Tom Aspinall

May 26, 2022
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the ending was much like the others currently in game. As in, you get stuck in a room and can repeat scenes forever.

Succubus Hunter

Conversation Conqueror
May 19, 2020
For point 3
I think about it like a pocket Dimension like in dragon ball where goku went to train inside the room time was faster than the outside so he could train more in less time i think it was this was and like that with the field he said it was a long time but not for him like if you fast forward like a video something like that in the field it like nothing happends but outside time moves so fast so he says its that long because it was but not for him

For point 4 its a loop he said it himself
So yes he doesnt do shit about the deaths but he is also not the cause of it because he is the only one who knows that he went back in time so its not his fault the suffer their fate his fault is only he is not trying to prevent it and because he thinks his future self needs to appear or he dissapears that why he is doing nothing also for the one champion only theory
Yes after losing her realm i can see that but why not summon then before her realm gets stolen from a hint from a reaper who knows what will happen why not start a secret army who will help her that would probaly change everything

For point 5 they controll their world so inside there world they controll time but outside only hora can so best girl lived trought we dont know how much and maybe they dont have mind manipulation but if you get tortured for god knows how long ans mc is the reason why she suffers i could see why she would fear/hate him its possible but in the doesnt does not matter its not happening and as to why she want to go back i get your reasons but does she have so little faith in him her only champion left the one who defeated i think 9 dominas was it and even rescued her from her hell i think it would be more likely she would stick to her only hope left if only a little but thats just speculstions
Any it is nice to talk with someone about this and exchange thoughts
Regarding point 3, the hyperbolic time chambers actually portray relative time well. Regardless of were you are in time space it will always feel the same from your perspective. If the reaper were moving through time relatively faster it wouldn't be noticeable from his perspective.

Regarding #4, there's two parts to that. The first is the ethics of time travel. The only reason those Mortys I mean, Champions existed was because Death created an alternate timeline. That would be like if I were dying and the only way I could live a slightly longer yet unfulfilling life was to create thousands of lives and condemn them to lives of far greater suffering. As for Death not tipping off Best Girl, there are two problems with that. First, I doubt Deka had planned for time travel being part of the story before version 8.0. Secondly, because that would make too much sense.

As for #5, So far the Dominas seem to have some limits with their powers. For one we don't see any other Domina mentioning this power. The closest we see is MC thinking to himself that Frazsceska reversed time to bring back Jerry but that was just his perception of it. She could have easily resurrected him while MC wasn't looking at him. I couldn't see Best Girl blaming MC for her suffering if for no other reason then her being the one to insist on teleporting him away. Had he chose to run and leave her there I could see how maybe she could want to take her anger out on him.

Agreed on enjoying speaking to a fellow h-game theorist.

I came to the realization that we failed as the champion. We may be able to save one reality, but we couldn't save them all. Millions of people are suffering because we failed. Darn it, I didn't want this to happen. Hora, she's just as heartless as Mary.
So true but I wouldn't say Hora is a heartless as Worst Girl. Worst Girl chose to do what she does based on malice. Hora broke time because she had a breakdown. Nobody benefited from breaking reality, not even Hora herself.

First, I finally swung around to update the Files I had on the game, making the Saves and Info for the newest version (v9.1), and also updating the Mod to work with it (and also link to Hora, for the Teleport Cheat Item). Link to the Files here (also present through my Blog):

[The Files]
Pass: "DRLF4"

Now, since I saw some discussion here about the story of the game, I also want to throw my two cents into the mix. To preface, I think it is at least observable that the story is not extremely solid in its quality, from multiple perspectives. There are plenty of plot-holes to be found, it's left vague on purpose a lot, it breaks some narrative structures (without making much of those breaks), and, much like the game as a whole, it starts dropping in quality towards the end. But still, I'd dare say the story had a bit of potential, and it's still a better quality than some other games' plots, such as the plot for the Demon Angel Sakura series (I recently Reviewed that series, and let's just say close to nobody would play the games on the basis of the story).

