
Engaged Member
Jan 16, 2020
New Artist Update
So, remember when I was all excited to tell you that I had hired on four new artists to help with the game?! Turns out, I bit off a lot more than I could chew. Besides having to take development time away from building the infrastructure to manage this new crew, I also had to take some time away from development to reformat my scripts and generate production notes to help steer the artists towards the vision. This has caused a bit of a delay.

However, these guys have proven to be incredibly fast!!!!! Already I've got over 200 submitted new images that I need to finalize and render. And every time they turn in work, I have to stop work on Amanda and quickly prep the next round of images for them to work on!

So yeah, I bit off more than I could chew, but, I insist on choking down every bite! The upside is that we are seeing production gains across four chapter simultaneously. So while it may be delaying the current chapter somewhat, we will see new story for Jane, Lupita, Monica and Emily much sooner than originally anticipated!

Much like when I began doing renders all by myself, I think as I get into the groove and adapt to this new workflow, there will be less interruption in the future. Splitting my days between writing and rendering I think will make a big difference.
That sounds like great news to me!
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Active Member
Sep 6, 2017
Question how many chapters is there for each of the girls and does the amount differ with the blue/red color rout? :unsure:
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RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
They are less like chapters and more like small tales.
Each story Roger tells his sex therapist has some differences in size and sexual encounters. So far Nanami is the biggest one both in story and having two sex scenes. Jane, Lola and Lita each have one scene and so does the wife, but she has less story interaction than the previous three. The others don't have sex scenes yet but it should be soon for Amanda.


Feb 16, 2020
Played through the latest version of this game and learned 2 things.
1: this game is pretty fucking great - also played Lust for Survival (or whatever it's called) and while I loved the art, the dialogue in Doctor Amana is sooo much better. Rare is the VN where I actually want to, and enjoy, reading the dialogue and interacting with the characters as characters (as opposed to interacting with them as archetypes I want to stick my figurative penis in). Although I hope to god there's an actual harem route. There are too many wonderful ladies I'd hate to disappoint by having the game end with MC fired, penniless and abandoned by (and abandoning) the many women he's knocked up. I know some people like that, real life, actions=consequences BS, but I really hope there's a path for those of us who get kicked in the dick enough by real life and just want to play the guy who can juggle all the balls in the air and somehow make it all work and make everyone happy. God knows I already can't make people happy in real life...

2: I'm never playing a game that's still in development again - again I played Doctor Amana a day or so after Lust for Survival (or whatever it's called), and in the latter I spent hours trying to get into my "roommates" pants before finding out there was no sex scenes with her (yet). Then spent hours in Doctor Amana hoping to get into my "step"daughter's pants...before finding out there was no sex scenes with her (yet) either!
Such blue balls!

Oh also, not sayin but just sayin, for those of us who choose the preference that gives you a fairly *large* change to Lola's character, I'd reaaaaallyyy love to see a future scene where we actually get to play with her toy. Gave her a lot of orgasms but not the one I really wanted to have her begging for *winky face*


May 10, 2018
Just want to know if you really need to put the bugfix patch in the game in order to play without any issues? I followed the instructions that came with the download and the game wont open properly know matter what bugfix I download. Also wanted to put the incest patch, tried every link that i saw for the game and didn't work
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Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
Alright, I've been away a bit finishing up Amanda's Chapter and trying to get ahead of the extra help I've hired, but I figure I'm past due to check the board here and hand out some replies, so here it goes!

Not so fast Dev, I'm gonna stop you!
View attachment 545803
While I understand what this is an image of, it feels more like you're launching a billiard ball at my face! :oops:

You're welcome! :D but in all honesty, I just checked the last update date and posted my original comment, I don't frequent the boards and read through hundreds of pages. Glad to know you are still on this, best of luck.
All the same, thanks for playing and thanks for checking in with us. Always happy to hear from players, patrons and pirates alike!

He does have a point there RomanHume. It's been since October we've gotten a release on this forum. Using it as (what seems like) you primary forum for interacting with patrons is an outstanding thing, but... I AM A PIRATE! Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..... free shit plz. ok tx. Burn it to the ground now.

I cum to pillage ur village.
I'd blame your fan art for the delays but in actuality, between Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, starting a new job and biting off more than I could chew by hiring four artists at the same time, I've been a little swamped. Good news is, it's almost done. I'm uploading the new content for playtesters to tear up this weekend and hopefully will have a bug free version for patrons on Monday!

Oh yeah now i can play,but i hope game improve good in future,, god blessing you Dev
I will do my best to continue to make it better. I'm always open to suggestions and love to hear what people think. Thanks for playing mate!

I think that an option should be added to get the NTR even in the love route
While I am doing my best to cover as many angles as possible, I also have to keep in check how many different paths and possibilities I'm writing. While NTRish type content would be nice to have on all possible routes, I have to maintain some degree of simplicity if only for my own sanity. Sometimes even writing two different paths through the story can be a challenge and chore to track, adding too many will just drive me barmy.

