
The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
The sex fights only have fighting with sex....there's no intention to cause harm. No, it wouldn't make sense for an enemy to punch you in a sex fight.

As for the rest of it, I don't know why you'd expect a dev to cater to you personally and make your perfect game. A real example of main character energy here.
Unironically, I encourage people to make their own game if they want something that caters to them. Not in a dismissive way, but like, Divine Dawn started off as me thinking "man I wish there was a vanilla-focused VNRPG" and just kinda kept going from there. I don't think it's *better* than games like Corruption of Champions or Monster Girl Dreams, I just wanted a different flavor.

I hope that doesn't come off as me dismissing anyone's desires, it's totally fine to wish a game had more of the stuff you like in it. I just want to be encouraging, even if making these games is kind of a rough experience.

still early in the game-ish. is there any reliable way to fight without a healer (either me or my partner). im using a basic spear build and having to spec into magic just so i can heal sam or something is kind of a pain.
I think it's the 2nd real combat area (Expanse) that gives you a copyright-free Estus Flask with a few charges each run, which will be upgradeable soon when the alchemy update hits. You can also put 5-10 points into Vitality to get access to some really good traits for bonus health and health regen. Most party members have some form of healing support, whether for themselves or you, though some like Maya are definitely harder to run if you can't help with that.

Tiger stance also has a trait that gives AOE heal to party under certain circumstances, and some of the shouts can help with that if you have Charisma.

greataxe has a lot of play with health, some skills cost HP to use or return a portion of damage as health, at least one skill is a straight heal, etc
don't think it can heal anyone else I'm afraid, but I'm more of a magic user myself so I dunno the ins and outs of martial weapons as well
Yeah Greataxe is fantastic if you want to see your health constantly going up and down lmao, mostly hitting equilibrium around 40% hp.

Someone needs to have some sort of healing. Or insane defences. Relying on the 3 or whatever potions isn't enough for most builds.
Plenty of people have done a lot without much healing. You can kill faster or safer. From what I've heard in the discord, most don't use the potions much, they're just there as a backup for if you don't build sustainability at all.

That's not to say the game is perfectly balanced, it isn't, just that you don't really need to go hard on sustain to do fine. 5-10 points on vitality and 1-2 traits from it is enough to cruise through a lot of stuff, various channels can do it as well, and most party members have some form of sustain (healing, regen, lifesteal) to where you have plenty of options to build a viable party. Some party members also get choices/upgrades later that can significantly affect what they do; you can turn Sam into a mage, melee, or hybrid, depending on what you need.

The game isn't hard enough to require GOOD builds, but I try to encourage working some synergy into a build. If that was a good design decision is another question.

I have to say, I am really, really enjoying the writing for this game. While one might expect the actual illustration related sex scenes to be the highlight, I've found that I'm really enjoying a lot of the casual conversations, and some of the random side hijinks you can get up to are both really funny and really hot. Looking forward to this game as it continues to develop!
Glad to hear it! It's been a learning experience for sure, but I always felt that sexual relationships had more meaning if you also had an emotional connection, so that's been a significant focus of the game. There is a lot of sex overall (I think 30-something scenes atm), but a lot more buildup to make the relationships feel more earned and real-ish. Should be another update in 2 weeks or so, so hopefully not too long to wait.


Aug 3, 2020
I'm sorry if this has already been asked but what is the last adventuring area that is unlockable in the current built? Is it the deepwood core? Also, are there any plans to implement additional art into the erotic scenes that lack it? (The current art is amazing. As is all of the writing. Thank you for making this amazing gem of a game.)
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The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
I'm sorry if this has already been asked but what is the last adventuring area that is unlockable in the current built? Is it the deepwood core? Also, are there any plans to implement additional art into the erotic scenes that lack it? (The current art is amazing. As is all of the writing. Thank you for making this amazing gem of a game.)
Hey there! Yes, the Deepwoods Heart is the final adventuring area currently. After that, you return to the knight camp and get some plot there, then after passing time in your camp a certain fish joins you, and then after passing time again the group has a discussion about what to do next. That's the end of current plot.

Yep, I'm slowly getting more CGs into the game! Long-term I hope everything will have one, but I can't promise it for sure yet. I'm still working some of the CGs I have into the game, Amnelis and Rosalyn CGs have been done for months but not ingame yet, though Rosalyn's will be soon.

