Do you prefer a harem or having to choose in games?


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
So I wasn't even aware that the whole NTR issue was a thing until now o_O So to better understand, is it a problem with the female characters having relations with other men or is it a problem of the MC cheating on the single love interest?
This is a whole can of worms and it depends on who you ask. Generally it's any love interest having any kind of relations with another man. Some people also get upset about women. For some it even extends to the past, hence all the virgins in these games that magically turn into a slut once they see your dick.
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Asia Argento

The Golden Dragon Princess
Apr 14, 2020

Well, I like both. Harems arent realistic, nor are vampires and succubus girls co-existing to be with a mate. Or a secret human pro-demon society that adopts demons so a dude can get with demon girls. Or healers with dragons who fight for her as Jojo BA-like stands... or blokes with suits of armor with a dragon soul attached that can go full Megazord in a moments notice.

Have I made my point that harems are just dreams like a real succubi existing?? They dont exist.

So when you DL a harem game you arent aiming for realism. Its escapism. You either like it or dont. There really isnt a middle ground imho.
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Deleted member 3145675


Well, I like both. Harems arent realistic, nor are vampires and succubus girls co-existing to be with a mate. Or a secret human pro-demon society that adopts demons so a dude can get with demon girls. Or healers with dragons who fight for her as Jojo BA-like stands... or blokes with suits of armor with a dragon soul attached that can go full Megazord in a moments notice.

Have I made my point that harems are just dreams like a real succubi existing?? They dont exist.

So when you DL a harem game you arent aiming for realism. Its escapism. You either like it or dont. There really isnt a middle ground imho.

(Harems are not a dream - they are just expensive)


Active Member
Jun 26, 2017
I don't think you even need to choose between the two. There are plenty of games with deep stories in which are not harems, but do not make you decided between multiple characters. For me, I think harem is my favorite tag on this site, and I am more likely to play a game with the tag rather than without it.

With that said, I do find games in which have multiple paths where certain girls are locked to be polarizing, and I tend to avoid them. I restart and replay games enough as it is, I really don't need a dev to force me to do it.

That said, I don't see a reason why you can't do both. Allow the player to choose which girls he wishes to interact with. There are several harem games which include characters I simply don't care about, or even dislike, but the game still forces me to follow their story anyway.
Apr 18, 2021
I would rather have both
I'm not sure how that works?
You're either able to pursue all love interests and maintain relationships with them or you have to choose one interest over another due to constraints in time/plot.
Help me understand how both would work.

I don't think you even need to choose between the two. There are plenty of games with deep stories in which are not harems, but do not make you decided between multiple characters.
It kind of depends on you definition of "harem". In my opinion it is not just literally multiple love interests living together. It is simply maintaining multiple partners who are either aware of or unconcerned about the other partners which would be kind of a loose harem.

That's kind of the crux of the matter isn't it? How deep can stories go while developing relationships with multiple characters? Essentially it comes down to how far can the writer stretch the believability of the MC running around town to fulfil the needs of several partners or what the ultimate goals of the relationship become.

The usual tactic seems to be the MC is able to spend lengths of time on different characters without the other characters being aware or concerned about that time. This works as long as the relationship extends only as far as casual encounters or dating. If you enter an end game scenario of marriage or living together, then you either have to decide that the characters know about one another and are okay with it (ie real harem), are lied to, or at some point the path of one or several characters ends in favor of another.

Of course many stories never get that far and that's okay! As a write I simply like to see an ultimate foreseeable outcome to situations and plan accordingly.
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
I prefer harem if the story makes sense. Usually that means there needs to be a reason that the women are ok with it, ideally this means a cuckquean story where not only are they ok with it but they actually want it. Otherwise I'd rather have to choose.


Jul 6, 2017
I think both can be good depending on the kind of game you are going for. For more serious, realistic games like Acting Lessons a single choice is probably better. For more of a fantasy/humorous setting like Harem Hotel or Champion of Realms, a harem is probably fine.