Now back to Domina. Personally, what hit me a bit with the Hora (hooora-hooora~) update was the lack of Player Agency in some of the plot, the part in which the MC gets the "Soul Parts" for Hora in exchange for The White Girl. I suppose, to finish off the plot of this part, Deka wanted The White Girl back into picture to be the one to Save the situation, but at this point, with the asspulls used so far, he might as well had the Domina Souls (they get called Souls after defeating Hora and taking them from her, while they were initially supposed to be Soul Parts; idk) be able to "Fuse" into power for the MC directly (possibly with consequences). He wasn't really forced into bringing back White Girl for this. I'll admit I have my bias here, as I personally hate White Girl (with arguments), similar to how most would view Goddess Ilias in MGQ (but to give credit to Ilias, at least she was mentally consistent with her goals, and was evil on purpose, not by stupidity). It would have been something to be able to choose not to save her, or have some sort of struggle over the idea, as the MC, at least on that part, willingly sacrificed the whole actual world for just The White Girl. On that simple basis, would be stupid, and would discredit his efforts up until that point against all the Dominas, risking his life and refusing submission (or, at times, more pleasurable alternatives) to keep on fighting and defeating them. I also think it's weird how the MC then continues fighting Hora after helping her power up, or that it seems the Souls collected for her did nothing to boost her power (and if she had to take time in absorbing them or something, she should have done so as a priority to continue her plans, instead of playing with a weak male that has served his purpose), to the point of paradoxically being defeat-able (in-story I mean) only after she would, normally, be even stronger than before.

I'll also say as a small disclaimer, I don't have anything against people liking.... Lemme' search her name.... Llavanya. She looks cute enough, seems innocent on the appearance, nice personality, and I felt 0.000001% more bad for her tortured predicament in the new update, when she gets saved. All this, sadly, counter-balanced, in my eyes, by her stupid plan to send allegedly Millions (and I was lowballing it by about a few zeroes, good think Katrina made it very clear in this update) of unprepared, unwilling, humans, to defeat beings that might as well be low-level gods to them at their weakest, and proper gods at their strongest. Hell, again, in this newest update, you get to meet Levi, who was a goddamn college student (possible reference to Deka's other College games?) before being roped into this mess. Why not, at the very least, try to get humans that would have a bit of innate competency in combat or resisting psychological ordeals? Or, you know, asking for their consent before damning their rest of their now-very-short lives. The fact that she meant no actual harm by this, and that she genuinely wanted to save the World through this method, makes it all the worst. It shows she's actually stupid, and makes me hate her for being so "innocent" whilst still being the cause of millions of torturous deaths, and for the fact that the story would automatically default to liking her and putting her in a positive light (best would have been to maintain some neutrality to it). She might have been made so "positive" only to show the contrast to her now-corrupted self, but still, how nice should one feel about being teleported into essentially Hades, to do the dirty work for the entire world, when the chances of success, as it stands, are not only 0%, but also just to pass the 1st out of 13 ordeals is only a 50% chance.
I'm still open to debating Llvanya with her fellow Devout Followers from this forum, I enjoy long discussions. Hope I wasn't too off-putting with the harsher jokes at her expense.

Indeed, the Hora chapter seems pretty lazy, story-wise. Some major points were attempted, such as the Weird-twist of the Grim Reaper having been the MC stuck in a Time Loop (feels pretty lame honestly), or the whole quest for Hora and how she actually seemed like the most decent Domina so far in the game (including The White Girl), and possibly would have made for a good Ruler of the world (considering the alternatives of all the other Dominas, or simply leaving humanity to destroy itself, as, allegedly, she had saved humanity in the past from such extinctions). Sadly, her story was, as it's clear by now, rushed, as it makes no sense in the current context for her to be defeated, and also further destroys the expected escalation of the Story stakes, as she claimed (and has been shown by this point quite clearly) that she was the strongest Domina baring Selena, whilst being only the 9th (meaning we'd normally now get 3 Filler Dominas, who'd be logically pushovers to the guy able to defeat Hora).

There are still ways, suprisingly, for Deka to attempt to write himself out of the current downwards spiral of quality his story is headed into. I do doubt he'll make the effort for it though, and he already seems to dedicate himself more to his newest project, so I'm not holding my breath for even getting any future update on this game anytime soon, much less quality within it.
Wow, you reallly have a lot of thoughts on this game as well.

First of all, I agree with you on the story needing improvement. Given the changes in game mechanics and foreshadowing it is clear that the story has been altered since the earlier versions. Plot holes and pacing are also issues with the game as well. Imo Deka should stick with the "Hero's journey" cycle of plot development. Best Girl was introduced way too early and then brought back too soon. And I also agree that giving back Best Girl along with MC beating the second most powerful Domina is jumping the shark. The only way I can see Deka writing his way out of this would be for Best Girl to take on the role of Grim Reaper and for Selena the Raven to give her three handmaidens a stat boost and perhaps some Selena spells, enchanted jet black clothing, and an MC countering weapon.

