Does anyone else think animation is a complete waste of time?


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
I agree when it comes to DAZ, though the same logic doesn't apply to Honey Select and other engines that come with premade animations and don't require rendering.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2017
Idle animations, portrait animation, breathing animation = great.
Sex animations are always bad, at least for daz, and rpgm. Some engines and artstyles can be made to look ok for generic thrusting animation and such if the tools enable natural looking motion.
Worst animation award might go to chloe18 games.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2018
I totally agree with the OP.

I think this should be say waaay more often and not only here on General Discussion but on each game thread. A lot of time people complain about no animations or bad animations and I think this should be expressed there to that guy, because people will read those comments and by people it also includes the game's dev and future devs/wannabe devs who will read that comment and will think that his game MUST have animations or it won't be worthy.

I make a game with 60fps animations, yet I still don't understand why people cares so much about animations in these games. If people want to see animation that bad then they should go to xvideos/pornhub or at least look for things in the Animations section, not in the Games section.

Everytime I see someone saying something like "Stop making games without animations, this is a game not a book" I swear that I fucking hate that guy. Devs should do animations because that's what they want for their games, not because they feel forced.


May 11, 2021
you just know it took the dev a calendar month to visually compose and animate
Takes me about 5-10 hours to make a basic 1-3 second looping animation for a scene. Most of the work actually goes into creating the models etc. By your logic i should just use stock models that everyone else uses because it's less work.


Oct 18, 2018
People who demand full animated sex scene are the one who don't read and/or play the game. They either use the gallery or skip the entire game to see the sex scenes and then complain about a 5 min. update with no sex in it.
If people want to see animation that bad then they should go to xvideos/pornhub or at least look for things in the Animations section, not in the Games section.
That stuff ^^^^^^ up there.
That's where I'm seeing a lot of the anger and dissatisfaction regarding animations going.
Some of you just seem to be under this misguided belief or idea that there is a specific way a game needs to be played or enjoyed. And when someone comes along with a different opinion you seem to be getting defensive, offended, and behaving line you want to lash out for whatever reason.
You go from being two people talking about how you like a game to this, to one person stating their opinion and another person doing this:

Everytime I see someone saying something like "Stop making games without animations, this is a game not a book" I swear that I fucking hate that guy.

It's fine to vent frustration. It's okay if someone's opinion irritates you.
It's not okay to just say something someone else enjoys is a complete waste of time and resources just because you don't find any value in it folks.
That's narrow minded and doesn't take ANY consideration into account for the tastes feelings or preferences of others.

Besides, no matter what any of us say or do here, there will always be a market for animations in these types of games. And so long as the market exists for it, then there will be developers willing to create for that market.

Besides, this... This I can agree with.
Devs should do animations because that's what they want for their games

So why don't we just calm down a bit and remember we're talking about porn scenes in video games.
Then ask yourselves if it's really worth getting so upset over someone having a different opinion on what they want to fap to, or if someone else's opinion of what makes for good fap material has EVER hurt you in any way.

Quick edit/ side note:

Currently, there are 10,168 games listed here.
If you filter out the animated tag: 6,607 games are left.
3,561 animated games
6607 games without animations.

So it's not exactly like folks who prefer games without them are suffering from a lack of content.
Just something to keep in mind. :D
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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
I wouldn't say ALWAYS, but I do 99% agree. we should rather learn more from comics about how to tell a story with a single frame. thousands of amazing graphic novels make it painfully clear that you can tell epic tales with a very limited number of images, and that adding MORE images would actually make the same story WORSE.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
Besides, no matter what any of us say or do here, there will always be a market for animations in these types of games. And so long as the market exists for it, then there will be developers willing to create for that market.
Yes, but that's also part of the problem. Doing animations for your game if you have a monster rig (preferably two) and know what you're doing is one thing. Being a noob developer and having 50% of your dev time taken up because you think you need to have animations for your game to be good is just a waste of everybody's time. Except for people who would rather have mediocre animations than more content I guess.