Multiple playthroughs are fine for VNs. However, for sandbox games with grinding elements, people generally want all scenes in a single playthrough.

It is also possible to do both. A common strategy in some older Japanese VNs was the following structure:
1) an opening chapter with an exposition and an introduction to the possible LIs. At the end of this chapter you make a choice and start a particular LIs route.
2)Your choices during the route influence your final relationship with that particular LI, and you can have Bad, good and true endings.
3)Some games had a feature where after getting the good/true end for each LI, you unlock a harem route with some recycled scenes from the Li's exclusive routes and some new group scenes.
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Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2017
CHOICE is good. CHOICE is vital. I hate Harem games that force me to fuck all the women, because half the time, half the women are ugly as hell and the game literally forces you to fuck them, it's a huge turn off.

> In a game where you have to choose, it could take several playthroughs to unlock all H scenes.

Uhhh, this is a deal breaker. 97% of adult porn games are not worth replaying. It's extremely rare for someone to make an adult porn game so amazing, that you'd actually play it all over again.

I would rather be able to unlock all the women in a single play through. If I can't unlock all the women in a single player, I would immediately download the patch/cheat that unlocks all the women for a single player.

>Personally I dislike jealousy between characters, do you or do you like the idea of girls fighting over the MC?

Jealously increases immersion and makes the story interesting, but it has to be done right. If all the women have no jealousy, it will feel shallow and unrealistic, unless they're under mind control which would explain their lack of jealousy.

Jealousy is often associated with immaturity, so all you have to do is convince those women to bring out the inner cuckquean; a woman who derives pleasure from watching her man fuck other women.

An alpha male can easily manipulate and persuade his jealously immature women to accept him fucking other women, but he has to have game.

>Finally, do you find harem games unrealistic or an ideal fantasy?

Extremely dumb, shallow, and unrealistic 97% of the time. These games are extremely empty, and they just hand you all the women on a silver platter most of the time, which is really an insult to the male instinct. Males like to have SOME challenge; and i'm not talking about stupid mini games or killing 100 orcs for 10,000 experience kind of challenge. Tease & denial is EXTREMELY important, but Harem games neglect that constantly.

Overall, Harem games are 97% of the time pathetic, shallow, empty and devoid of any deep mind fucks. They're good for guys who are like 18 or 19 year old and don't know any better. BUT FORTUNATELY, from my experience, 3% of Harem games are actually quite good! Something Unlimited is a good example of Harem done right, but I wouldn't mind more male opposition in that game; competing over the affections of women with other males. I hate Harem games that remove male competition from the equation, it doesn't feel right. Lex Luthor faced constant challenge from other males, so when a Harem game removes that element of challenge, the male lead can't truly be seen as a real alpha male IMO.
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Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
I do love myself a good "harem," but only if it is well deserved and makes sense. A giga chad just seducing or dominating all girls to be his woman can make sense. Harem will make sense in a mind control game. An actual handsome, confident, rich, ladies man could have girls all vying for his attention. A virgin awkward anime boi somehow having 5/5 women all over him is way too cringy for me to get into.


Jul 29, 2020
I don't get why I have to choose one or the other. Why can't I have a harem and choose who I want in it instead of everyone. Very few AVN's let you do that. I know, I know, because that would take a whole hell of a lot more time and us as consumers are too impatient for it. Wish people were more patient.


Feb 7, 2021
I like to go for one girl at a time, unless there is a ffm love triangle were all three are in love with each other. I like for there to be Harems in games as long as it optional because I know alot of people like them, so to each there own.


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2018
I personally really don't like harems because I find them incredibly boring and uninteresting. Especially since most game go into a conveyor belt system like WVM or My New Family where it just a case of the MC fucking different girls who are all somehow okay with a timeshare system for their "boyfriend" and waiting on their turn to spend time with him. I prefer being able to choose the characters I like and only go after them by having separate saves for each character in a dating sim style game like Where the Heart is.

