Discussion: Why people do not like NTR in games?


Nov 30, 2021
ne's own experience can also affect how they respond to certain content. Someone who have experienced betrayal in relationships may feel very sensitive to the NTR theme and choose to avoid it because it triggers unpleasant memories or emotional trauma.

"Stres Emosional: Stories in the NTR genre are often full of emotional conflict, worries, and tension between the characters. For some people, watching or reading about such conflicts can cause unwanted emotional stress, so they choose to avoid the genre."


Sep 30, 2017
As someone who has had the thought "why is NTR so prevalent, I feel like I see a lot of it" a fair amount, I'll give ya my 2 cents on why I don't like it.

Game, video, doujin, web-comic, or novel, most points of a story are for the person reading/listening/playing to in some way relate or project themselves onto the main character (MC) in order to enjoy the content more in depth; you experience the struggles, triumphs, and falls together with the character while typically being shown their thoughts and feelings on a matter to better connect yourself with said character, as such, a majority of people would play a Netorare game putting themselves in the MC's shoes, so to speak. Now, regardless of how much one can separate themselves from the content, previous experiences or principles will taint your enjoyment of said fetish, if you simply cannot abide the thought of someone taking your girl, then of course you aren't going to like a story including that theme, same goes for straight guys coming across gay content, or people opposed to loli for loli content, same still for people (from whom I've come across) actually with siblings being opposed to incest. NTR is typically a shortened form of Netorare even though there are many other terms it also encompasses, as someone has provided the definitions by way of a very helpful graphic, I won't get too into those here, but keep in mind those who don't want what is "theirs" taken from them then it's definitely not a fetish they'll like, IMO that includes them kissing the other party, not just sexual acts.
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I can't remember if F95 does it but I do remember a site that separated the 2 by NTR for netorare and cheating for netori, at the very least if F95 does do it then there've definitely been a few mistagged entries. I know several games have had the meta option to just remove it entirely by cutting out the related scenes referencing, hinting or showing the act of being cheated on. Like most people the tags themselves are there for informing you of what is in the game so you could just blacklist the tag all-together, but that fails to filter in the games that have the toggleable option. I don't mind that so much myself as I'm one of those that does blacklist the NTR tag when searching for games.

I am one of those that simply cannot abide what is "mine" being taken. We could look at how accepted harem stuff is as a fetish, many people will accept a man having many women and the fetish itself implies a fair amount of men desiring the situation, however a woman having many men is less accepted, men do not want to compete against each other or share a woman, they would believe what is "theirs" is being taken, or defiled by another man. We can go into what anyone personally believes a relationship is to elaborate on why people dislike NTR, but for me, it's a mutual commitment, an exclusivity contract, an understanding we will only romantically and sexually be each others; to cheat while in said commitment is to breach it, to violate the trust, to cause suspicion of every situation that was even remotely "off". "How long was it going on, with how many others involved, when did they lose interest, what caused it, why did they do it instead of bringing up whatever issue they had that one could try and fix, were they only after money, was the one they were cheating on a 'stable back-up', why not break up before doing it? Why not break up before doing it?" The situation calls forth near every insecurity you could have towards the front of your mind as well as rage and disgust. Some people enjoy that feeling, I don't know why, but they do. Ironically enough, it's not the cheating itself which is the turnoff for me, as I'm mostly ok with netori, meaning I am alright with taking what isn't mine, but can't stand losing something that's supposed to be mine, which could be the whole point here. in a game sense, I was told, given, and shown that something is mine, yet it gets stolen or defiled by some goblin, typically without a way to get it back, and losing it, especially without receiving something beneficial, was the whole point of the story, of course I'm gonna be pissed.

Another, more shallow reason I dislike Netorare is mainly the common character design used for the bulls: spikey blond hair, tanned skin, shit eating grin, or just a fat old dude with a huge dick. Even for some of the Netori stories where you *are* Netorare-ing someone else and the MC is portrayed as one of the 2 or the story entails the perspective of the guy getting cucked with short asides or what-not and you can tell they have genuine feeling for one another I get turned off from the rest of the story, I just drop it outright.

