If I was going to throw out some basic rules:So.. don't know why i missed this one for so long.it's nice to see a 'Deep gotcha style RPG' with Real Character creation and classic rpg combat.
i, of course went with the 'veteran' build and despite re-building 4-5 time got my ass kicked every time by the big boss in intro. wanted a 'Geo-Lancer'. but i gotta say that despite playing RPG for 50 years this one doesn't seem to follow the 'rules' very well. OR i just don't understand some of the mechanics. a starter build NEEDS to be basic, Not the way i tried at first, but i learned.. and burned. i did eventually do a pre-made lancer and got thru the temple with 3 new companions. bu ti really want it MY WAY.
some clues to help me would be appreciated.
this has re-awakened the rpg fan in me, but oi it's a LONG ass road to work.
EDIT: so first note is stats NEED to be min 5. and each stat is effective per increments of 5.and seems so obvious now. we shall see... yup, easy peazy. now to decide if i should be a goofball pervert or a good mannered, level headed.... who am i kidding
- Have your primary offensive stat (ex. Dexterity for spears) as high as it can go and set it to auto-grow.
- Adding one defensive stat (Agility or Vitality) and setting it to auto-grow can make the game pretty easy, though you can also just put 5-10 points in for some traits.
- Mixing magic and weapons is easy if you just get some useful buffs, some buffs work fine at 5 magic, others want you to keep increasing the Magic stat.
If I did another game (not until after I finish this one lol), I think I'd probably simplify the stats a bit and make the offensive ones a bit less binary.
But yeah, as a long-time RPG player I wanted to avoid some things I had disliked in past RPGs (ex. crappy buffs overwriting good ones) and just experiment for my first game. It's been an interesting journey but it always makes me happy when people like the RPG stuff!