A lot of people are saying both which I'm assuming means it's a harem game where you choose which girls to be in it and which ones to reject. That's nice in theory but I think it comes with a lot of issues the main one being it would be a massive pain to manage especially if it is your first game.

For example if you have a game with four girls you could either have a harem with all of them or choose which ones you want. That would then need to be taken into account later on in the story and you would have give different variations of dialogue, plot and renders depending on whether or not players chose all four or only girls one and three etc. Which would be a nightmare to manage in both different renders and also writing and main story.

I think you should just choose what you personally prefer between a full unavoidable harem or a choice based non-harem game and stick to it to make it easier on yourself since it is your first game. One thing you could look into if you want to go with a choice based non-harem game is a quick start system like Where the Heart is, where you can start from any episode and set your relationships with each character without having to play from the beginning every time which would fix some of the issues people have with a non-harem game.


Mar 19, 2021
I personally like choices. I like to see how the choices made play out. I also hate being forced to fuck ugly people. In addition please for the love of god control your self with the breast size. I will not play any game that only has women with huge tits and asses. It is discussing. I much prefer women with B and small C than almost any other.


Jul 25, 2018
Choices should matter. That being said. Harem should be one of the choices/paths. Honestly, one of the best games I've played is Sisterly Lust because of how they handled choices and harem. Personally, I will always go for as many women/girls as I possibly can. If I have to cheat, lie, be sneaky, I don't care. This is fantasy, not real life. My morals are very different in real life. These games are a way of exploring that and enjoying that other side.


Conversation Conqueror
Jan 26, 2021
It depends on the setting but I would say that I like to have both options.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
Real world harems:
1. Pimps and their "stable" of prostitutes--the pimps often have sexual/intimate relations with their "employees"
2. The FLDS sect of mormonism and other cultures/subcultures allowing polygamy--e.g., Islam, various African countries
3. Sex cults like Nexium
4. Actual poly arrangements irl, though typically these are more open-ended for the participants and not lopsided with one male "owning" the bodies of the women and having license to get more.
5. Leonardo DiCaprio and his entourage (I'm half joking, but...)

So you can say "harems are ridiculous", but there are real world examples and if you wanted to make a harem semi-realistic you could probably look at how it works in real life. Either the culture/subculture creates the conditions to make it acceptable(sister-wives, for example), or the head of the harem is so powerful and charismatic that everyone falls into line, or there's just an awesome confluence of lucky breaks that results in a poly arrangement that's all upside and no downside for the MC.


Dec 15, 2018
I'm not sure how that works?
You're either able to pursue all love interests and maintain relationships with them or you have to choose one interest over another due to constraints in time/plot.
Help me understand how both would work.
Both means they like the option of both available, so they can choose 1 or all.

At their core, if you want a decent story AND a harem, then you need to do it right. Using Incest as an example, Incest itself is littered with consequences should you stop partway. Once you get deep enough into an incestuous relationship, it's increasingly doubtful you could ever return to normal, a card authors play when starting things out. Once you've gotten far enough, stopping runs the risk of ruining your relationship with said relative, and creating drama amongst the family.

Now, take that, and extend it to multiple relatives. They find out about each other, and suppose they forgive your cheating, the question then becomes. Are they willing to "Fight" or "Compete" with a beloved relative in order to win you for themself. Whoever backs out of the arrangement for any reason, is running the risk of being estranged from those they care about the most, as well as losing you who should be the one they love. They may not want to hurt family, which they will if they keep you, but that means giving you up, and even if they give you up they may still lose that close bond.

This gives credence to a degree, over why incestuous harems have a better leg to stand on, as it frees up the ability to actually be "Open" about your relationship, and if they find incest itself hot, they can now explore their more bisexual side with their other relatives.

Stretching Incest to include Non relatives. Usually these girls only appear in harems under one of two circumstances. 1) They are very close / in love with a relative in question or 2) They are incredibly kinky and find incest hot, often a bisexual girl whose also interested in having sex with the family.