Ok. Let's say you see some hot pic, regular "guy banging girl" stuff. You see it for the first time, you know nothing else about that pic, you are aroused. Then, suddenly, I say "hey, that's NTR pic from the "insert name" game". Would you immediately lose interest for the sex pic, when you find out it's NTR?
Or is it backwards? Let's say I have a folder of sex pics that would be hot without any context, but you would be magically not aroused because I say beforehand "it's all NTR"?
Or "it's OK, because we didn't meet MC anyway in this case."?
Funnily enough there have been situations where I've enjoyed standalone pictures on pixiv or sankaku where after I had gotten into whatever series they were from I couldn't enjoy them anymore because I had cemented in my head that that character should be for only the MC of that series. So in a way, yes, so long as the information that it's NTR isn't known or that knowledge of the subject prior doesn't exist then simply knowing "that girl is cheating, she belongs to someone else" can be a complete turnoff for people. I have seen great art for stuff that I adored and yet when I found out it was from an NTR game or series then I just dropped looking into it further.

I have spoken to people who have told me I'm just viewing it the wrong way, that I'm supposed to identify as or project onto the bull in the story. I can't say that I am able to do that, you show me a guy in porn that acts like an ass or has nefarious intent, I'll label him as the antagonist, I won't be able to put myself in his shoes, especially when we've likely already been introduced to the MC/the guy getting cucked. Porn is an extreme side to escapism, you submerge yourself in all these fantasies and fetishes that would otherwise be so unthinkable to even attempt, all of this just to sate whatever deep taboo desire you might be even slightly curious in, people will still hold to some of their principles even while indulging fantasies. " oh what about rape then", alright, let me clarify that you'll still take the general story or setting into account and they'll weigh on your decisions. If you're a bandit of course you're going to pillage, you are still a character after all, your principles can bend to fit a story.

I'm sure I've probably contradicted myself once or twice in this fucking essay but that in itself is human nature, we are contradictory creatures, hypocrites, 2 sides of the same coin. There are so many situations that are dependent on surrounding information, so many conditions that need to be ticked or unticked for a person to say yay or nay to something, ideals or principles that can bend or even break just because of personal feelings towards a person or group yet will be firm as steel when concerning a stranger. I can't stand someone cheating on me but I'm fine with someone cheating with me so long as I don't have even a passing relation with who they're cheating on and there's a valid reason for it such as abuse or neglect, some white knighty reasons I know, but I need a valid reason, something that makes me think it's logical to even consider cheating as something ok however I still won't do it if it's a buddies girl. We all have our priorities, from what it looks like, you prioritize how good the art is over the story to the point of disregarding it entirely.


Sep 30, 2017
As someone who has had the thought "why is NTR so prevalent, I feel like I see a lot of it" a fair amount, I'll give ya my 2 cents on why I don't like it.

Game, video, doujin, web-comic, or novel, most points of a story are for the person reading/listening/playing to in some way relate or project themselves onto the main character (MC) in order to enjoy the content more in depth; you experience the struggles, triumphs, and falls together with the character while typically being shown their thoughts and feelings on a matter to better connect yourself with said character, as such, a majority of people would play a Netorare game putting themselves in the MC's shoes, so to speak. Now, regardless of how much one can separate themselves from the content, previous experiences or principles will taint your enjoyment of said fetish, if you simply cannot abide the thought of someone taking your girl, then of course you aren't going to like a story including that theme, same goes for straight guys coming across gay content, or people opposed to loli for loli content, same still for people (from whom I've come across) actually with siblings being opposed to incest. NTR is typically a shortened form of Netorare even though there are many other terms it also encompasses, as someone has provided the definitions by way of a very helpful graphic, I won't get too into those here, but keep in mind those who don't want what is "theirs" taken from them then it's definitely not a fetish they'll like, IMO that includes them kissing the other party, not just sexual acts.
I can't remember if F95 does it but I do remember a site that separated the 2 by NTR for netorare and cheating for netori, at the very least if F95 does do it then there've definitely been a few mistagged entries. I know several games have had the meta option to just remove it entirely by cutting out the related scenes referencing, hinting or showing the act of being cheated on. Like most people the tags themselves are there for informing you of what is in the game so you could just blacklist the tag all-together, but that fails to filter in the games that have the toggleable option. I don't mind that so much myself as I'm one of those that does blacklist the NTR tag when searching for games.