Thank you for the kind words, and I'm glad you are enjoying the game!


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2018
:unsure: I remember now that I pondered buying this game on Itch maybe two months ago, then somehow got held up and it never went anywhere, and now I had forgotten all about it.
The itch page had been open in my browser for over a month.
I do remember being somewhat dissatisfied with Sarah, and wondering how the story would continue and if every camp location for the rest of the game would have to be a forest because there's so many references in the descriptions to trees.
I think at this point, I'll just wait for the next update and probably buy it then, assuming I can still remember at that point. :p


The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
Ah, usually I'll see that written with a tilde. (I.e. 'Iiii~')
I've only seen tildes used for rolling words or certain kinds of intonation, not for generally extending sounds. Interesting. I'm not sure there is a grammatically correct way, so it kinda makes sense it's at least somewhat author's preference.


Oct 8, 2020
Is the game gonna be a harem one? In my "main playthrough" I focused exclusively in one girl and avoided any other scene (except the one in the temple of course) but it's sometimes implied that the MC has been fucking quite a lot in the camp.
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Engaged Member
Feb 25, 2019
Is the game gonna be a harem one? In my "main playthrough" I focused exclusively in one girl and avoided any other scene (except the one in the temple of course) but it's sometimes implied that the MC has been fucking quite a lot in the camp.
Well you can either focus on one or three girls or the whole camp. Crys said that he will focus on making the individual and small group focused endings more detailed but for us harem lovers we will also get a harem ending.
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The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
Konstantinus is correct. You can go full harem, you can focus on a few girls (and some groups, that make sense, will have their own small-group endings, like Sarah/Ash or Sarah/Metatron), or you can focus on one girl.

To keep myself from uh, blowing my brains out promising too much, that part of the ending will probably be more of a Fire emblem postlogue thing for each setup.


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2018
Are there any (planned) traits that reduce the upkeep of the various continuous skills? The only one I've seen is the Geomancy one that only works for earth skills. If memory serves (and boy, it fails often) there used to be a couple traits that did this and Vitality could really use a trait that reduces the upkeep of 'martial' stances, so that a player can use more than one consistently.
Just for a bit of context, I'm (still) rolling a SnS tank build. I've picked up the increased mana regen(+0.5), but I can only use a single stance at a time because they (almost) all drain 2 mana every turn which means I have to choose between the stances that let my character tank more/longer and the Intimidate skill which is necessary to draw aggro. I could also run both but then I'm constantly against the clock, which would be way more manageable if I could at least reduce the drain (per skill) to 0.8.

On a second combat note, it's very painful that poison, bleed and various other DoT skills (from my experience) stack damage and duration. It also doesn't seem to get resisted by defence(fair enough) or resistance(a little stranger).
This made it so that Chernobyl's corpse only did single digit damage(block + defence + max Vit) but he'd managed to stack around seventy bleed damage that'd last around a dozen or two turns. The only way to deal with this would be to get the stubborn or healthy traits, which only occasionally decrease the duration for a single turn or slightly reduce the chance that it applies, respectively, or 'spam' rampart to use the -5 turns to any duration thing (it has a base cooldown of 10 turns so it's only really viable for emergency use and I genuinely don't recall the -5 ever applying correctly).
I think it'd be plenty strong if it only stacked duration or if it was separate instances of DoT. It'd also really help if there were traits or something that reduce DoT damage.
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Mar 10, 2019
Are there any (planned) traits that reduce the upkeep of the various continuous skills? The only one I've seen is the Geomancy one that only works for earth skills. If memory serves (and boy, it fails often) there used to be a couple traits that did this and Vitality could really use a trait that reduces the upkeep of 'martial' stances, so that a player can use more than one consistently.
Just for a bit of context, I'm (still) rolling a SnS tank build. I've picked up the increased mana regen(+0.5), but I can only use a single stance at a time because they (almost) all drain 2 mana every turn which means I have to choose between the stances that let my character tank more/longer and the Intimidate skill which is necessary to draw aggro. I could also run both but then I'm constantly against the clock, which would be way more manageable if I could at least reduce the drain (per skill) to 0.8.

