you know now that i think about it the most disappointing part its not that your "choices" often are ohh so very far removed from the out come (play basket ball, get raped)..its that there was no follow up choose like with some of the other scenes, for example "beach" leads to the OPTION to play volleyball, witch can lead down a sports path or a lesbian path, but its wasn't a binary choice of, go to beach, get lesbian. you had the option to simply say no and go home. but that secondary choice was not given when it came to basketball, when you pick basketball there is no indication of whats to come and no way out of the outcome, other then playing the scene and seeing what happens....
now im no game dev but this is how i would have done it
you chose to go play basketball, your friend stops you and tells you about the hustlers. you get 3 options go see the two guys, play at a different court(gain sport skill) or go home
is you pick to go see the hustlers the inform you that the bet is $200 or rape. you get another 3 options a take the best , lose and get raped(i mean honestly i know teenagers in real life can be dumb but who in their right mind thought a couple of teen girls had any chance vs grown men, hustlers at that, your friend is stupid for asking and your character is stupid for accepting) option b change the bet to be for money only, lose the game, lose some money. or c realize you have 0 chance of beating them and just walk away.
it really bothers me when the game says its all about choice, but said choices are a lie, and arbitrary. im not asking for a path out from every scene, like duh you go to a guys house something could happen, duhhh going to a sleazy bar is a bad idea. but as a player it is very clear what choosing either of those options could lead to...walking down a back alley at know whats coming...but it would be nice if there wasnt the surprise could i have possibly have guessed that playing basketball could lead to rape? its so detached it feels like a player trap, like no one would have been able to foresee the outcome from simply picking "basket"....
its more sad then anything that you gave us so many choose except for the ones that matter and that huts the overall quality of the game. or at least have the outcome at LEAST remotely match the choice (basketball equal small sports gain) or (sleazy bar equals raped by patrons). imagine playing the sims, and you join the medical profession and this leads you to becoming a race car driver....thats how jarring the "basket" choice is...
so to anyone still reading this USE the walk thru cuz any one of the choices could lead to and random outcome to the point that the choices are meaningless