I am one of those that simply cannot abide what is "mine" being taken. We could look at how accepted harem stuff is as a fetish, many people will accept a man having many women and the fetish itself implies a fair amount of men desiring the situation, however a woman having many men is less accepted, men do not want to compete against each other or share a woman, they would believe what is "theirs" is being taken, or defiled by another man. We can go into what anyone personally believes a relationship is to elaborate on why people dislike NTR, but for me, it's a mutual commitment, an exclusivity contract, an understanding we will only romantically and sexually be each others; to cheat while in said commitment is to breach it, to violate the trust, to cause suspicion of every situation that was even remotely "off". "How long was it going on, with how many others involved, when did they lose interest, what caused it, why did they do it instead of bringing up whatever issue they had that one could try and fix, were they only after money, was the one they were cheating on a 'stable back-up', why not break up before doing it? Why not break up before doing it?" The situation calls forth near every insecurity you could have towards the front of your mind as well as rage and disgust. Some people enjoy that feeling, I don't know why, but they do. Ironically enough, it's not the cheating itself which is the turnoff for me, as I'm mostly ok with netori, meaning I am alright with taking what isn't mine, but can't stand losing something that's supposed to be mine, which could be the whole point here. in a game sense, I was told, given, and shown that something is mine, yet it gets stolen or defiled by some goblin, typically without a way to get it back, and losing it, especially without receiving something beneficial, was the whole point of the story, of course I'm gonna be pissed.

Another, more shallow reason I dislike Netorare is mainly the common character design used for the bulls: spikey blond hair, tanned skin, shit eating grin, or just a fat old dude with a huge dick. Even for some of the Netori stories where you *are* Netorare-ing someone else and the MC is portrayed as one of the 2 or the story entails the perspective of the guy getting cucked with short asides or what-not and you can tell they have genuine feeling for one another I get turned off from the rest of the story, I just drop it outright.

Funnily enough there have been situations where I've enjoyed standalone pictures on pixiv or sankaku where after I had gotten into whatever series they were from I couldn't enjoy them anymore because I had cemented in my head that that character should be for only the MC of that series. So in a way, yes, so long as the information that it's NTR isn't known or that knowledge of the subject prior doesn't exist then simply knowing "that girl is cheating, she belongs to someone else" can be a complete turnoff for people. I have seen great art for stuff that I adored and yet when I found out it was from an NTR game or series then I just dropped looking into it further.

I have spoken to people who have told me I'm just viewing it the wrong way, that I'm supposed to identify as or project onto the bull in the story. I can't say that I am able to do that, you show me a guy in porn that acts like an ass or has nefarious intent, I'll label him as the antagonist, I won't be able to put myself in his shoes, especially when we've likely already been introduced to the MC/the guy getting cucked. Porn is an extreme side to escapism, you submerge yourself in all these fantasies and fetishes that would otherwise be so unthinkable to even attempt, all of this just to sate whatever deep taboo desire you might be even slightly curious in, people will still hold to some of their principles even while indulging fantasies. " oh what about rape then", alright, let me clarify that you'll still take the general story or setting into account and they'll weigh on your decisions. If you're a bandit of course you're going to pillage, you are still a character after all, your principles can bend to fit a story.