On a second combat note, it's very painful that poison, bleed and various other DoT skills (from my experience) stack damage and duration. It also doesn't seem to get resisted by defence(fair enough) or resistance(a little stranger).
This made it so that Chernobyl's corpse only did single digit damage(block + defence + max Vit) but he'd managed to stack around seventy bleed damage that'd last around a dozen or two turns. The only way to deal with this would be to get the stubborn or healthy traits, which only occasionally decrease the duration for a single turn or slightly reduce the chance that it applies, respectively, or 'spam' rampart to use the -5 turns to any duration thing (it has a base cooldown of 10 turns so it's only really viable for emergency use and I genuinely don't recall the -5 ever applying correctly).
I think it'd be plenty strong if it only stacked duration or if it was separate instances of DoT. It'd also really help if there were traits or something that reduce DoT damage.
re: traits to help with upkeep costs, you already mentioned Winds of Magic (+0.5 mana per turn) and Continuance (channeled Earth spells cost 0.1 less per turn). there's also Sorcery Manaflux (which increases mana regen by 0.2 per turn if you're wearing robes), Mistral Flow (which reduces channeled Aeromancy costs by 0.1, similar to Continuance), Emerald Stream (reduces cost of channeled Wind spells by 0.1 if mana blade equipped), Ritual Efficiency (reduces by 0.1 if athame equipped), and Channeling (reduces all channel costs by 0.1 per turn). it doesn't sound like most of those will be helpful to you if you're going sword and board tank, though. Channeling will help, and Sorcery Manaflux could if you're willing to change out your armor.

re: DoTs, that is not an issue i remember ever having. admittedly, i haven't had time to play yet this update, and it's been at least two versions since i fought Chernobog, so that could be a new problem since i last fought him. the only times i remember taking more than about 11 or 15 damage from a DoT, it was because the DoT was for a percentage of my max health. Rampart is not the only way to reduce debuff duration; Shared Flow can reduce debuff durations by one turn, and Hygieia removes all temporary debuffs. i'm not sure if "debuffs" includes DoTs, but Rampart says debuffs as well, so i'd guess it does. however, Panacea explicitly removes DoTs. obviously, those are magic, which might not fit your character concept, but Celica has Shared Flow. neither Sarah nor Metatron have Hygieia or Panacea, so you'd have to learn them yourself if you wanted them. (personally, i'm surprised Sarah doesn't learn them, but that's not really relevant.) also, you mentioned the base cooldown of Rampart being long; the trait Flow reduces cooldowns by one turn, and the trait Motion Inflect reduces cooldowns by one turn for every offensive spell cast. further, the ability Invigorate reduces skill cooldowns by two or three for all party members every time it's used.

i do think that a Vitality trait to reduce DoT damage would be interesting. i also think that the basic channels available to everyone with no requirements, including the stances, are a bit weak to have that steep an upkeep cost. the channels available through magic are usually slighly stronger while being half the cost to upkeep. i realize this might be a balance concern; the magic channels are probably cheaper because mages need their mana to attack or heal, so most mages can't realistically have more channels going than non-mages despite the reduced costs. even so, the basic channels feel a bit weak to me.


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2018
re: traits to help with upkeep costs, you already mentioned Winds of Magic (+0.5 mana per turn) and Continuance (channeled Earth spells cost 0.1 less per turn). there's also Sorcery Manaflux (which increases mana regen by 0.2 per turn if you're wearing robes), Mistral Flow (which reduces channeled Aeromancy costs by 0.1, similar to Continuance), Emerald Stream (reduces cost of channeled Wind spells by 0.1 if mana blade equipped), Ritual Efficiency (reduces by 0.1 if athame equipped), and Channeling (reduces all channel costs by 0.1 per turn). it doesn't sound like most of those will be helpful to you if you're going sword and board tank, though. Channeling will help, and Sorcery Manaflux could if you're willing to change out your armor.

re: DoTs, that is not an issue i remember ever having. admittedly, i haven't had time to play yet this update, and it's been at least two versions since i fought Chernobog, so that could be a new problem since i last fought him. the only times i remember taking more than about 11 or 15 damage from a DoT, it was because the DoT was for a percentage of my max health. Rampart is not the only way to reduce debuff duration; Shared Flow can reduce debuff durations by one turn, and Hygieia removes all temporary debuffs. i'm not sure if "debuffs" includes DoTs, but Rampart says debuffs as well, so i'd guess it does. however, Panacea explicitly removes DoTs. obviously, those are magic, which might not fit your character concept, but Celica has Shared Flow. neither Sarah nor Metatron have Hygieia or Panacea, so you'd have to learn them yourself if you wanted them. (personally, i'm surprised Sarah doesn't learn them, but that's not really relevant.) also, you mentioned the base cooldown of Rampart being long; the trait Flow reduces cooldowns by one turn, and the trait Motion Inflect reduces cooldowns by one turn for every offensive spell cast. further, the ability Invigorate reduces skill cooldowns by two or three for all party members every time it's used.