As for White Girl Best Girl there are some points where I can agree with what you said. MC choosing to save her at the expense of the world wouldn't make sense, however I don't think he understood just how much of a threat Hora Hora could be. Plus she did seem more well together than most of the other Dominas he encountered. Also, it appears the Dominas can't use their full power while dueling the champions. Unlike out of combat they have to rely on their own prowess rather than the power of her entire realm/ seal. Plus Best Girl's knowledge of the Dominas can help him to beat them. Worst case scenario, he could hide her in the cerulean fields and use her as a bargaining chip if he ever wanted to strike a deal with a Domina he could not defeat or perhaps to enlist the help of another domina to set up an ambush. I do agree though that Best Girl's plan to send in woefully unprepared champions was a horrible idea. While I can see why she wouldn't get their permission, I can't see why she wouldn't bother training them or appearing before them to explain what they need to do. The former would give them a slightly better chance at winning and the latter would have given them a much needed morale boost. There are ways Deka could write around this such as champion's being gifted humans whose souls burn brightest when they are ready to enter the world of adulthood and begin their life's journey. This would give Best Girl a reason for whisking them away quickly as well as explain why every human we meet is also the same age. Not only that but it would also allow him to write in more college themed content/ references which he appears to be a big fan of.

As for the comparison between Best Girl and MGQ Best Girl, I am still on chapter 2 and am a devout Ilias worshiper.

Everyone talks about how bad Deka's stories are, they are so bad even he forgets them. View attachment 2243824
This is so true and so sad. I hope she gets back up to play with MC again next update. Also, as she mentions, this is the second time MC has taken the power that is hers. I really hope there's a scene toward the end where she gets to give MC the beating he deserves for that.


Jul 2, 2017
Regarding point 3, the hyperbolic time chambers actually portray relative time well. Regardless of were you are in time space it will always feel the same from your perspective. If the reaper were moving through time relatively faster it wouldn't be noticeable from his perspective.

Regarding #4, there's two parts to that. The first is the ethics of time travel. The only reason those Mortys I mean, Champions existed was because Death created an alternate timeline. That would be like if I were dying and the only way I could live a slightly longer yet unfulfilling life was to create thousands of lives and condemn them to lives of far greater suffering. As for Death not tipping off Best Girl, there are two problems with that. First, I doubt Deka had planned for time travel being part of the story before version 8.0. Secondly, because that would make too much sense.

As for #5, So far the Dominas seem to have some limits with their powers. For one we don't see any other Domina mentioning this power. The closest we see is MC thinking to himself that Frazsceska reversed time to bring back Jerry but that was just his perception of it. She could have easily resurrected him while MC wasn't looking at him. I couldn't see Best Girl blaming MC for her suffering if for no other reason then her being the one to insist on teleporting him away. Had he chose to run and leave her there I could see how maybe she could want to take her anger out on him.

Agreed on enjoying speaking to a fellow h-game theorist.

So true but I wouldn't say Hora is a heartless as Worst Girl. Worst Girl chose to do what she does based on malice. Hora broke time because she had a breakdown. Nobody benefited from breaking reality, not even Hora herself.

Wow, you reallly have a lot of thoughts on this game as well.

First of all, I agree with you on the story needing improvement. Given the changes in game mechanics and foreshadowing it is clear that the story has been altered since the earlier versions. Plot holes and pacing are also issues with the game as well. Imo Deka should stick with the "Hero's journey" cycle of plot development. Best Girl was introduced way too early and then brought back too soon. And I also agree that giving back Best Girl along with MC beating the second most powerful Domina is jumping the shark. The only way I can see Deka writing his way out of this would be for Best Girl to take on the role of Grim Reaper and for Selena the Raven to give her three handmaidens a stat boost and perhaps some Selena spells, enchanted jet black clothing, and an MC countering weapon.

