
The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019


The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
Ok in fairness the guy might not have picked up on the mini-loredrop that succubi in-setting are viewed as very safe and popular, even in racist Hieroneiden. Some games portray them as soul-suckers or worse.

His post was a bit on the rude side, but not every game is for everyone, and that's okay.

Come to think of it... I didn't really plan on this at the start, but it is kinda funny that Sarah is probably the most vanilla, cutesy romance aside from maybe Metatron. That face when the otherworldly demon is the most vanilla(ish) girl and the Christmas tree human is probably the most fucked up. But still a good girl.
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Jan 20, 2020
Demanding sex scene for all characters because funny page number.
(Actually no, I just need more femdom. My character still hasn't been dominated by a good amount of characters in his group. Literally impossible to play like that. Immersion broken. Why no bratty dog girl on top yet?)
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Jan 20, 2020
I am mainly joking of course. You know best and I am literally not paying anything because I am too poor. So, I'll take what I can get which has been pretty good so far.

I literally had to retype dog four times because I typed out god every single fucking type. Holy shit. Maya is getting to me.
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Jan 25, 2018
hi i have few questions:
1)in the prologue after you save everyone while you are in your house is there much a difference choosing sam or sarah (especially her), do i lose some scenes foerever or lose many affection/trust points?

2)can i get single ending for a character? as well can i get an harem one?

3)if i romance someone does it block me with someone in particoular?

4)overall which is better nether, aether or abyssal in general? or none of the 3? and which abilities does the 3 usually brings?

5)at which point does one path (the 3 corruptions) lock me from the others?

6)can i get a mix of skill between nether,aether and abyssal without lock?

7)is it convenient to "grind" trust and affection as soon as possible for everyone or is it best to do that only with very few character?

8)are there a lot of missable events/scenes regarding either your choices,stats or your patner?

thank you in advance
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Lord Kentus

Active Member
Jan 4, 2021
Some games portray them as soul-suckers or worse.
They come from a negative place in real life mythos to boot east or west, ancient china to the celts, most societies have the concept of a "succubus" and they aren't exactly the nicest of things generally. Chinese succubus are actually beings out of nightmares, beings that the tormented souls of women who are raped and tortured in the afterlife until they lose all humanity and become much like the creatures tormenting them and let loose into the world of the living, unfeeling, undying monsters.

Like legit they are like Senator Armstrong, they consist entirely of a stomach and brain and without destruction of their brain they will never die, there are legends of them being cut in half, drawn and quarted, buried alive in old mines, burned to ash and they just shrug it all off. Makes the bad luck European versions seem downright tame.

._. It makes you wonder why so many focus on the portrayals of the temptress rather then the asiatic undying mass murderer. I guess it appeals more to the adult market, the other variant could I suppose be used in a similar fashion but it would end up with the snuff tag in it.


The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
Nice job on Rosalyn.


Demanding sex scene for all characters because funny page number.
(Actually no, I just need more femdom. My character still hasn't been dominated by a good amount of characters in his group. Literally impossible to play like that. Immersion broken. Why no bratty dog girl on top yet?)
There's a mix of scenes coming, some maledom, some femdom, and some in between!

I am mainly joking of course. You know best and I am literally not paying anything because I am too poor. So, I'll take what I can get which has been pretty good so far.

I literally had to retype dog four times because I typed out god every single fucking type. Holy shit. Maya is getting to me.
I know, dw. I *try* to keep everyone happy without obsessing over it, not every scene will be for everyone, it's mostly just whatever fits the characters.

hi i have few questions:
1)in the prologue after you save everyone while you are in your house is there much a difference choosing sam or sarah (especially her), do i lose some scenes foerever or lose many affection/trust points?

2)can i get single ending for a character? as well can i get an harem one?

3)if i romance someone does it block me with someone in particoular?

4)overall which is better nether, aether or abyssal in general? or none of the 3? and which abilities does the 3 usually brings?

5)at which point does one path (the 3 corruptions) lock me from the others?

6)can i get a mix of skill between nether,aether and abyssal without lock?

7)is it convenient to "grind" trust and affection as soon as possible for everyone or is it best to do that only with very few character?

8)are there a lot of missable events/scenes regarding either your choices,stats or your patner?

thank you in advance
1. No, you can view the scenes later as dreams. Whoever you choose will come up in some future conversations though.

2. No endings yet, but yes, I currently plan to have solo endings, small-group endings between groups that make sense (ex. Sarah/Metatron), and probably some generic harem ending.

