get me wrong, I ain't bitching at you or any one individual, it just need to get some shit off my chest.

Therapy ain't doing shit, so fuck it, F95 will have to do.


New Member
May 31, 2018
Yeah... not the longest content, but completely respect the fact you wanted to get it right.... and you have so far. A few minor critiques here or there, but overall, really nice...Thanks


Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 7, 2018
So the Hidden Place from Amy for the Laptop, where is it? or the pass?
idk why, but i dont see this girl, just one time at the start, so everyday out?


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2017
Ok, Sis Laptop password is „GymFreak09“. When i type it ... and then? I can’t see any content of her Lap. Enter or click on the screen closed the Lap.


Game Developer
Aug 17, 2017
Ok, Sis Laptop password is „GymFreak09“. When i type it ... and then? I can’t see any content of her Lap. Enter or click on the screen closed the Lap.
What do you see when you enter her password? take a screenshot?


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2017
There are no folders on laptop screen. Only red screen. Space for password, picture of sis and the hint "Click anywhere in the red to close!" And there is no change after typing the password.
One moment, i´ve typed the space bar after password and then Enter... now i saw her naked... yeah... nice!


Let's Talk - Where We Going...
Aug 3 at 3:55pm
I wanted to have a little talk with you guys just so you know what's going on and where we're going with the game and also where we're currently at with the game.
First off, I wanted to say that over the past few months I've not been happy with where the game was at, this led to countless reworks and remakes of certain things.

I just wanted to put your minds at rest that the reworks/remakes are now OVER! there will be no more rework, there may be here and there, but that's only if the extension of a certain scene requires it.

As I've said before, I'm very happy with where the game is at now, although some of you may feel time has been wasted I disagree, getting the game to where it's at now was vital work and will allow me to move forward at a much faster rate.

The only thing right now that is slowing me down is my computer, within time I hope to get a 2nd and 3rd 1050ti in my machine which will hopefully double my render times ( at the moment it takes me 2 hours to do 1 image, which is annoying as balls ).

I hope within the new year I'll also be able to get a 2nd machine up and running which again will further the amount of renders I can do in a day and also allow me to work on multiple projects.

I've said in the past that I do want to start working on Family Matters again as it's what started me and it's what people still love, I do still plan on working on some kind of rework/reboot of the game with different characters and I did plan on doing it after the release of Deviant Desires v0.1, however, I feel this would be unwise for me to do simply because I don't have the rendering time to do both projects.

Perhaps when I get more GPU power in this machine or alternatively a 2nd machine, I could start on the FM reboot, but for now, it's just not a wise idea as production of DD would ultimately suffer.

What's Happening Going Forward...
I also wanted to talk a little about what'll be happening going forward with DD and what plans I have for each character as there has been some discussion over on F95 about how DD feels like a copy of MOTH ( Man of the House ).

The first thing people say is that the house is a copy of his house...of course it is, it's a daz asset, Faerin doesn't own that asset and cannot stop other devs from using it, although, out of kindness to him I did message him before starting production on DD to ask if he'd be okay with me using it, he said as he doesn't own the asset he cannot stop me so go right ahead and knowing he didn't own the asset, if he had of said no I wouldn't of used it out of respect to him, he did not say no though so I did use the daz asset. I tried to alter it as much as possible but a house is still a house.

The second thing people tend to have an issue with is helping Amanda with her homework simply because MOTH has the same scenario. Best I can say about this is Amanda goes to it's an obvious thing to have Mc help with her homework...would should I do? she goes to school so MC helps her with her singing?, makes no sense, every school girl has homework...simple. To that end though, the homework scene within DD will be a lot different from MOTH simply because ( as you may know ) the game offers both a love and domination route which I plan to add into every event, which means you'll be able to help her with her homework or help sabotage her homework and give her false information and eventually leading to a blackmail type scenario.

The third thing people have an issue with is Amy going to the gym and working at a secret nightclub. The first thing I want to say about this is i literally haven't played MOTH in around 7-8 month and totally forgot about his character working in a night club simply because when I last played it, it was just being introduced. That being said, Amy's gym events and work events will be masisvly different to MOTH simply because ( from what I could tell last time I played ), MOTH has her go to the gym and that is it...there's no story behind it, where with Amy there will be a whole reason as to why she's going to the gym, why she's suddenly become a gym freak and why she's doing what she's doing, obviously don't want to give to much away on that though. And as for her "secret job working in a club", that is just something Amanda says to Christine during dinner, Amanda doesn't actually know where Amy works, it's just something she has heard, if you go on Amy's laptop you'll see she has 3 emails, 1 from Sex World, 1 from Panda Bank and another from a place called Bunny Lounge, that Bunny Lounge is where she works and based off of the name...doesn't sound like a night club...or does it...I'm not sure actually, i'm not much of a clubber, lol. But basically, it's not a club, it's more of a...gentleman club...but like, minus the club ¬.¬ it's just not a club club basically.

I also want to talk a little about what's happening going forward.

I already have the script for v0.2-0.5 and somewhat know what I'll be doing with each update, that being said, this may change depending on your thoughts.

Basically, once I'm at around 0.3 and I'm happy with the length of some characters story's, I'll be changing the way I do updates and instead do what Summertime Saga does and leave each updates content down to a poll.

Basically, patrons will be able to vote on who's story we work on for that update and if say Christine is selected, I'll work 80% on her story and 5% on say Amanda, 5% on Amy, 5% on Sarah and then 5% either split to other characters or game features.

I also just wanted to thank everyone who's stuck by me and understand what it is I'm trying to achieve.

One this you should know about me is I'll never give up, I may change my mind or a story, but I won't give up and the bigger picture.


Active Member
Jun 30, 2018
Will you bring back all characters from previous 0.4 version, like blond cousin from Aunt house ??


Game Developer
Aug 17, 2017
Will you bring back all characters from previous 0.4 version, like blond cousin from Aunt house ??
The blonde cousin will be making a return as soon as I've made Aunt's house an actual house, not sure when that'll be though, either the next release or the release after that.


The Crawling Chaos, Bringer of Strange Joy
Oct 23, 2016
So he remade his first attempt at deviant desires into family matters. Which took the Visual Novel approach and instead turned into another grindy "sandbox" game.

Then people told him that it was worse than before and so he started reworking it.... It became Deviant Desires again in name, still features the same senseless grind and apart from one event with the aunt, there's nothing more.

I have no idea what he did all those months and what he was talking about in all those posts he made on his patreon about how far progressed the story was with which girl.

So disappointing.
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2.30 star(s) 17 Votes