the game has great art but those silly designers make it unbearable.They could simplify it but they didn't.Now I had to click again and again for walking in the damn house.What a dick !
Sadly when Inusen feels like it, he's not consistent with his updates.more granny pls, and when is next update?
two years later and this helped me, thixboys i got it, go to the CAKE SHOP and talk to the 2 POLICEMAN you must click each 1 policeman to talk then go home youll see bertalan ^^ View attachment 1785093
Did you find out how to build the wall?how to do the build de hall of the king mission of If you do?
Do you know how to build the hall of kings in If you do game ?For anyone having trouble with the Anvil Riddle
I know I've asked this before, but is there a reason there are no walkthroughs (that I can see) for says 17-21?
I also had an issue on day 4 (yes, I just started playing) where the game froze 9animations still running but nothing to click) where after getting the dog food and the can opener I fed the dog and then it just froze with the 'mother' sitting at the table eating cereal...could not get out of that and I thought I could wait it out, but no, it just went on and on, so, back to start of day for me...
much appreciated....any idea about the scene on day 4 where the game hangs up?
much appreciated....any idea about the scene on day 4 where the game hangs up?
I jut tried things in a different order and it was quite happy with granny eating in the kitchen, but as soon as the mother came in it's all hung up again (waited 15 minutes and it's the same)
.....what is the 'green box' mentioned in the walkthrough?
OK, I guess that's it for me then. Even trying to follow the walkthrough to the letter (not possible) every time I go to the kitchen I get the game hanging up with no way to exit the kitchen or do anything, this time it was just the grandma eating and the mother not there (she was completely missing from the house), so I fed the dog and that was it, end of story. Attached is my save before buying the opener (I think) would be interested if anyone else gets the same issue, or even why it happens
Since no one seems to be answering the Day 4 Kitchen glitch, you have to reload an old save and make sure the only things left on your task list are feed FiFi and go to Uni. If there is ANYTHING left on the list, it will glitch and the arrow will vanish, trapping you in the kitchen for all eternity.