Oct 18, 2018
Yes, but that's also part of the problem. Doing animations for your game if you have a monster rig (preferably two) and know what you're doing is one thing. Being a noob developer and having 50% of your dev time taken up because you think you need to have animations for your game to be good is just a waste of everybody's time. Except for people who would rather have mediocre animations than more content I guess.
And whether or not you, I, or anyone else approves of the matter, we should *still* leave it up to the devs to make that call for themselves. If they want to do it, that's for them to decide. You can choose to be upset about it, you can choose to ignore their product, you can choose to react in any manner of ways. But attempting to tell someone how to do their job? That's just bad form.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
And whether or not you, I, or anyone else approves of the matter, we should *still* leave it up to the devs to make that call for themselves. If they want to do it, that's for them to decide. You can choose to be upset about it, you can choose to ignore their product, you can choose to react in any manner of ways. But attempting to tell someone how to do their job? That's just bad form.
Nobody is telling anybody how to do their job, people are just expressing their opinions and preferences. If people want to intentionally make their games worse, that's up to them.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
5 frame looped animation is an abomination and shouldn't be used unironically.
I'm kinda the opposite. for me the smooth animations stick out terribly and break the visual flow of the otherwise slide show paced game with static renders. where as low fps animations stay true to the general style of most VNs. but of course this too like all things can be done badly or well.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2018
That stuff ^^^^^^ up there.
That's where I'm seeing a lot of the anger and dissatisfaction regarding animations going.
Some of you just seem to be under this misguided belief or idea that there is a specific way a game needs to be played or enjoyed. And when someone comes along with a different opinion you seem to be getting defensive, offended, and behaving line you want to lash out for whatever reason.
You go from being two people talking about how you like a game to this, to one person stating their opinion and another person doing this:

It's fine to vent frustration. It's okay if someone's opinion irritates you.
It's not okay to just say something someone else enjoys is a complete waste of time and resources just because you don't find any value in it folks.
That's narrow minded and doesn't take ANY consideration into account for the tastes feelings or preferences of others.

Besides, no matter what any of us say or do here, there will always be a market for animations in these types of games. And so long as the market exists for it, then there will be developers willing to create for that market.

Besides, this... This I can agree with.


So why don't we just calm down a bit and remember we're talking about porn scenes in video games.
Then ask yourselves if it's really worth getting so upset over someone having a different opinion on what they want to fap to, or if someone else's opinion of what makes for good fap material has EVER hurt you in any way.

Quick edit/ side note:

Currently, there are 10,168 games listed here.
If you filter out the animated tag: 6,607 games are left.
3,561 animated games
6607 games without animations.

So it's not exactly like folks who prefer games without them are suffering from a lack of content.
Just something to keep in mind. :D
Dude no offense but I read your previous comment before and I didn't quote you because I didn't want to point you out, but you're a good example of what I say.

There are tons of people comenting, complaining, ranting and insulting about no animations/bad animations, yet you find one post saying the opposite and a few comments agreeing with it and we are the ones "not taking into considerations what others like"? We are the ones "getting defensive and offended when someone comes along with a different opinion"?

You're literally the guy who tells gay people people to not kiss in public because they have to respect the heterosexuality of people around.
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Oct 18, 2018
Nobody is telling anybody how to do their job, people are just expressing their opinions and preferences. If people want to intentionally make their games worse, that's up to them.
See, I can respect that take on the discussion. :D

Dude no offense but I read your previous comment before and I didn't quote you because I didn't want to point you out, but you're a good example of what I say.

There are tons of people comenting, complaining, ranting and insulting about no animations/bad animations, yet you find one post saying the opposite and a few comments agreeing with it and we are the ones "not taking into considerations what others like"? We are the ones "getting defensive and offended when someone comes along with a different opinion"?

You're literally the guy telling gay people people to not kiss in public because they have to respect the heterosexuality of people around.
Really? I pointed out the way you flatly dismissed things that some people actually like as being a problem.
And your response to that is a poor attempt at equating me to homophobe?
Talk about escalation. lol

I'm sorry, but at this point I can not take anything you say seriously.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2018
See, I can respect that take on the discussion. :D

Really? I pointed out the way you flatly dismissed things that some people actually like as being a problem.
And your response to that is a poor attempt at equating me to homophobe?
Talk about escalation. lol

I'm sorry, but at this point I can not take anything you say seriously.
I didn't dismissed the thing that others like, in fact I literally said that devs should do it because they want it and I said that I do it, thus I like it.

You're the one who quoted my comment and reversed the context in order to make it look like if I was the one not liking/tolerating something here. I don't need you to have "troll" on your name to understand that classic troll behavior.

