The key to what you said is "
She is fucking everyone if you choose". On Anna Exciting Chapter 1, or Myriam even now you have the choice to make her as slutty or corrupt as you like. If you want to stay faithful to Anna's BF you can initially and the same with Myriam. You don't have to have Myriam Cheat on her husband, or go with the cops or the Art guys or Hobo. That is all a choice you make as the controller. I think most people generally like to see both paths and to have some options that matter to the story.
Don't get me wrong, Games such as AWAM ( A Wife and Mother) where it literally seems like it takes FOREVER for anything to happen of consequence is boring as fuck to me. You look at that thread and it is tremendously popular with 6338 pages! as I post this. The people their I don't consider wrong for liking it but its way to slow and boring for me but others obviously love it.
The point I was making with Downfall is it took forever for her to finally have sex in this game, and I absolutely loved who the creators chose for her to have sex with as it was unexpected at least to me. (I thought for sure the therapists would have her first lol). I am NOT advocating against Downfall, Anna or Myriam being able to go full slut mode. The journey on how to get there is important and the choice to us as players to be able to choose her depravity/corruption level is what I would like.
Take you can literally have every girl in the game love you and want to marry you. However every girl in the game is corruptible to the extent where (no spoilers) you can have some of them, fuck her boss, fuck the customers, screw your best friend and a number of merchants and give you the cash. Full slut mode or you can choose to go somewhere in between.
Full slut mode where we as players are deprived of the choice is dull.