Do you prefer a harem or having to choose in games?


Conversation Conqueror
Jan 26, 2021
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Active Member
Apr 29, 2017
Harem is only appealing to me when the male protagonist is badass enough to deserves all those female's attention... and there are barely any amongst those harem mcs who could be considered that.


Active Member
Jan 25, 2022
From another thread with a game about the MC and friends-with-benefits and I thought to myself 'it's a harem game' but it wasn't tagged as such. So now I'm wondering if FwB are a modern version of a harem or not?

Oh my

Dec 25, 2019
Do you feel having a harem is very important in a game?
No because I'm monogamous and have negative interests in promiscuity or Harems.

Is missing out on possible love interests by making choices a deal breaker or does it give your decisions more meaning?
More meaning as such a choice is an implicitly Romantic statement.

multiple playthroughs to experience.
Is perfectly fine.

Personally I dislike jealousy between characters, do you or do you like the idea of girls fighting over the MC?
I like when the LI I choose exhibits jealously when she would as it's implicitly Romantic.
By stating she's afraid of losing MC, she states that MC is important to her.
However, if it isn't that someone else is being insulting, it could mean MC's devotion isn't convincing.

Jealousy is a functional biological imperative that facilitates cohesive nuclear families.
Romance destroys any doubts about who is for who and where one is invested.

I have no interest in the jealousy dynamics of a Harem.

Finally, do you find harem games unrealistic or an ideal fantasy?
Dysfunctional, shallow, neglectful, and short sighted.
Dividing attention between work and wife/kids at least serves your wife/kids; but dividing attention to another wife/kids doesn't serve either.
Even alone time or rest serves more function.
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Game Developer
May 22, 2022
I don't mind much about harems but porn games need more drama.

In a 'we are all happy fucking each other without any consequences' scenario it is kind of difficult for me to get immersed. Characters are very limited by that set-up and I find myself skipping most of the text which is a pain because porn scenes with proper set-up are so much hotter.

In most harems I like it feels more like I am playing disjointed stories with great characters. A Pokemon chase of the sort... I want to have them all !! For instance, I like Harem Hotel because it makes a good job into giving depth to most characters. Some of them are even quite harem-like (Maria). But some times when I am with the twins I'd like one to get angry that I have taken the other one 10 times in a row. I'd like her to follow us, to watch us hidden while biting her nails, to come at night to my room and have some sort of angry sex. Dunno, that sort of thing*. Maybe it is just me.

* I haven't played the game in a while so it could be that it has those features already.


Engaged Member
Sep 27, 2017
I prefer to choose who i want in my harem and who not.
As poly i hate the pick one concept, its not only boring, its also a waste of opportunity...even most harem games waste the opportunity, hell, you have 20 dripping girls available and dont start an orgy? Thats a fucking all you can eat (out) buffet and you cant use it...


Adult games developer
Game Developer
Aug 7, 2020
I prefer harems for a couple of reasons.
1. I generally like to have the option to only play a game once. Games that force multiple playthrough, I generally find boring. (Roguelike are generally an exception to that rule, but I haven't encountered many of those)
2. I prefer to have relationships with the girls I have sex with, and in adult games, you tend to sleep with a lot of people. Lots of relationships go hand in hand with having a harem.
3. Generally games where you have to choose include pretty developped choice trees, and while I like playing visual novels, they are pretty much akin to books. I don't dislike having some choices, however I really don't like having to navigate complex ecostsystems of choices. I know that sometimes people like to have 'difficult' choices in their VN games, however, personally I prefer to just enjoy the story and the beautiful renders, because if I wanted gameplay I'd go play doom, terraria or something like that instead. I have played many games where you have to have a walkthrough just to get the route with the girl you're looking to romance, and honestly it doesn't feel good at all. (To me, anyway. I understand that I am me and other people are themselves, so my tastes are not universal.)
I'd rather just have all routes open instead of having to solve a puzzle to get where I want to.

This being said, I do like having the choice whether to include a girl or not in my harem. That I believe is pretty cool.
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