3. No. Longer term some characters may not be fond of that, but I don't want to punish people.

4. They are intended to be relatively balanced rather than one clearly superior. There will also be future options. I wouldn't stress it too much now.

5. Coming Soon(tm), there will be corruption cap limit breaks. The 20 break won't hardlock you into anything, the 50 cap will. You will be warned ingame, so don't stress it.

6. The 20 corruption ones, yes. Aether/Nether combo will have their own pat. Abyssal does not. You can't mix multiple 50s, they're not mix and match, the % is how much of your existence is predominately that element.

7. Just depends on how much you want to grind honestly. You can max everyone, but it'd take some grinding and/or easy mode's T/A boosts.

8. Choices, no, mostly variants of scenes. Training scenes have stat requirements. Partner is like choice, you get variants of scenes (Celica probably gets the most, especially in Severn) but nothing super serious.

They come from a negative place in real life mythos to boot east or west, ancient china to the celts, most societies have the concept of a "succubus" and they aren't exactly the nicest of things generally. Chinese succubus are actually beings out of nightmares, beings that the tormented souls of women who are raped and tortured in the afterlife until they lose all humanity and become much like the creatures tormenting them and let loose into the world of the living, unfeeling, undying monsters.

Like legit they are like Senator Armstrong, they consist entirely of a stomach and brain and without destruction of their brain they will never die, there are legends of them being cut in half, drawn and quarted, buried alive in old mines, burned to ash and they just shrug it all off. Makes the bad luck European versions seem downright tame.

._. It makes you wonder why so many focus on the portrayals of the temptress rather then the asiatic undying mass murderer. I guess it appeals more to the adult market, the other variant could I suppose be used in a similar fashion but it would end up with the snuff tag in it.
The majority of older succubus and succubus-adjacent lore, going back to ancient Mesopotamia and Judaism, did NOT include soul-sucking or lethal aspects, though they were often considered morally bad and some were unapologetically evil or capable of evil. Usually when religious figures at the time started portraying them more poorly.

Lilith was 'morally bad' but her flavor of bad was mostly just being horny and not worshiping god. Buddhist mythology has a pretty harmless succ. Sumerian mythology gets weird as fuck, originally Lilitu (mixed bag, who *may* have inspired the jewish Lilith myth) and Lamashtu (evil animal monster) were separate but eventually merged, while at times lilitu were more of a concept that weren't that lethal.

I personally find it fascinating how often older succubus myths, up through the 1400s-1500s or so, described succubi as really gross (pissing, animal parts, etc) rather than evil, though sometimes it was both. Not a universal aspect much less something I wanted to explore ingame though lol.

Yes, there are some very fucked up succubus myths, but most were relatively harmless, and (to my understanding) the whole thing fundamentally started as a myth to explain sleep paralysis and wet dreams/nocturnal emissions. Interestingly enough, some of the oldest ones even had aspects of female empowerment in them.

It actually bugs me how common it is nowadays for people to assume that the only correct version of succubi are murderous monsters and anything else just isn't familiar with the lore.

Not aimed at you specifically, though that spawned my rambling. Just wanted to throw that out there since I see that a lot. There are many versions of succubi to draw from, all of them more-or-less valid.

Divine Dawn's mythology is heavily based on various forms of judaism and jewish kabbalism, and while the succubi are (in theory) somewhat original, I'd definitely say they fall closer to Lilith than Lamashtu. The angels are certainly a lot closer to the kabbalistic variant than normal Christianity.

Actually, the foxgirl myth is remarkably similar; Chinese hulijing, Korean kumiho/gumiho, and Japanese kitsune. Each has succubus-esque elements, and each has a variety of portrayals. The Korean gumiho are *mostly* portrayed as carnivorous monsters that seduce and eat some/all of a guy, BUT there are also good gumiho. Kitsune are mostly portrayed as tricksters, but there are some bad ones too. Hulijing varied wildly, to my understanding they were originally viewed more positively (albeit dangerous) while over time it became more negative? Not an expert on those by any means though.

Far eastern mythology in general has a surprisingly wide variety of seductress spirits, some evil, many of them more in the range of morally grey or even relatively safe if you don't fuck up.

Oh, and while I'm spamming anyways; some aspects of vampire mythology *probably* developed from succubus mythology, part of why vampires are so often portrayed as sexual creatures. Lots of similarities in those aspects of that mythology, and just like succubi there's a wide variety of takes from "evil and murderey" to "sparkling handsome guys" and everything in between.