As for White Girl Best Girl there are some points where I can agree with what you said. MC choosing to save her at the expense of the world wouldn't make sense, however I don't think he understood just how much of a threat Hora Hora could be. Plus she did seem more well together than most of the other Dominas he encountered. Also, it appears the Dominas can't use their full power while dueling the champions. Unlike out of combat they have to rely on their own prowess rather than the power of her entire realm/ seal. Plus Best Girl's knowledge of the Dominas can help him to beat them. Worst case scenario, he could hide her in the cerulean fields and use her as a bargaining chip if he ever wanted to strike a deal with a Domina he could not defeat or perhaps to enlist the help of another domina to set up an ambush. I do agree though that Best Girl's plan to send in woefully unprepared champions was a horrible idea. While I can see why she wouldn't get their permission, I can't see why she wouldn't bother training them or appearing before them to explain what they need to do. The former would give them a slightly better chance at winning and the latter would have given them a much needed morale boost. There are ways Deka could write around this such as champion's being gifted humans whose souls burn brightest when they are ready to enter the world of adulthood and begin their life's journey. This would give Best Girl a reason for whisking them away quickly as well as explain why every human we meet is also the same age. Not only that but it would also allow him to write in more college themed content/ references which he appears to be a big fan of.

As for the comparison between Best Girl and MGQ Best Girl, I am still on chapter 2 and am a devout Ilias worshiper.

This is so true and so sad. I hope she gets back up to play with MC again next update. Also, as she mentions, this is the second time MC has taken the power that is hers. I really hope there's a scene toward the end where she gets to give MC the beating he deserves for that.

I really like the discussion, we're actually coming up with awesome ideas as a byproduct, soon enough we'll just fanfic the "Better Domina" in between the comments of this thread! Which is admirable, considering the differing opinions each of us have (but still, together making a more consistent plot than Domina has atm).

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Back to Domina, I wouldn't have a huge issue with breaking narrative norms. Hell, I'm all for trying out new ideas, and I do like playing on tired tropes and making something better out of them. Key point is, "making something better", not just breaking for breaking's sake, as in that case, it's more of a case of "not conforming to the narrative structure due to lack of experience" instead of an active choice. Even getting Llavanya into the action early could have worked as a clever deconstruction of the "Protector Goddess in the background" trope, getting her into the Foreground instead, but in practice, was done extremely poorly. Instead of showing that, possibly, she finally got to a breaking point with her regrets and trauma at sending so many Champions into the proverbial meatgrinder, and that's why she decided to finally help actively in the MC's quest, we only see her choosing, on an essential whim, to come down and help the stuck MC to even have a chance to continue the quest. Also, while I like some proper anti-climatic moments, when she just got 'nabbed by Mary right in front of her Realm's door I burst out laughing hysterically (and not due to my own views on the Holly Chick, but because it was so out-of-the blue and, frankly, stupid). Same can be said about many other examples in the plot. I'm almost tempted to write a "Correctional" fanfic, in which I'd attempt to "fix" the story (with minimal changes, to still retain the Story itself, and show how, with a little effort, even this plot can be made into something above average, maybe even good).

As for the next Dominas, I would not hold my breath on their quality. It is obvious, by this point, Deka's rushing the end of this project (to focus on his new, MHC, game; I'll check it out soon, see if it's worth it), so I'd even expect him finding a way to "skip" past the "filler" 3 dominas (or give them limited content, just to get through them faster), to reach the proper end of the story. Not even sure if he'll want to give a proper finish to the game, but we'll have to see on that one.

Finally, it's also kind of sad that we have to come up with explanations for some of the things happening in the story (essentially, creating head cannon for ourselves). While some aspects can be implied by a story, it's best, especially for essential parts of the story, to be at least alluded to more directly. For example, there wasn't a specific point in which Deka specified why Hora would not use her full might in a fight against MC, instead of only using her "Time Break" Ult only after being defeated. (and even the fact that Hora was defeat-able is a problem in of itself, but I don't want to repeat myself too much on the same ideas)
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New Member
Sep 25, 2022
hey anyone can help me pls? i just start the game i pass the first domina but she kill me twice in the start(before i can kill her) and i left with 1 life so that mean im stuck with 1 life for the rest of my game? or i can craft my soul


Mar 22, 2020
hey anyone can help me pls? i just start the game i pass the first domina but she kill me twice in the start(before i can kill her) and i left with 1 life so that mean im stuck with 1 life for the rest of my game? or i can craft my soul
No, you're supposed to lose the first two fights. Once you lose all your lives, they replenish.
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Jul 2, 2017
hey anyone can help me pls? i just start the game i pass the first domina but she kill me twice in the start(before i can kill her) and i left with 1 life so that mean im stuck with 1 life for the rest of my game? or i can craft my soul
You also get ways to replenish the lives at some point, but really, so far, there is no downside to simply letting the Souls run out, to then be fully replenished back to full.
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New Member
Oct 1, 2022
whats wrong with this game? instead of encounter and fighting with visible enemies, battles just randomly pop up out of blue during ur char movements around the map, theres also pointless rgl i believe? system that didnt even punish you for losing, whats the point of leveling on regular enemies if you can just lose-lose-lose-attack buff-equipment buy-exchange live to reduce stress-lose-lose-repeat, dont even bother to fight mobs due to option for just surrender and continue moving to quest target like nothing happened, and game also run several processes of game.exe instances for idk what reason, aaaand theres also nw.js profile error for some reason, is this how this game supposed to be by itself, or its me fck up something?


