Please do continue.
Even if it is not enough, it's really satisfying to watch Tony helpless and bound.
Jasmine can enlist Sukkhon's or Eduardo's help. And Jasmine looks hot as hell in that getup!
And there is a scene with Jasmine and Yoon (plus Sukkhon watching) that will sure raise you from your seat (at least in part
Finaly Jasmine and Yoon dancing in a club, looking all lovely, to spite the D.
Rachel's case is a bit complicated. You are right. She
used to blame everything bad on the mc, especially after the father left / died. And she even admits it now and that it was wrong of her. Years have passed since the mc left home. That leaves you with an awful lot of time to think about everything. With passing time you can see things more clearly. When the initial emotions don't cloud your mind. Especially when the one you blame it on is gone and things still haven't improved. You know how it is. First you blame everyone else. Then when the emotions recede, you start to think about it more. Contemplating whose fault it really is. First you don't want to admit you could be at fault too. Then you start to think, well maybe it was my fault too, at least in part. And then, when you start to analyze it properly, to see what has gone wrong, you realize what a mess it all is. And you admit you were at fault too. Yes, the other party may have done something wrong too. Most likely you were both responsible. And you want to say sorry and make up with the other party. Especially if it is serious. You want to forgive and be forgiven too. Now imagine the other side of the conflict is no more around. There's noone to apologize to and nobody to forgive you. It will weigh on your conscience. If the matter is truly serious, you are desperate for forgiveness. And you will do anything, if the other party would just forgive you so that you can go on and leave it all behind. And you start probably blaming yourself and thinking about everything you could have done better. And swearing you will do better if only given the chance. After the fire and the furry has vanished only sadness and despair will be left. Plus if there were any feelings for the other person, loneliness will set in. Replaced with emptiness.
Is this enough of a reason?
Typing all of this on a phone was truly horrible.