Sorry, that dragged on longer than I thought. I just love talking about this stuff, there's so much cool ancient mythology, and often so many takes on it. Lots of potential to inspire modern content!

Lord Kentus

Active Member
Jan 4, 2021
Sorry, that dragged on longer than I thought. I just love talking about this stuff, there's so much cool ancient mythology, and often so many takes on it. Lots of potential to inspire modern content!
No worries man, you found the right person to talk mythology and monsters with. I have been a longtime DM for various TTRPGs for going on about twenty five years, I have drawn from the well to flavor D&D, Pathfinder, WOD and more many times over. You can go a dozen ways with them, add depth and intrigue to seemingly the most bloodthirsting abominations or make what is to be the embodiment of purity and turn them into an unthinking killing machine.

I often have to get a bit creative when introducing such things as the internet and media and general have somewhat raised expectations of such media. The Dracula inspired Vampire story doesn't generate much interest anymore while conversely if you make a few tweaks it becomes far better. But much like yourself I could go on all day about the various ways and dynamic shifts I have applied to the various monsters of mythology so I will cut this short and leave it.

Fun talking about this stuff though~
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Jan 20, 2018
Really enjoy this game. Do think the dodge/glancing hit function could do with a little work. Not entirely sure how somethings dodges when it's frozen, paralysed etc. Small quibble i know.
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The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
Bit of an odd week. A productive one, though! Added I think... 7? new armor types, and around 30 ish traits spread across armors old and new. Some are more creative than others, but my goal was to have a pretty good variety in that regard, you can invest heavily in your armor or just rock something with no/tolerable downsides for some free stats.

Unarmed also got some new traits; more will come as Ashley/Maya/Metatron and Brawl martial arts continue to develop, but gonna try to make it about as viable a playstyle from the start as weapons or magic.

Charisma traits also got a glow-up, they can now directly offer extra stats to allies, without benefitting you - meant to aid support and the eventual summoner-type builds.

Also got some chunky scenes for Ashley affection (she's cute) and Metatron conversation (teaching her about monsters, beasts, and spirits - for once you get to be the expert! And the player gets to learn along with her.)

Also making great progress on various commissions; Sarah's new CG is coming along AMAZINGLY from a new artist, and the preview actually got a record number of likes for an art preview haha. New high-quality element icons also seem to have gone over well, and Ashley/Maya CGs are going nicely!

Unfortunately I uhhhh may have kinda gotten Covid pretty bad on Thursday, so the last few days have been a wash. It appears that the worst was frontloaded, I'm already doing a fair bit better, so I'm hoping to get back to work normally-ish on Monday.

Really enjoy this game. Do think the dodge/glancing hit function could do with a little work. Not entirely sure how somethings dodges when it's frozen, paralysed etc. Small quibble i know.
I've been messing around with some of that. 0.24 changes how frozen works to a degree, I'd like to have each hard-cc have different effects than JUST "they can't act" but adding *too* much stuff to each one makes them too strong. So I'm kinda feeling out which is most important.

It's really funny to imagine a block of ice just sliding to the side when you try to attack it though.


May 7, 2022
I like the story and the combat so far, but I can't help but feel like the game is a bit too detailed, I can't exactly describe it. I'm not sure how much of a valid reason/complaint it is either, considering it's a mostly text-based game, but it personally gets a bit tiring having to read through all of it. I don't have any other complains though, the art is pretty nice although I feel like it's a bit scarce, overall the story's interesting. The combat's pretty fun and there's a lot of potential for diverse builds, I've used a Spear+Dual Daggers build for a while and while at the start it was pretty good, with certain talents I was able to turn it into a critical hit spamming beast. Either way, good luck dev.


Jan 20, 2020
I do hope this game delivers on the things marked as important choices.
The forest spirit thing is marked as this very important choice and the corruption counters are marked as well. I don't mind not having that much input but when things are marked as these big choices I do take my time to mull things over (which in terms of corruption led me to order a buffet of all corruptions and they are all maxed as far as they go atm). I just hope I don't get disappointed...

