Okay, had a chance to play this, and was impressed. It seems like another game made unnecessarily in RPGM, but maybe there will be a reason for the extra overhead revealed later on.
The pros:
1. It seemed like a game that was genuinely trying to be about the corruption of an at-least-moderately intelligent female protagonist. About three-quarters of the time, the corruption scenario is a "reasonable under the circumstances" situation in which the corrupt choice isn't foolish, just misguided or uninformed. A few of the exceptions I will address below.
2. The artwork is good. The MC is attractive without having any of the mutant tits and mutant ass syndrome that is comon in games like this. Thus, clothing looks fairly realistic and not painted on. The NPCs do include that lumpy, vaguely human-looking thing that seems to be called "George" in all of these games, and the skinny old bum that is in all of these games, but the rest of the characters seem fairly unique and there's never an issue of who is who.
3. Gameplay is standard RPGM without many of the irritating repetitive tasks (eating, showering, etc) that these games tend to have to drag things out. Maps are small and interesting, and there's a quickmove system that isn't needed yet but which it's nice to know will be included. This is about as good as RPGM gets to Ren'py without being Ren'py. Hopefully, there will be some random encounters or interesting NPCs added to make the RPGM choice worthwhile. Hopefully not combat though; RPGM combat is the worst.
4. Dialogue is generally fluid and natural.
5. There's a fair amount of gameplay here. The quest system is clear and the player never is in doubt of what he/she is supposed to be doing. I hope the devs can provide some non-sex-related filler to keep the player, at the end, from having to nap all the time to get to the right time of day for the next action.
The cons:
1. I didn't get enough!
2. RPGM, if that is even a con
3. A few of the scenarios
So, basically, no cons of consequence.
Now, I really liked the ideas behind most of the corruption scenarios. The neighbors scenario was especially good (but the devs need to change the idea that the MC doesn't know her next-door neighbors until the start of the game; that's not needed and isn't very credible). The warehouse workplace scenario stretched credibility, but not beyond the bounds allowable in a porn game. Same for neighbor kid and aunt and uncle.
The scenarios I found non-credible were the old man scenario (seriously: only a moron would fall for that, plus it's way over-used) and all of the old workplace scenarios. For the old man scenario, it would be more credible if he was the "old man who has a small fortune because he lives so shabbily but wants to spend it on sex for what little time he has left." In other words, he'd bribe the MC because she needs the money and who is an old man going to tell, anyway?
For the old company scenario, I'd change a few things that wouldn't require more than changing some dialogue:
1. The initial scenario should be that the company was testing her loyalty before promoting her; when approached by an undercover corporate security type, she would pass if she investigated before handing over documents (in which case she would find that there was nothing wrong going on) or approach her superior with the claims (in which case she'd be congratulated for following procedures. The problem with the existing scenario is that a whistle-blower like her would both have a police investigation report (even if the investigating officer failed to follow through) to fall back on, and an ability to go to the press. She'd have no incentive at all to just shut up and take it. If you follow my suggestion and make her out to actually have been in the wrong (spying on the company with no evidence of wrong-doing) the emotional impact is greater and her isolation more understandable.
2. Drop the "suing for half-million" scenario. That's not how the law works. The company can't sue a person for making money, they can only sue a person for causing the company demonstrable loss (and they'd have to prove the losses in court, which they couldn't do here). The company can't argue she was engaged in illegal corporate espionage because corporate espionage is not illegal. They can't sue her for theft because they never charged her with theft (theft is a criminal action and they never called the cops). The way to get the PC under the control of the old boss is to have her encounter more problems (like the one at the warehouse job) due to her being blackballed and realize that she needs to convince her old boss to stop blackballing her. She's supposed to be smart. She needs to have a smart person's reason, not a moron's reason.
Anyway, sorry for the wall of text but I think the game is worth a wall of text. I'm not comfortable doing reviews of a game so new, so will just note that I'd rate this 8/10 at the moment, with the potential for going all the way to 10/10 with only a few changes and the continuation of everything else just as it is. Smart female PCs for the win!