Jul 2, 2017
whats wrong with this game? instead of encounter and fighting with visible enemies, battles just randomly pop up out of blue during ur char movements around the map, theres also pointless rgl i believe? system that didnt even punish you for losing, whats the point of leveling on regular enemies if you can just lose-lose-lose-attack buff-equipment buy-exchange live to reduce stress-lose-lose-repeat, dont even bother to fight mobs due to option for just surrender and continue moving to quest target like nothing happened, and game also run several processes of game.exe instances for idk what reason, aaaand theres also nw.js profile error for some reason, is this how this game supposed to be by itself, or its me fck up something?
Half of this is basic RPG Maker MV stuff (random encounters on travel (there are also good RPGs out there with this option), game running multiple processes, the weird "nw.js" error message (that doesn't affect you in practice) ). The rest, it's just Deka game quality for ya (the combat not being that impressive, the rpg grind being very boring, and the lack of real stakes as death is not a problem).


Jan 9, 2019
Ilias made me laugh when she accidently killed me, and that sealed my love for her, even though I stopped playing within the first few hours. Unfortunately, random spoilers basically made sure I'd never come back to finish it. That is to say, that "edit" button is always there for you if you wanna save anyone else? I think. Do we have a time limit for editing?

As for this game?
Maybe if they shoulda given Llavagirl a "gacha addict" personality...


Jul 2, 2017
Ilias made me laugh when she accidently killed me, and that sealed my love for her, even though I stopped playing within the first few hours. Unfortunately, random spoilers basically made sure I'd never come back to finish it. That is to say, that "edit" button is always there for you if you wanna save anyone else? I think. Do we have a time limit for editing?

As for this game?
Maybe if they shoulda given Llavagirl a "gacha addict" personality...
Went back and changed the comment. I was thinking a bit about Spoilers, but I was also thinking both that it was an older game, and the Spoil itself wasn't a major (unexpected) one (as I did not detail much around it, keeping it vague).
Also, I'd still recommend you playing through the game, it's honestly a great experience overall, cool story (even if you know some of it already, it's still worthwhile checking out), decent gameplay, and lots of Monster Girls to enjoy. I'm even making a Review soon on the series (including the Paradox series, here's hopes Part 3 for it comes out soon enough...)


Mar 22, 2020
how did you beat rosita?
Quite simple. 999999hp Rosita sounds kinda scary at first, but she's honestly a pushover. The longer the fight goes, the more the damages you do to her are amplified. Just avoid getting killed, basically. Shadowbound and Soul Link will be your best tools for survival. Afflicting status effects on her such as Poison and Bleeding will help too to chip away some of that health up until she reaches the point of losing an absurd amount of hp on some of your least threatening moves. She's perhaps the easiest fight in the game once you're aware of how she works.


Mar 29, 2019
So do i really have to walk to all 8 dominas and get their soul shards??????
It doesn't really help that Illvana makes a comment and makes me have to stop walking too.
This is a really annoying section which is all due to the fact you walk as fast as a turtle


Mar 22, 2020
So do i really have to walk to all 8 dominas and get their soul shards??????
It doesn't really help that Illvana makes a comment and makes me have to stop walking too.
This is a really annoying section which is all due to the fact you walk as fast as a turtle
Yup, it's one of my biggest complaints of this whole update. I completely feel your pain.


New Member
Sep 27, 2017
Guys I stopped playing when the updates got so buggy the game was barely playable, how's the game state now?
I read some of the latest reviewes and bugs weren't mentioned, I'm asking cause I want to restart playing but I'm worried it would be a waste of time


Jul 2, 2017
Guys I stopped playing when the updates got so buggy the game was barely playable, how's the game state now?
I read some of the latest reviewes and bugs weren't mentioned, I'm asking cause I want to restart playing but I'm worried it would be a waste of time
Specifically, there aren't any really game-brraking bugs atm, simply that the newer content is less polished and overall just a downgrade in quality.
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