
Nov 1, 2017
I agree with a lot of what exazubi said.

While I can't remember precisely when I found DMD, I do remember being interested in it because of those original tags.

Obviously it's up to the team how they want to proceed on their projects, but I do find the move towards 'safe' sex tags to be disappointing, and a bit dull.

I was hoping that the fantasy scenes would be an opportunity to try some of the more niche tags, and I think the first release did succeed in that to a degree. However, as things stand it would seem like that might be a one-off. Though I fully accept I have no idea what may come in the future, my current stance is that it's probably a fool's hope to expect more niche content in the future.


Active Member
Sep 25, 2023
you mean becoming next top model competition which tyra won originally? didn't they already do it?
They did the scene where Dee goes to the jury guy's room were dee suck and fuck that guy .

I was referring to the scene after the competition , at the after competition party, when Dee refuses to drink with the 2 guys and falls into the pool.The party end with Tyra fucks the jury guy , and , oher girl from the competition make a grup sex with that 2 Guys who Dee refuse earlier !!
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New Member
Apr 18, 2018
even it's unsure whether we will do a 2nd part or not, it's 100% sure that IF we do another part, we will not do any more NTR, DP or gangbang though.
Cool, I would loooooove a 5938th sex scene with D+F, I still think think we havent seen one where F fucks D in a on a chair in the livingroom in a grey, yellow and pink house whch belongs to a 58 year old woman called Katie, I think that might be the only scenario left.

Lets just ignore every kink we can! Vanilla for life!



Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
They did the scene where Dee goes to the jury guy's room were dee suck anf fuck that guy .

I was referring to the scene after the competition , at the after competition party, when Dee refuses to drink with the 2 guys and falls into the pool.The party end with Tyra fucks the jury guy , and , oher girl from the competition make a grup sex with that 2 Guys who Dee refuse earlier !!
well possibly but we'll see.


Aug 5, 2019
Well well well ...
We haven't had any complaints and/or negative responses from any of our supporters. All rections were positive, and we managed to"cast at least a smile on their face". Even some of the ones who admitted they got fooled had a laugh afterwards.
This is the type of community, we want to interact with, and for these we want to create stuff.
Those, who can't take an April's Fool joke, are not the people we actually want to have - so if we pissed them off, then we have mission accomplished.
Those, who still live in a bubble to believe DMD is still alive, and compare all and everything to DMD, a game which has been finished way too late and should have been done much earlier, and all those, who can't let go ..... yes - to piss off all of those, who unsubscribed some time ago or even never were supporters in the first place, is a goal, which is putting a big smile on our face every single time.

And the fact, that you took your time, to comment our prank over here - (like you do with everything we release) shows that we have "mission accomplished"
We know about your personal vendetta to trash everything we release or everything we do - everybody knows about that - but it's really funny to piss you off over and over again (same goes for all others like you) ;):cool:
Between the classless April Fool's "joke" and this classless response, I've decided to end all support for the Mr. Dots team.


Aug 2, 2021
Between the classless April Fool's "joke" and this classless response, I've decided to end all support for the Mr. Dots team.
I read a lot in these days but I really have to say in some aspects you are a bit exaggerated was a simple joke that raw but it made me laugh I laughed like a fool...want to close your experience of support foul I personally continue to admire what they do and I hope they release soon this fantasy part 2 I think you should start to take things more simply
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Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
well dots made easter render of dee and half sis of sl some years ago and last year made xmas render of sl and april fools joke was prolly their 1st.


Active Member
Feb 1, 2017
Fortunately numbers don't lie:

MrDots Subsrcibestar numbers in June 2022 - 2948


April 2024 - 1565

DotsSS 2024.JPG

a 47% drop

Same trend on Patreon

June 2022 - 2509

April 2024 - 1936

MrDots Pat.JPG

I'm sure doing the same thing over and over again will get more people on board :ROFLMAO:


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2020
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
Ending DMD was a terrible mistake.
It was getting more and more disappointing towards the end, because devs tried to make everyone happy which unsurprisingly resulted in nobody being happy. But it was still way better than SL ever was.

I think they should have a game for normies AND DmD for pervs, it's way easier than to try to satisfy both audience types with one game. Then if normies are the majority, you make 2 or 3 updates of the normie game for one update of the perv game, and that's it, you have a manageable way of making everybody happy. In theory. Then if you start to listen to vocal normies who aren't happy with the content of the perv game that is not aimed at them, you shot yourself in the foot and it's your fault.