Also, I kinda wonder what that archangel michael visit is gonna result in (if it is that archangel, which would be very funny since I decided to call my character the same name before I knew about the world since I thought using the name of an archangel would be kinda, that will get confusing if it is her).
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The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
I like the story and the combat so far, but I can't help but feel like the game is a bit too detailed, I can't exactly describe it. I'm not sure how much of a valid reason/complaint it is either, considering it's a mostly text-based game, but it personally gets a bit tiring having to read through all of it. I don't have any other complains though, the art is pretty nice although I feel like it's a bit scarce, overall the story's interesting. The combat's pretty fun and there's a lot of potential for diverse builds, I've used a Spear+Dual Daggers build for a while and while at the start it was pretty good, with certain talents I was able to turn it into a critical hit spamming beast. Either way, good luck dev.
I think the worst of the text instead of graphics is in the temple - long term I'd love to get some fancy fuckin $400 CGs to show Amnelis's healing, Metatron's descent, etc. The start of the game was made on a $0 budget though, and while I'm spiffing it up a bit, that budget is still nnnnnot great. I'm really hoping that Steam lets me really get some (sfw) CGs going to make some of those moments a little less verbose. A picture tells a thousand words and all that.

Glad you're enjoying the game overall though! I really enjoy working on the combat and trying to make it actually good rather than settling for "good for a porn game," but man I really thought this would all be so much easier at the start.

I do hope this game delivers on the things marked as important choices.
The forest spirit thing is marked as this very important choice and the corruption counters are marked as well. I don't mind not having that much input but when things are marked as these big choices I do take my time to mull things over (which in terms of corruption led me to order a buffet of all corruptions and they are all maxed as far as they go atm). I just hope I don't get disappointed...

Also, I kinda wonder what that archangel michael visit is gonna result in (if it is that archangel, which would be very funny since I decided to call my character the same name before I knew about the world since I thought using the name of an archangel would be kinda, that will get confusing if it is her).
I very much intend to deliver on the forest thing. The decisions you've made so far (especially talking to Svyatibor) will affect the finale, and the finale choice will come back to affect the game later on as well.

The corruption isn't an important choice *yet*, but you will be warned before the semi-important choice and the "can't go back without save editing" choice.

Ultimately, my hope is to have a relatively small number of Mass Effect style choices that significantly affect the resolution of certain plotlines, and then not fuck any of them up. We'll see how it goes with the deepwoods, I've been waiting to do this for years now.


Apr 1, 2018
Does the game have a gallery/recall room/etc. to let you see all the h-scenes?

*edit- I found the "Memories of the Past" option.
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May 7, 2022
I think the worst of the text instead of graphics is in the temple - long term I'd love to get some fancy fuckin $400 CGs to show Amnelis's healing, Metatron's descent, etc. The start of the game was made on a $0 budget though, and while I'm spiffing it up a bit, that budget is still nnnnnot great. I'm really hoping that Steam lets me really get some (sfw) CGs going to make some of those moments a little less verbose. A picture tells a thousand words and all that.

Glad you're enjoying the game overall though! I really enjoy working on the combat and trying to make it actually good rather than settling for "good for a porn game," but man I really thought this would all be so much easier at the start.

I very much intend to deliver on the forest thing. The decisions you've made so far (especially talking to Svyatibor) will affect the finale, and the finale choice will come back to affect the game later on as well.

The corruption isn't an important choice *yet*, but you will be warned before the semi-important choice and the "can't go back without save editing" choice.

Ultimately, my hope is to have a relatively small number of Mass Effect style choices that significantly affect the resolution of certain plotlines, and then not fuck any of them up. We'll see how it goes with the deepwoods, I've been waiting to do this for years now.
You've done a good job with the combat so far in my opinion. Plenty of variety and synergy with it, and it never got boring or stale for me.
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Aug 28, 2020
So.. don't know why i missed this one for so long.:unsure::confused: it's nice to see a 'Deep gotcha style RPG' with Real Character creation and classic rpg combat.(y) i, of course went with the 'veteran' build and despite re-building 4-5 time got my ass kicked every time by the big boss in intro. wanted a 'Geo-Lancer'. but i gotta say that despite playing RPG for 50 years this one doesn't seem to follow the 'rules' very well. OR i just don't understand some of the mechanics. a starter build NEEDS to be basic, Not the way i tried at first, but i learned.. and burned. i did eventually do a pre-made lancer and got thru the temple with 3 new companions. bu ti really want it MY WAY. :whistle::geek::rolleyes: some clues to help me would be appreciated. :cool:
this has re-awakened the rpg fan in me, but oi it's a LONG ass road to work.
so first note is stats NEED to be min 5. and each stat is effective per increments of 5. :rolleyes: and seems so obvious now. we shall see... yup, easy peazy. now to decide if i should be a goofball pervert or a good mannered, level headed.... who am i kidding :devilish:
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4.50 star(s) 41 Votes