i do think that a Vitality trait to reduce DoT damage would be interesting. i also think that the basic channels available to everyone with no requirements, including the stances, are a bit weak to have that steep an upkeep cost. the channels available through magic are usually slighly stronger while being half the cost to upkeep. i realize this might be a balance concern; the magic channels are probably cheaper because mages need their mana to attack or heal, so most mages can't realistically have more channels going than non-mages despite the reduced costs. even so, the basic channels feel a bit weak to me.
My issue/question regarding upkeep was mainly in regard to non-magic based upkeep and whether non-magic based characters can/will reduce this upkeep, it seems a bit odd for a barbarian or monk style character to need magic to do that. Btw, does Ritual Efficiency even affect upkeep? It only mentions spell cost, I assumed that meant casting cost.

I didn't realize DoT was a percentage of health but that seems like it might explain part of it (still seems weird that my 200-ish health character was taking ~35% damage from it). Mirroring what I said about upkeep, seems weird to need magic to deal with this or needing to have certain party members with you (which also limits trust build up for other characters) just in case an enemy or boss has DoT. I know about reducing cooldowns but getting a ten-turn cooldown low enough to use Rampart as an 'anti-DoT' requires quite an investment in terms of stats and traits, if DoT even counts as a debuff. (And Sarah should definitely get Hygieia/Panacea, she's the dedicated healer of the group.)

Keeping vitality abilities from overshadowing magic could involve health costs for these abilities or to have lower effectiveness (though still allowing non-casters some way of dealing with more situations). The channels feel kinda weak to me, aswell, maybe they'll get mastery like intimidate does?
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Mar 10, 2019
My issue/question regarding upkeep was mainly in regard to non-magic based upkeep and whether non-magic based characters can/will reduce this upkeep, it seems a bit odd for a barbarian or monk style character to need magic to do that. Btw, does Ritual Efficiency even affect upkeep? It only mentions spell cost, I assumed that meant casting cost.

I didn't realize DoT was a percentage of health but that seems like it might explain part of it (still seems weird that my 200-ish health character was taking ~35% damage from it). Mirroring what I said about upkeep, seems weird to need magic to deal with this or needing to have certain party members with you (which also limits trust build up for other characters) just in case an enemy or boss has DoT. I know about reducing cooldowns but getting a ten-turn cooldown low enough to use Rampart as an 'anti-DoT' requires quite an investment in terms of stats and traits, if DoT even counts as a debuff. (And Sarah should definitely get Hygieia/Panacea, she's the dedicated healer of the group.)

Keeping vitality abilities from overshadowing magic could involve health costs for these abilities or to have lower effectiveness (though still allowing non-casters some way of dealing with more situations). The channels feel kinda weak to me, aswell, maybe they'll get mastery like intimidate does?
you are correct about Ritual Efficiency, it appears i misread it. idk, i don't use athames; i'm more of a mana blade guy. i was just quickly skimming through the traits list.

looking through the DoTs available to players, it seems that poisons usually do a percentage of the target's max hp, while burns and bleeds do a percentage of the user's stats. 35% does seem pretty high, though, so there may still have been some weird stacking issues. i don't know if DoTs count as debuffs; you had mentioned Rampart as an answer to DoTs, so i was assuming they did.

having one or more Vitality-based ability that channel for a percentage of your max hp instead of mana could be really interesting, if it works out to be balanced. not in the greataxe "use hp as a casting cost for this ability" way, but in the "autocast or turn it on whenever you want and it takes hp at the start of your turn and turns off if you don't have enough" way. not sure how nicely it'd play with the several traits/abilities that restore a percentage of your max hp every turn, though; too little cost and it won't overcome the passive regen, too much and anyone without the passive regen won't be able to use it.


The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
Bro i have a suggestion, Please add a quest log or menu to track quest, right now there is no way to tell on what quest we are in or what quest we have completed.
Good idea. I've been hoping to do... *something* like that for a while, just got a lot to juggle.