But "diversying" your products to satisfy as many people as possible is unatainable if all of the dev team members leans on the same side.

Anyway I digress, all I wanted to say initially was that I wlil never understand the need to have an ending to something that works. And I'm not calling out the team on this, I know there's some people, even among those who liked the game, who wanted it to end. Why ? Who cares, it's a game, just like Bart Simpson, Dee doesn't have to age. And it's a porn game, it's not like you earn virtual street cred because you finished an actual game like Dark Souls or whatever. As long as devs can create fappable stories there's absolutely no reason for a porn game to end.

Also, I have an idea, you can prepare your pitchforks : why not one day reboot DmD as a female protag game ? This way we're sure the normies won't touch it with a ten foot pole, and we can basically have anything the pervs scholars like me want to see.
I personnaly wouldn't mind to have this type of pervy stuff in a male protag game, but apparently there's a rule somewhere stating that some kinks must be in female protag games only. Which I don't mind playing either, so be it if it's the only way. It'll never happen with the current team anyways, don't worry and enjoy clones of SL forever. (couldn't finish in a positive way :D )


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2022
It was getting more and more disappointing towards the end, because devs tried to make everyone happy which unsurprisingly resulted in nobody being happy. But it was still way better than SL ever was.

I think they should have a game for normies AND DmD for pervs, it's way easier than to try to satisfy both audience types with one game. Then if normies are the majority, you make 2 or 3 updates of the normie game for one update of the perv game, and that's it, you have a manageable way of making everybody happy. In theory. Then if you start to listen to vocal normies who aren't happy with the content of the perv game that is not aimed at them, you shot yourself in the foot and it's your fault.

But "diversying" your products to satisfy as many people as possible is unatainable if all of the dev team members leans on the same side.

Anyway I digress, all I wanted to say initially was that I wlil never understand the need to have an ending to something that works. And I'm not calling out the team on this, I know there's some people, even among those who liked the game, who wanted it to end. Why ? Who cares, it's a game, just like Bart Simpson, Dee doesn't have to age. And it's a porn game, it's not like you earn virtual street cred because you finished an actual game like Dark Souls or whatever. As long as devs can create fappable stories there's absolutely no reason for a porn game to end.

Also, I have an idea, you can prepare your pitchforks : why not one day reboot DmD as a female protag game ? This way we're sure the normies won't touch it with a ten foot pole, and we can basically have anything the pervs scholars like me want to see.
I personnaly wouldn't mind to have this type of pervy stuff in a male protag game, but apparently there's a rule somewhere stating that some kinks must be in female protag games only. Which I don't mind playing either, so be it if it's the only way. It'll never happen with the current team anyways, don't worry and enjoy clones of SL forever. (couldn't finish in a positive way :D )
You made valid points and I can agree with most of them. What I don't agree with is having the never ending story. ALL things must end. That's just the facts of life. DMD was a lengthy story, just like Grandma's House currently. The fact is, many stories start out as either short stories or novellas but as time goes on, the writer/creator begins to add more things to make the story complete. Many times it's due to the creator's imagination. There's usually that speculation factor that's the cause, (what if he/she does this? What would happen?) and so on.
Then, in the case of these "games" (not all of the things posted in f95 qualifies but I addressed that before in another thread), you look to your fans/audience to give you inspiration. Some work out, others don't. Either way, you push on based on the results. The danger of stretching out the story is twofold. 1) Inevitably, the creator/author runs out of ideas and gets bored. They have new ideas, for new stories and they begin working on it before finishing the original. That happens all of the time, it's called "writer's burnout". It doesn't mean that you didn't like what you put out, it's just time to move on to something fresh. It's like sleeping on linen. It feels comfortable but, eventually, you have to change them.
The second danger, and it's more applicable here, is that, you get stuck on where you're going (called "writer's block"). You listen to the critics, start following their ideas, then you go forward. Now, along the way, the story drifts from your original concept. For those who depend on subscribers, when that happens, you start losing support. You try to bring them back by listening to the whiners, "add this/that, don't add this/that". Pretty soon, you're trying to appease everybody and the story starts getting out of control.