I'll insist, you're literally the guy who tells gay people people to not kiss in public. The irony and hypocresy is huge. It's okay if you can't take me seriously, it's mutual and I'm not planning to answer you anymore. You can go back to your bridge.


Jan 17, 2017
No offense dude but you really ought to give it a rest on the weird pearl clutching and wannabe-moderating when no one in this thread has even really gotten particularly heated yet. More to the issue, as Adabelitoo pointed out, the 'RAGH WHY DOESN'T THIS GAME HAVE ANIMATIONS' guys are often noisy and annoying, and it's easy to imagine some newbie dev enduring it. Newbie devs will see only that stuff and consequently develop the misapprehension animations are some sort of necessity for modern games, especially because no one ever really pushes back on those posts. So what's wrong with actually talking about it? The discussion itself is overdue, man; the emperor has been walking around naked for a while now. Animations have proven themselves time and again to be a massive white elephant boondoggle that don't provide erogames with anything a good still image series doesn't, and in fact often provide less, yet suck up ten times more dev time by comparison. And anyone pretending like they can't tell what a disaster their widespread adoption has been for dev cycles is being dishonest. I've been thinking about it lately myself, which is why I posted this. Judging by the responses, it seems like it's something that's been on other people's minds too.
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Oct 18, 2018
I didn't dismissed the thing that others like, in fact I literally said that devs should do it because they want it and I said that I do it, thus I like it.

You're the one who quoted my comment and reversed the context in order to make it look like if I was the one not liking/tolerating something here. I don't need you to have "troll" on your name to understand that classic troll behavior.

I'll insist, you're literally the guy who tells gay people people to not kiss in public. The irony and hypocresy is huge. It's okay if you can't take me seriously, it's mutual and I'm not planning to answer you anymore. You can go back to your bridge.
I'm literally not telling gay people anything because that's their business and nothing to do with me.
Go check my post history read through it all. I;m very consistant.
I love animated sex scenes in games, and I will defend the fact that there are who people enjoy them, because I am one of them.
I also am very LBGBTQ+ positive regardless of whatever you might think.
But please, go ahead. Continue attacking my character based on no evidence what so ever just because you disagree with my comments. It's just further proving the point I made earlier that you seemingly took such offense to.
Regardless though, you're right our part in this discussion has already gone on long enough.
Have a good day, but please stop trying to make baseless accusations about people hate-mongering.
It just makes you look petty and immature.


Aug 8, 2017
You might want to fix the formatting on your reply, it looks like you're falsely quoting them(putting words in their mouth), instead of replying to them.

At the moment your reply is appearing under the "what they said" section of the quote box.


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2021
I think animation is very cool. I think DAZ Studio is a very bad platform for creating content. It's much better to use UNITY or UNREAL to create pictures and animations. There are very good shadows, very fast and simple rendering.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2017
No, quality animations are great. But when it looks like stop-motion it feels kinda pointless. But if I have to choose between content and animations I always pick the content. Animations are nice ontop, but not if they take away a lot of dev-time that is needed for the other parts.


Jul 26, 2017
I disagree with the OP entirely. People shouldn't pressure noobs into animating, that's a given. Shitty people will be shitty people.

But saying that it hinders game development? Do you have any research done into that? I don't mean either "oh, just look at the games on here." Actual research. Otherwise, it's another pointless soap box where you're trying to prop up your opinion as some noble crusade. Which y' isn't. It's an opinion. There's nothing noble or criminal of it. It's not the better choice nor is it the worse choice. It's just a choice.

Not to mention people don't get better at animating without shoveling shit out first. That's the nature of work, you're bad at it until you're not. If the people are genuinely wanting to get better at it and OP's stance is "you're hindering game development because you could do several still images in that time frame," you're in the same boat of shittiness as pressuring developers to do what you want.


New Member
Jan 17, 2018
well the biggest advantage of 3d is the fact that you get animations for so much cheaper than 2d. throwing away such an advantage right out is silly. but of course as everything in game development you have to make a compromise. More story/content in still form or quality content in animated form.

But yeah i would never not play a vn that isn't animated, after all the story/setting/characters are king in those.
Anything else, rpgs, simulation games etc. with a lot less focus on story i might expect a bit more polish in those areas.