I'm sure I've probably contradicted myself once or twice in this fucking essay but that in itself is human nature, we are contradictory creatures, hypocrites, 2 sides of the same coin. There are so many situations that are dependent on surrounding information, so many conditions that need to be ticked or unticked for a person to say yay or nay to something, ideals or principles that can bend or even break just because of personal feelings towards a person or group yet will be firm as steel when concerning a stranger. I can't stand someone cheating on me but I'm fine with someone cheating with me so long as I don't have even a passing relation with who they're cheating on and there's a valid reason for it such as abuse or neglect, some white knighty reasons I know, but I need a valid reason, something that makes me think it's logical to even consider cheating as something ok however I still won't do it if it's a buddies girl. We all have our priorities, from what it looks like, you prioritize how good the art is over the story to the point of disregarding it entirely.
Going a bit further without just re-editing the thing every time I have a thought. I have the same aversion to Netorare that I have to scat, rimming a guy, and male sounding. Not only do they just not do it for me, I avoid them to the best of my abilities
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Dr. Coom

Active Member
May 12, 2023
As someone who has had the thought "why is NTR so prevalent, I feel like I see a lot of it" a fair amount, I'll give ya my 2 cents on why I don't like it.

Game, video, doujin, web-comic, or novel, most points of a story are for the person reading/listening/playing to in some way relate or project themselves onto the main character (MC) in order to enjoy the content more in depth; you experience the struggles, triumphs, and falls together with the character while typically being shown their thoughts and feelings on a matter to better connect yourself with said character, as such, a majority of people would play a Netorare game putting themselves in the MC's shoes, so to speak. Now, regardless of how much one can separate themselves from the content, previous experiences or principles will taint your enjoyment of said fetish, if you simply cannot abide the thought of someone taking your girl, then of course you aren't going to like a story including that theme, same goes for straight guys coming across gay content, or people opposed to loli for loli content, same still for people (from whom I've come across) actually with siblings being opposed to incest. NTR is typically a shortened form of Netorare even though there are many other terms it also encompasses, as someone has provided the definitions by way of a very helpful graphic, I won't get too into those here, but keep in mind those who don't want what is "theirs" taken from them then it's definitely not a fetish they'll like, IMO that includes them kissing the other party, not just sexual acts.
I can't remember if F95 does it but I do remember a site that separated the 2 by NTR for netorare and cheating for netori, at the very least if F95 does do it then there've definitely been a few mistagged entries. I know several games have had the meta option to just remove it entirely by cutting out the related scenes referencing, hinting or showing the act of being cheated on. Like most people the tags themselves are there for informing you of what is in the game so you could just blacklist the tag all-together, but that fails to filter in the games that have the toggleable option. I don't mind that so much myself as I'm one of those that does blacklist the NTR tag when searching for games.

I am one of those that simply cannot abide what is "mine" being taken. We could look at how accepted harem stuff is as a fetish, many people will accept a man having many women and the fetish itself implies a fair amount of men desiring the situation, however a woman having many men is less accepted, men do not want to compete against each other or share a woman, they would believe what is "theirs" is being taken, or defiled by another man. We can go into what anyone personally believes a relationship is to elaborate on why people dislike NTR, but for me, it's a mutual commitment, an exclusivity contract, an understanding we will only romantically and sexually be each others; to cheat while in said commitment is to breach it, to violate the trust, to cause suspicion of every situation that was even remotely "off". "How long was it going on, with how many others involved, when did they lose interest, what caused it, why did they do it instead of bringing up whatever issue they had that one could try and fix, were they only after money, was the one they were cheating on a 'stable back-up', why not break up before doing it? Why not break up before doing it?" The situation calls forth near every insecurity you could have towards the front of your mind as well as rage and disgust. Some people enjoy that feeling, I don't know why, but they do. Ironically enough, it's not the cheating itself which is the turnoff for me, as I'm mostly ok with netori, meaning I am alright with taking what isn't mine, but can't stand losing something that's supposed to be mine, which could be the whole point here. in a game sense, I was told, given, and shown that something is mine, yet it gets stolen or defiled by some goblin, typically without a way to get it back, and losing it, especially without receiving something beneficial, was the whole point of the story, of course I'm gonna be pissed.

Another, more shallow reason I dislike Netorare is mainly the common character design used for the bulls: spikey blond hair, tanned skin, shit eating grin, or just a fat old dude with a huge dick. Even for some of the Netori stories where you *are* Netorare-ing someone else and the MC is portrayed as one of the 2 or the story entails the perspective of the guy getting cucked with short asides or what-not and you can tell they have genuine feeling for one another I get turned off from the rest of the story, I just drop it outright.