Tom Clancy wrote a number of mega novels that were between 700-1300 pages. He beautifully wove a number of them, based on One character, to tell a grand story which, basically covered the character's career. The problem was that, while doing so, he branched off to tell whole stories about support characters that fans loved. That would have been okay, had he wrapped up the main character's story but he did it while telling ancillary stories. He had to add elements to the secondary stories to make them relevant to the original. Pretty soon, those stories began to suffer as they quickly ran into dead ends. Meanwhile, the original story that started the whole shebang, was nowhere near where it started.
I firmly believe that, if you're going to have a story, you need to have a definitive end. Writing instructors advise 1st timers to have an outline. You put down what you want to tell; the elements in which to tell a story, your pro/antagonist(s), your conflict(s), and an ending. That way it can't get away from you and you don't have to depend on outside sources to finish it. I'm writing a story online currently that's been several years in the making. I constantly have to self edit to make sure that it stays coherent and the scenes are relevant to one another. It AIN'T easy!

The other point that I disagree with is telling two versions of the same thing. For reasons explained above, it's not very feasible, Especially when you have to spend so much time rendering. That's how stories Quickly get away from the main concepts, with both versions winding up being poorly executed. The Best idea is to do the story how you envision it, then Tell it that way. You can use an Occasional suggestion if you think it will help, but if you stick with your script, you can tell your story with satisfaction. You'll ALWAYS have your naysayers and bitchers, that's the way it goes. Humans, especially entitled ones, will always have a gripe. Humanity can't survive without them. The best thing to do is to tell a story the way You want. Please yourself First. If you do it right, mass fans will follow, just like Clancy. If you do it wrong, you try to learn from your mistakes for the next time but the bottom line is do it for your own satisfaction first. Ultimately, it Is Your story to tell.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
You made valid points and I can agree with most of them. What I don't agree with is having the never ending story. ALL things must end. That's just the facts of life. DMD was a lengthy story, just like Grandma's House currently. The fact is, many stories start out as either short stories or novellas but as time goes on, the writer/creator begins to add more things to make the story complete. Many times it's due to the creator's imagination. There's usually that speculation factor that's the cause, (what if he/she does this? What would happen?) and so on.
Then, in the case of these "games" (not all of the things posted in f95 qualifies but I addressed that before in another thread), you look to your fans/audience to give you inspiration. Some work out, others don't. Either way, you push on based on the results. The danger of stretching out the story is twofold. 1) Inevitably, the creator/author runs out of ideas and gets bored. They have new ideas, for new stories and they begin working on it before finishing the original. That happens all of the time, it's called "writer's burnout". It doesn't mean that you didn't like what you put out, it's just time to move on to something fresh. It's like sleeping on linen. It feels comfortable but, eventually, you have to change them.
The second danger, and it's more applicable here, is that, you get stuck on where you're going (called "writer's block"). You listen to the critics, start following their ideas, then you go forward. Now, along the way, the story drifts from your original concept. For those who depend on subscribers, when that happens, you start losing support. You try to bring them back by listening to the whiners, "add this/that, don't add this/that". Pretty soon, you're trying to appease everybody and the story starts getting out of control.

Tom Clancy wrote a number of mega novels that were between 700-1300 pages. He beautifully wove a number of them, based on One character, to tell a grand story which, basically covered the character's career. The problem was that, while doing so, he branched off to tell whole stories about support characters that fans loved. That would have been okay, had he wrapped up the main character's story but he did it while telling ancillary stories. He had to add elements to the secondary stories to make them relevant to the original. Pretty soon, those stories began to suffer as they quickly ran into dead ends. Meanwhile, the original story that started the whole shebang, was nowhere near where it started.
I firmly believe that, if you're going to have a story, you need to have a definitive end. Writing instructors advise 1st timers to have an outline. You put down what you want to tell; the elements in which to tell a story, your pro/antagonist(s), your conflict(s), and an ending. That way it can't get away from you and you don't have to depend on outside sources to finish it. I'm writing a story online currently that's been several years in the making. I constantly have to self edit to make sure that it stays coherent and the scenes are relevant to one another. It AIN'T easy!