Are there any (planned) traits that reduce the upkeep of the various continuous skills? The only one I've seen is the Geomancy one that only works for earth skills. If memory serves (and boy, it fails often) there used to be a couple traits that did this and Vitality could really use a trait that reduces the upkeep of 'martial' stances, so that a player can use more than one consistently.
Just for a bit of context, I'm (still) rolling a SnS tank build. I've picked up the increased mana regen(+0.5), but I can only use a single stance at a time because they (almost) all drain 2 mana every turn which means I have to choose between the stances that let my character tank more/longer and the Intimidate skill which is necessary to draw aggro. I could also run both but then I'm constantly against the clock, which would be way more manageable if I could at least reduce the drain (per skill) to 0.8.

On a second combat note, it's very painful that poison, bleed and various other DoT skills (from my experience) stack damage and duration. It also doesn't seem to get resisted by defence(fair enough) or resistance(a little stranger).
This made it so that Chernobyl's corpse only did single digit damage(block + defence + max Vit) but he'd managed to stack around seventy bleed damage that'd last around a dozen or two turns. The only way to deal with this would be to get the stubborn or healthy traits, which only occasionally decrease the duration for a single turn or slightly reduce the chance that it applies, respectively, or 'spam' rampart to use the -5 turns to any duration thing (it has a base cooldown of 10 turns so it's only really viable for emergency use and I genuinely don't recall the -5 ever applying correctly).
I think it'd be plenty strong if it only stacked duration or if it was separate instances of DoT. It'd also really help if there were traits or something that reduce DoT damage.
I definitely intend to keep playing with how channels work, and changing costs in some cases, but they're already extremely strong in general, and I don't want to encourage running a dozen channels by adding too much stacking upkeep reduction - one or two channels is generally the intended experience. Nothing drains 2 mana a turn, for the record, tho the initial activation cost can be a bitch.

Something I hope to do Soon(tm) is try a max-mana-upkeep based version, where they lower your max mana rather than taking upkeep each turn, as well as adding a few more ways to increase max mana. So you can invest more into them if you want, but without too much upkeep reduction since that tends to get out of hand.

As has already been discussed here a little, different types of DoT scale differently. As a general rule of thumb, Poison is max HP% damage, Bleed is weaker but stacks, Burn is stronger but doesn't stack - though certain abilities and traits can let Burn stack or make Bleed stronger. All buffs/debuffs work the same duration-wise (it stacks, strongest one takes precedent if not stacking), so that much is intended behavior.

Adding DoT resistance traits/passives is a great idea, and something I could definitely do. It would be nice to play into it more. I could see some more abilities to counter it as well maybe?

re: traits to help with upkeep costs, you already mentioned Winds of Magic (+0.5 mana per turn) and Continuance (channeled Earth spells cost 0.1 less per turn). there's also Sorcery Manaflux (which increases mana regen by 0.2 per turn if you're wearing robes), Mistral Flow (which reduces channeled Aeromancy costs by 0.1, similar to Continuance), Emerald Stream (reduces cost of channeled Wind spells by 0.1 if mana blade equipped), Ritual Efficiency (reduces by 0.1 if athame equipped), and Channeling (reduces all channel costs by 0.1 per turn). it doesn't sound like most of those will be helpful to you if you're going sword and board tank, though. Channeling will help, and Sorcery Manaflux could if you're willing to change out your armor.

re: DoTs, that is not an issue i remember ever having. admittedly, i haven't had time to play yet this update, and it's been at least two versions since i fought Chernobog, so that could be a new problem since i last fought him. the only times i remember taking more than about 11 or 15 damage from a DoT, it was because the DoT was for a percentage of my max health. Rampart is not the only way to reduce debuff duration; Shared Flow can reduce debuff durations by one turn, and Hygieia removes all temporary debuffs. i'm not sure if "debuffs" includes DoTs, but Rampart says debuffs as well, so i'd guess it does. however, Panacea explicitly removes DoTs. obviously, those are magic, which might not fit your character concept, but Celica has Shared Flow. neither Sarah nor Metatron have Hygieia or Panacea, so you'd have to learn them yourself if you wanted them. (personally, i'm surprised Sarah doesn't learn them, but that's not really relevant.) also, you mentioned the base cooldown of Rampart being long; the trait Flow reduces cooldowns by one turn, and the trait Motion Inflect reduces cooldowns by one turn for every offensive spell cast. further, the ability Invigorate reduces skill cooldowns by two or three for all party members every time it's used.