Why? Because any girl that doesn't fit those criteria has the big barrier of "INCEST IS WRONG" to cross over to even consider a polyamorous relationship, let alone cheating and whether she even stays with you for being an incest creep.

I honestly feel that a true harem should involve more open communication amongst the related parties. It's one thing to "Fool Around" with multiple people, another to be "In a relationship" even if it's not outright stated. I'd prefer games that involve characters being more aware that the MC is involved in other people, whether they know of them or not, and a point is made when things are to take the next step. Games that involve a Side-Kick heroine that encourages harems and actively seeks to assist are quite helpful.

Another aspect that could help is simply the Harem Owner being more virile than their partners. Imagine a girl that has a libido on the lower side, partnered up with someone on the higher side. These sort of relationships can often result in the Higher partner being allowed to have sex on the side by virtue of the fact they currently have needs that aren't being met, and both feel it'd be good for the relationship if someone is meeting them. This limits the notion of being unable to satisfy that many women all at once. Taking Echoes of Lust as an example, one of the more problematic aspects from a literary standpoint, is one of the characters flaws (IE, something that delays sex) is that he is a quick shot, whose never actually engaged in sexual acts back to back (Though he claims he could). A guy like this, reasonably, shouldn't be able to please so many woman who are constantly dissatisfied with him finishing, especially if they have to share it. Now, if his endurance / libido goes up, this doesn't become as big of an issue, but is currently one.

My last comment is that, I've said this months ago, but the current style of games with multiple girls usually follow one of two options 1) Their content is interconnected and you can't do one without the other or 2) You can run their content simultaneously until you ultimately have to make some kind of choice.

Personally? I'd prefer a game that had overlapping schedules from girls, where actively courting one becomes detrimental to another, either making them suspicious or less interested. This offers more replay ability and consequences to your decisions. In games of this nature, I'm more partial to actively NOT choosing to be with certain girls, as I want to focus exclusively on one in particular, and will come to them on another playthrough.

As far as Multiple guys go, I simply say that for me to really go through a "Sharing" route, or happily go down something remotely NTR long term (IE, doing it for a full playthrough rather than one scene), I'd have to genuinely like a guy. Take the Best Friend from Acting Lessons. That sorta guy I'd have no issues having a "Sharing" path. Such a path also opens up to more Homo-erotic paths (GuyxGuy) if there is enough interest from those that would enjoy it.

Lots of ideas, Lots of work involved, ultimately up to you. Your best bet is to give options so people can do what they prefer, and I'd definitely consider getting someone good (Or even beta readers) to check through Harem resolution or overall story to make it as less "Heres a girl, and heres another!" that most games currently sit within.


Dec 15, 2018
So you can say "harems are ridiculous", but there are real world examples and if you wanted to make a harem semi-realistic you could probably look at how it works in real life. Either the culture/subculture creates the conditions to make it acceptable(sister-wives, for example), or the head of the harem is so powerful and charismatic that everyone falls into line, or there's just an awesome confluence of lucky breaks that results in a poly arrangement that's all upside and no downside for the MC.
I'd say the standard reasons behind how a harem could open up are.
1) Mutual love across the whole party, whether sexual or not can vary
2) Acceptance that the "Owner" has such a higher libido that tieing them down to one person at this point is unlikely
3) Swingers (People that get off on it.)
4) They'd rather accept sharing you than not having you.
5) Societal reasons

Ignoring #5, I say the other 4 are possible.
#4 has the consequence that ultimately, the harem members may not be happy and it's potentially unstable. Can easily see it resulting in an eventually fracture or yandere scenario.
#3 Is simply the whole swinger / cucking thing. People that get off on it.
#2 Is not an uncommon method for couples with differing libidos outsourcing sex to satisfy one or another party.
and #1 Is the usual go to that these games go to, but perhaps to no real depth. Basically refers to my post above in which people are attracted to each other as well as you, and may not want to risk losing their relationships with the related parties.