The other point that I disagree with is telling two versions of the same thing. For reasons explained above, it's not very feasible, Especially when you have to spend so much time rendering. That's how stories Quickly get away from the main concepts, with both versions winding up being poorly executed. The Best idea is to do the story how you envision it, then Tell it that way. You can use an Occasional suggestion if you think it will help, but if you stick with your script, you can tell your story with satisfaction. You'll ALWAYS have your naysayers and bitchers, that's the way it goes. Humans, especially entitled ones, will always have a gripe. Humanity can't survive without them. The best thing to do is to tell a story the way You want. Please yourself First. If you do it right, mass fans will follow, just like Clancy. If you do it wrong, you try to learn from your mistakes for the next time but the bottom line is do it for your own satisfaction first. Ultimately, it Is Your story to tell.
I couldn't agree more about "make the story for you first, and if you enjoy it, some of the audience (but maybe not as many as you wish) will enjoy it too". That's how it should always be. Unfortunately, as I said, at some point the team paid too much attention to what some of their sub says, meanwhile ignoring the silent majority who was probably ok with the game's direction since they didn't express any concern. Not everyone is "weirdos" like us who care enough about a minor and disregarded genre of subculture that they feel they have to write lengthy posts about it. Most of Dots customers will just just shut the fuck up and enjoy, or just stop paying if they don't. And somehow, even if I don't have the actual stats, I feel that the team forgot that silent majority's voice. It's like if a mainstream religion or political group started listening only to the extremist fringe in their groups. Of course these people will shout louder than the others, they're extremists, therefore they care a lot more about their beliefs. Doesn't mean the other 90% of moderate people suddenly disappear or agree with the extremes. They just like the creator's vision and will support him.

But unfortunately, a creator can do this (writing and rendering 100% according to him) only if he's alone, and doesn't have expensive dreams. Everyone prefers to earn $10k/month instead of $3k, but if you're alone, you'll be pretty comfortable almost anywhere in the world with $3k and you can accept it. It starts to harm your creativity when you have to make enough so that 3-4 people can make a living or if you're alone but have stupid dreams like buying a new jet-ski twice a year or some shit.

But to come back to the "neverending story" issue, of course it's hard to make it work, and at some point it probably will end, or stop for a few years before someone has a good idea for a comeback. But I still don't see why it's impossible. For me it is only a matter of talent and strategy, like in your Clancy example. Had he made different choices, he probably could have made some of his series of books last longer. Not forever, sure, but longer.

There are a lot of things we can learn from in mainstream pop culture. Take the Simpsons : I didn't follow the last 15 years, which everybody seem to agree sucks, but still, the first 15-20 years maintained a good quality level. And DmD lasted what ? 7 years ? Is it that far fetched to imagine it could have gone 2-3 years more with the right decisions from the team ?
Another example : South Park. What did the creators do to avoid burnout ? They don't make 20+ episodes a year, and nowadays they just don't work at all unless they have a good idea. Dots team could totally do the same if they have another main source of income like a normie, SL-like game. If they have no idea for DmD for 6 months, then so be it, they won't be bankrupt thanks to the normie game. Just like the South Park creators thanks to their musical (The Book of Mormon, go see it it's super fun :D ) and their licensing.

Then, there's the other issue, of "jumping the shark" or just having a peak in your show, and making it last too long for financial reason while never managing to reach this peak again. It happened for the Walking Dead, but it didn't happen for Breaking Bad. Creator knew that he couldn't maintain this level for more than 5 seasons. But people still enjoyed that universe, so what did they do : Better Call Saul, which in some ways is better than Breaking Bad. That's something you can apply to DmD, as well as an infinite number of other possibilities. The team just has to find the right way. It is hard but not impossible.

And just to repeat myself again, I feel that DmD was really lighting in a bottle in the realm of ero-games, there's an appeal you don't find in others, because of several elements, like character design, writing (the first 4-5 years at least) and also the fact that it was one of the firsts of its kind. So I can live without it of course, but I strongly feel it would be a waste to throw these characters and this universe away and never revisit them. To me Dots found what represents his brand with Dee, just like a Mickey Mouse for Disney or a Superman for DC-comics. There will always be an audience for it, even solely at the basic level of money making, it would be smart to seriously think about how you can make it work again in the future, imho.
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Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
Indeed, many people just lost interest after dmd, their other games.. meh
each on their own. by that devs should stop after 1st game since other games are worse by comparison.
4.20 star(s) 5 Votes