i do think that a Vitality trait to reduce DoT damage would be interesting. i also think that the basic channels available to everyone with no requirements, including the stances, are a bit weak to have that steep an upkeep cost. the channels available through magic are usually slighly stronger while being half the cost to upkeep. i realize this might be a balance concern; the magic channels are probably cheaper because mages need their mana to attack or heal, so most mages can't realistically have more channels going than non-mages despite the reduced costs. even so, the basic channels feel a bit weak to me.
Beta Siofra is the one time I got cucked by DoTs myself, and she's gotten a few nerfs over time. I got 99 problems, and all of them are stacking Burn lmao.

Sarah will learn more over time, but I didn't want to bloat levelup move lists so much and put a decent bit into their trust scenes - still kinda working out exactly how fast they should pay off admittedly.

As I told zeraligatr, I like the vitality/dot trait stuff.

The basic channels currently are just there so the basic melee guys have something to spend mana on. They are weaker, but require 0 investment and have no mana competition in many melee builds. When I get into the channel rework down the road, they'll probably be normalized with other channels on max mana reserve costs.

My issue/question regarding upkeep was mainly in regard to non-magic based upkeep and whether non-magic based characters can/will reduce this upkeep, it seems a bit odd for a barbarian or monk style character to need magic to do that. Btw, does Ritual Efficiency even affect upkeep? It only mentions spell cost, I assumed that meant casting cost.

I didn't realize DoT was a percentage of health but that seems like it might explain part of it (still seems weird that my 200-ish health character was taking ~35% damage from it). Mirroring what I said about upkeep, seems weird to need magic to deal with this or needing to have certain party members with you (which also limits trust build up for other characters) just in case an enemy or boss has DoT. I know about reducing cooldowns but getting a ten-turn cooldown low enough to use Rampart as an 'anti-DoT' requires quite an investment in terms of stats and traits, if DoT even counts as a debuff. (And Sarah should definitely get Hygieia/Panacea, she's the dedicated healer of the group.)

Keeping vitality abilities from overshadowing magic could involve health costs for these abilities or to have lower effectiveness (though still allowing non-casters some way of dealing with more situations). The channels feel kinda weak to me, aswell, maybe they'll get mastery like intimidate does?
You're right though, I think that non-mages should have more options to deal with that stuff. Can't promise it'll be immediate, just, confirming that I agree.

you are correct about Ritual Efficiency, it appears i misread it. idk, i don't use athames; i'm more of a mana blade guy. i was just quickly skimming through the traits list.

looking through the DoTs available to players, it seems that poisons usually do a percentage of the target's max hp, while burns and bleeds do a percentage of the user's stats. 35% does seem pretty high, though, so there may still have been some weird stacking issues. i don't know if DoTs count as debuffs; you had mentioned Rampart as an answer to DoTs, so i was assuming they did.

having one or more Vitality-based ability that channel for a percentage of your max hp instead of mana could be really interesting, if it works out to be balanced. not in the greataxe "use hp as a casting cost for this ability" way, but in the "autocast or turn it on whenever you want and it takes hp at the start of your turn and turns off if you don't have enough" way. not sure how nicely it'd play with the several traits/abilities that restore a percentage of your max hp every turn, though; too little cost and it won't overcome the passive regen, too much and anyone without the passive regen won't be able to use it.
HP based channels is an interesting idea as well. I hadn't thought of that. I don't think it would be difficult to set up, though I've said that about many things before and been wrong lmao. Reserving max HP, similar to mana in revamped channels, might be a decent way to balance them.
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Well-Known Member
May 25, 2018
Good idea. I've been hoping to do... *something* like that for a while, just got a lot to juggle.

I definitely intend to keep playing with how channels work, and changing costs in some cases, but they're already extremely strong in general, and I don't want to encourage running a dozen channels by adding too much stacking upkeep reduction - one or two channels is generally the intended experience. Nothing drains 2 mana a turn, for the record, tho the initial activation cost can be a bitch.

Something I hope to do Soon(tm) is try a max-mana-upkeep based version, where they lower your max mana rather than taking upkeep each turn, as well as adding a few more ways to increase max mana. So you can invest more into them if you want, but without too much upkeep reduction since that tends to get out of hand.