Funnily enough there have been situations where I've enjoyed standalone pictures on pixiv or sankaku where after I had gotten into whatever series they were from I couldn't enjoy them anymore because I had cemented in my head that that character should be for only the MC of that series. So in a way, yes, so long as the information that it's NTR isn't known or that knowledge of the subject prior doesn't exist then simply knowing "that girl is cheating, she belongs to someone else" can be a complete turnoff for people. I have seen great art for stuff that I adored and yet when I found out it was from an NTR game or series then I just dropped looking into it further.

I have spoken to people who have told me I'm just viewing it the wrong way, that I'm supposed to identify as or project onto the bull in the story. I can't say that I am able to do that, you show me a guy in porn that acts like an ass or has nefarious intent, I'll label him as the antagonist, I won't be able to put myself in his shoes, especially when we've likely already been introduced to the MC/the guy getting cucked. Porn is an extreme side to escapism, you submerge yourself in all these fantasies and fetishes that would otherwise be so unthinkable to even attempt, all of this just to sate whatever deep taboo desire you might be even slightly curious in, people will still hold to some of their principles even while indulging fantasies. " oh what about rape then", alright, let me clarify that you'll still take the general story or setting into account and they'll weigh on your decisions. If you're a bandit of course you're going to pillage, you are still a character after all, your principles can bend to fit a story.

I'm sure I've probably contradicted myself once or twice in this fucking essay but that in itself is human nature, we are contradictory creatures, hypocrites, 2 sides of the same coin. There are so many situations that are dependent on surrounding information, so many conditions that need to be ticked or unticked for a person to say yay or nay to something, ideals or principles that can bend or even break just because of personal feelings towards a person or group yet will be firm as steel when concerning a stranger. I can't stand someone cheating on me but I'm fine with someone cheating with me so long as I don't have even a passing relation with who they're cheating on and there's a valid reason for it such as abuse or neglect, some white knighty reasons I know, but I need a valid reason, something that makes me think it's logical to even consider cheating as something ok however I still won't do it if it's a buddies girl. We all have our priorities, from what it looks like, you prioritize how good the art is over the story to the point of disregarding it entirely.


May 25, 2017
ne's own experience can also affect how they respond to certain content. Someone who have experienced betrayal in relationships may feel very sensitive to the NTR theme and choose to avoid it because it triggers unpleasant memories or emotional trauma.

"Stres Emosional: Stories in the NTR genre are often full of emotional conflict, worries, and tension between the characters. For some people, watching or reading about such conflicts can cause unwanted emotional stress, so they choose to avoid the genre."
I'm surprised how much emotion is contextualized with the theme. When I pick XXX content I make sure to leave "emotions" outside of the room. After all, it's easy to jerk off on stranger (or some celeb/pornstar you never met in person/fantasy character), rather than to someone you know (have an emotional connection to).
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Insomnimaniac Games

Degenerate Handholder
Game Developer
May 25, 2017
I surprised how much emotion is contextualized with the theme. When I pick XXX content I make sure to leave "emotions" outside of the room. After all, it's easy to jerk off on stranger (or some celeb/pornstar you never met in person/fantasy character), rather than to someone you know (have an emotional connection to).
Well, NTR is an emotion based kink, unlike physical ones like anal. Without emotion NTR doesn't really have a point.

