I'm having a hard time rating the game at the current state.
I'm very excited how the game goes on and that is definitely positive,
but there isn't enough story to tell you if or how much I'll like it in the end.
The things I saw were very promising and that's why I follow this thread and your homepage.
This is a perfectly valid position and we appreciate you taking the time to explain it!
Some older pictures aren't perfect, but they get better and better and I overall like the renders.
I also love the characters - from what I saw in the dialogues and also they optically match my taste (except Monica's hair, but that is no problem) - and seeing how they evolve is the main reason for beeing excited for the future.
Absolutely. When we first downloaded Daz last November, we had zero 3D modelling experience. We studied, and continue to study so that we can race around that learning curve. I think we've come a long way in two months just in terms of render quality alone. My man Fecalmancer is going to post up some behind the scenes talk on the blog soon. Just kind of discussing where we were, where we are, and how we got there in terms of render quality.
I, for myself, am open minded and also am active in BDSM in real life, so it would be interesting if we see something like a consensual BDSM scene/relation with Nanami. That would nearly be something unique instead of the typical blackmail.
So none of us have any real BDSM experience, so I won't lie and say that what we have in mind is any kind of real representation of that lifestyle.
But the way we've conceived Roger and Nanami's relationship is what we're calling 'consensually violent'. Violent may be too extreme a term, but basically you have two power hunger people wanting to be the alpha dog. So you'll get to choose, do you let her dominate you? Or do you step up and dominate her? Both will have a dramatically different flavor, but in the end, it is all consensual because at any time Roger can say no and just leave her hanging.
It will start out rather tame at first, but with each new encounter, whoever is in charge is going to try and push the other person just a little bit further and further until something breaks. But in the end, they are both willing egocentric participants.
I just hope that, depending on choices, we have many different kind of relations with the girls and not just vanilla relations, but after the intros I'm optimistic concerning that.
This is the goal. We don't just want a relationship to be different than the others, we also want it be different from itself depending on your choices. A purely conceptual example is Jane (conceptual because we don't yet know how her whole story will play out.) If you play the nice guy, offering her advice but encouraging her to make her own choices, unlike the other adults in her life, there is the possibility she becomes genuinely attracted to you and starts to invest in you emotionally, maybe even helping her break out of the "bad" girl phase of her life. But, if you play the brash old horn-dog, your relationship is likely just going to be a series of booty calls and dangerous games with no emotional investment and her never taking you seriously.
We have that kind of duality in mind with each character. We just have to be constantly aware of how it develops, how we manage it, and how it impacts parallel storylines.
Looking at your patreon site I see a post for a version 6.1, 6.4 and 6.5.
Does this mean, that you don't get anything special/extra with higher tier with tier 2 and 3 at the moment?
If this is the case, I would recommend to mention this somewhere so none of your patreons will be disappointed.
It just means that at this time there is no bonus content available at those tiers because the second scenes for those characters haven't been written yet. But they are coming. We hope to have bonus content for all tiers by the end of February.
This is why we are cycling through the characters from tier 5 to tier 1. This way everyone at all tiers gets a steady stream of bonus content at regular intervals. It also means that no matter which patron level you come in at, you're getting equal treatment as the other tiers.
For our patrons, we give them a specific list of what bonus content exists in their version. This way they don't have to download two and compare. Until Nanami and Monica's second scenes were complete, it didn't make sense compiling two additional copies that would have been duplicates of the level 1 version. We also keep our patrons informed of what's coming up, so they know their bonus content is on the way.
What can we expect in the next version?

Will we get a scene with amanda?
We wanted to release Amanda next since her story and Jane's are going to be so closely related, but we missed that deadline and we already had Nanami's scripted. We didn't want to ask our tier 3 patrons to wait another week or two for their bonus scenes when tier 4 already got something out of Jane. So we put Amanda on the back burner for the moment so we can crank out Nanami's next scene and give tier 3 patrons something to be happy about.
We will come back to Amanda shortly and work on her between Nanami and Monica.
So next up is Nanami and it's going to be a our biggest yet in terms of choices, impact, and render count. To accommodate the different paths, and bonus content, we are looking at about sixty-six renders. This a considerable jump for us, but it's mostly because we are getting better at Daz and able to build our scenes faster. So we get more content in the same period of time.
We are hoping to drop Nanami's content Monday or Tuesday. It just depends on how long it takes for these two systems to finish burning out the last 52 renders.
Holy shit, that was way wordier than I expected. Sorry about that....