As has already been discussed here a little, different types of DoT scale differently. As a general rule of thumb, Poison is max HP% damage, Bleed is weaker but stacks, Burn is stronger but doesn't stack - though certain abilities and traits can let Burn stack or make Bleed stronger. All buffs/debuffs work the same duration-wise (it stacks, strongest one takes precedent if not stacking), so that much is intended behavior.

Adding DoT resistance traits/passives is a great idea, and something I could definitely do. It would be nice to play into it more. I could see some more abilities to counter it as well maybe?

Beta Siofra is the one time I got cucked by DoTs myself, and she's gotten a few nerfs over time. I got 99 problems, and all of them are stacking Burn lmao.

Sarah will learn more over time, but I didn't want to bloat levelup move lists so much and put a decent bit into their trust scenes - still kinda working out exactly how fast they should pay off admittedly.

As I told zeraligatr, I like the vitality/dot trait stuff.

The basic channels currently are just there so the basic melee guys have something to spend mana on. They are weaker, but require 0 investment and have no mana competition in many melee builds. When I get into the channel rework down the road, they'll probably be normalized with other channels on max mana reserve costs.

You're right though, I think that non-mages should have more options to deal with that stuff. Can't promise it'll be immediate, just, confirming that I agree.

HP based channels is an interesting idea as well. I hadn't thought of that. I don't think it would be difficult to set up, though I've said that about many things before and been wrong lmao. Reserving max HP, similar to mana in revamped channels, might be a decent way to balance them.
Just for the record, I meant 2 total upkeep, guess I could have phrased that better.
I get the concern about stacking upkeep reductions, but that shouldn't be an issue if it's just '-0.1 upkeep cost for martial stances'. After all, various elements already do such a thing and they won't stack with one another.
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Mar 10, 2019
I definitely intend to keep playing with how channels work, and changing costs in some cases, but they're already extremely strong in general, and I don't want to encourage running a dozen channels by adding too much stacking upkeep reduction - one or two channels is generally the intended experience. Nothing drains 2 mana a turn, for the record, tho the initial activation cost can be a bitch.
i've tinkered with a few different builds over the couple years i've been following this game, but the main one that i've been using since the first time it was possible is definitely using more than one or two channels; typically, it has four active, using ~2.5 mana on upkeep each turn. it only has 1.9 mana regen, but uses the mana blade's Siphon Strike to make up the difference. occasionally a fight ends before i have time to recover from the initial casting cost, or i'll have to spend extra mana on heals, and so the next fight starts with fewer channels due to insufficient mana.

regardless, it sounds like that build might come to an end soon, if you do change channels to instead reduce max mp. i don't feel like the build i'm using is in need of nerfing (at least, not since i stopped using Miasma α after it ruined a boss fight by completely bypassing hp triggers, but i've mentioned that before), but i'm still interested to see what those changes might be like; i've always liked the "reduce max mp" form of togglable buffs.
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The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
i've tinkered with a few different builds over the couple years i've been following this game, but the main one that i've been using since the first time it was possible is definitely using more than one or two channels; typically, it has four active, using ~2.5 mana on upkeep each turn. it only has 1.9 mana regen, but uses the mana blade's Siphon Strike to make up the difference. occasionally a fight ends before i have time to recover from the initial casting cost, or i'll have to spend extra mana on heals, and so the next fight starts with fewer channels due to insufficient mana.

regardless, it sounds like that build might come to an end soon, if you do change channels to instead reduce max mp. i don't feel like the build i'm using is in need of nerfing (at least, not since i stopped using Miasma α after it ruined a boss fight by completely bypassing hp triggers, but i've mentioned that before), but i'm still interested to see what those changes might be like; i've always liked the "reduce max mp" form of togglable buffs.
To be clear, I don't plan on ruining builds, and I am not violently against people having more than two channels *if* they build for it. 1-2 is just the intended baseline that can be done without a specialized build. The idea is for the baseline to be similar (but simpler), and to let people who really like channel builds push harder into them at the cost of something elsewhere.

Partially as a balance thing, and partially because honestly I think the current system is just a bit too complicated - people get confused by it often, I don't think it's super well explained ingame, and it makes for a bit too much bookkeeping to understand how it works. Making the mechanics simpler to understand (activate channel -> max mana goes down) lets me cut out much of the unnecessary complexity.

It's all still a bit off, I need to finish this update (a few more days - most of the way through a CG scene right now actually) and then kick the plot back into gear before I mess with mechanics too much.
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