Insomnimaniac Games

Degenerate Handholder
Game Developer
May 25, 2017
i don't seek emotional fulfillment or form emotional attachment to these stories/characters to a point where it may affect my emotional state to any meaningful degree.
That doesn't stop NTR from being an emotion based kink, like at all. NTR is about the betrayal, betrayal is both an act and an emotion. Your personal feelings on the matter are irrelevant.
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May 25, 2017
Yes. What was your argument, again?
I agree that everyone will avoid content, they find disgusting. "Disgusting content" being something visual. However NTR isn't something that is visually disgusting. It's regular male-female sex that only becomes unlikable because of the additional background information. It's like if you dislike incest. You're ok with male-female sex pic up to the moment you find out they are brother and sister...
It was mentioned that NTR is niche fetish, while considering the number of mc-mom-sisters games on f95 I'd say, incest is mainstream fetish. However, you can only differentiate one from the other by background information, because in it's core it's basic male-female sex. You get "disgusted" by it only after you find out what relation is between the sex participants.
Imagine taking your vanilla incest game with mc-mom-sisters and just changing the mc into mc's antagonist in the text editor, while real mc is away somewhere traveling on Himalayas. From like to dislike just by changing text in the same game.
So my conclusion is that people that don't like NTR are more involved with the story, rather than the visual art.
I like NTR for the opposite reason: I don't care about the MC/story, but I'm more interested in the hot sex scenes.

Insomnimaniac Games

Degenerate Handholder
Game Developer
May 25, 2017
So my conclusion is that people that don't like NTR are more involved with the story, rather than the visual art.
I don't think anyone is arguing against that. Hell, I'd say that's exactly what most people are saying. But there is a difference between being immersed in a story, and self-inserting.
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May 25, 2017
Personally depending on how the game works I find it positive or negative. Let me talk about 2 examples to show my point:

1º Dark hero party: This is a game that can only be enjoyed by hardcore NTR fans, no one should expect that the majority enjoy a constant burn of unavoidable NTR that is a freaking tragedy of violence and betrayal.

2º A struggle with sin: The game has NTR and while it is very easy to avoid it kinda gives a more complete feeling to the game world, you aren't the only lustful man on earth and depending on your actions/defeat, others may enter into a relationship with a girl, but the MC can still have a harem, focus on many other girls and live a good fulfilling life.
One is VN, other RPG. RPG beats VN any day, regardless of the type of fetish. It's basically "game" vs "story".

I have no problem with NTR being part of the main storyline if it's of limited effect, for example a strategy game in which a girl was working with the enemy, but I should always be able to recover.

An example of a game with NTR at it's core that I would play would be for example one in which we are the king of a country who recently ascended the throne and we have to manage our imperial harem and make the girls in it fall in love with the MC, but that it isn't an easy task to do, some women are ambitious, others have some lesbian tendencies and even some fall easily in love with either a maid or a guard, in that type of game doing a perfect walkthrough would be quite hard but rewarding.

Lesser examples would be games in which heroines can be captured by the enemy, having rivals trying to conquer the same girl and stuff like that.

I find quite a bit of value for the NTR if we take out the fetish aspect, if you focus on the fetish it's just that type of game, most people can't enjoy that since most of us just want to get a happy ending and most NTR stories only offer a slow burn with a pathetic MC.
But would you fully play a game with NTR where it is avoidable (multiple endings), BUT, in order to get ALL achievements/get ENTIRE gallery you have to endure it? Or would you just play non-NTR part, without getting all achievements/gallery?
I guess this is similar question for regular games: if you like playing only "good" characters, would you play "new game+" making mc "evil" just to get all achievements, or you don't play?
What is stronger: your "uncomfortability" to play a certain unlikable character or curiosity "what is going to happen on this road"?

Insomnimaniac Games

Degenerate Handholder
Game Developer
May 25, 2017
But would you fully play a game with NTR where it is avoidable (multiple endings), BUT, in order to get ALL achievements/get ENTIRE gallery you have to endure it? Or would you just play non-NTR part, without getting all achievements/gallery?
I guess this is similar question for regular games: if you like playing only "good" characters, would you play "new game+" making mc "evil" just to get all achievements, or you don't play?
What is stronger: your "uncomfortability" to play a certain unlikable character or curiosity "what is going to happen on this road"?
Not the guy you responded to, but I would just play the non-ntr route. I'm not the type of guy that needs to 100% everything. (Except Yakuza games.)
that any perceived notion of feelings from a story is projection,
alas let's just agree to disagree again.
I don't know, man. If I see a character making a depressed face, I'm gonna assume they're sad. That's not projection, that's observation.