So for the moment the Angry Cheating Wife path is the only one currently planned. It just keeps things simple and tidy for me and puts a bit of a check on the amount of content I need to develop. Already I'm designing three paths for Emily, Angry-No Cheating, Angry Cheating and Loving Faithful. I know we haven't seen much of any of these in the game yet, but they have been designed.

Believe me, I want to please everyone, but I also have to be realistic in how much I can produce.

I liked Lita from her looks alone but liked her even more after her interactions with Lola. So many good models in this game but I admit I'm somewhat confused about the red/blue choices particularly as so many posts suggest choosing one and sticking with it. Such suggestions seem...odd considering how differently each character reacts to said choices.
I only suggest sticking with a single path if your goal is to see 95% of the available content. Playing through blue and then again red will accomplish this. However, I designed the game to played without a particular path in mind. (Originally there was no color coding, this was added after the fact by player requests).

In fact, if you go into the planner, in the game options you can turn off the color coding altogether. This allows you to just continually pick whichever choices inspire you in the moment and provide a more random outcome of events.

Agreed. Especially since NTR is a feature that you actually have to turn-on in order to get it. So , no harm done for those that hate it.
And were it not for the complications involved in developing a fourth Emily path, I'd be happy to to do it. But I am a man of limited power! Actually that's not true. I have lots of power. Time, time is what I need most and don't seem to have enough of. Let's try that again...

I am a man of limited time!

Thanks for your recommendation on Polarity. I loved it.
I'm glad you enjoyed it. Folks who have been around know that I don't do much cross promotion (come to think I don't think I've ever done any). I have strict rules on cross promoting (found ). But if a developer is good people, doesn't act like a dick in the forums, doesn't trash pirates, and I actually like the game, then I'll happily share the recommendation.

When I started to fall in love with some of the characters in Polarity, I knew I was there to stay. :love:

While bad relationships are probably the most likely cause for a spouse to cheat, it is not at all uncommon for an affair to occur even in a loving relationship, especially after having been with the same partner for many years, and all that newness and luster has worn off. It is very common in the workplace, where a woman spends more time of her day with her work colleagues than with her husband. It can start out as a simple friendship, and soon enough emotions begin to develop, and then that long lost excitement is rekindled that we all have when beginning a new relationship. I have seen this happen countless times in my place of work over the past 20+ years.

So you see, it doesn't have to be the typical ridiculous scenarios that are manifest in most horribly written NTR games. Besides, I don't even think it is possible for Roman Hume to write anything badly. It's not in his blood.
I have no doubt that I could write a convincing NTR scenario along the love route, it's really just a matter of time and the fact that I don't have any. I'm already stretched thin over seven characters with two/three paths a piece. If the day ever comes that my patreon income is enough for me to hire an artist for each character and my only job was finalizing renders and writing, then I would have no reservations about expanding the story beyond what it already is. But that could be a long wait for a train that ain't coming. I just don't know yet.
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Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
We must have different definitions of "not at all uncommon" and "very common".

I would say it is uncommon for an affair to occur in a loving relationship, and it's not common in the workplace for a woman in a loving relationship to have an affair.

My "work wife" and I have never done anything like that. We know each other's spouses, and have no desire to hurt them just to bump uglies.
But sometimes, folks just be horny. :p

Some fan art for Valentine's :p
View attachment 552225
Tremendous work Sagah!!!!

man, that is some gray skin...time to give her a bath....with my tongue
I...um......hrm....not sure what to say about that....:whistle:

Anyway, I'm ok with pretty much anything RomanHume wants to do, he'll follow his own inspiration.
I just wanted to point out that it could actually logically happen here.
Truly appreciate the vote of confidence!

I thought that this update will be about Cassie... so now 4-5 months till Cassie update if this comes out soon...
I am sorry to disappoint. But hopefully it won't be 4-5 months. Holidays are over, I'm working from home 4 days a week and I'm looking to do several streams a week as I develop the next chapter. As long as I can stay ahead of my artists, I think we should see a better turn around for this next chapter.


I second that. Very... displeasing... ...and offer you this.

View attachment 553428
My musical tribute to Emily and Cassie.

All wait is forgiven for a bit of Amanda :3
The wait is nearly over!

That sounds like great news to me!
In the long run I truly think it will be.


Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
Wonderful news. Thanks for the update.

I can't wait to see Cassie again. I'm hoping for there will be pool scene with her or at least scene with her wearing that sexy bikini again :love:
That is very likely!

Question how many chapters is there for each of the girls and does the amount differ with the blue/red color rout? :unsure:
Two chapters for most of the girls, (still playing catch up with several of them). I try to be very diligent about making sure there is equal content between the two paths. I don't want one path to get more favor or attention than the other because I want them both to be viable, and enjoyable play throughs.

There may be instance where one path has more content in a particular chapter, but I'm making sure to balance that out in future chapters so that in total, across the finished game, there is an equal amount of content.

Played through the latest version of this game and learned 2 things.
1: this game is pretty fucking great - also played Lust for Survival (or whatever it's called) and while I loved the art, the dialogue in Doctor Amana is sooo much better. Rare is the VN where I actually want to, and enjoy, reading the dialogue and interacting with the characters as characters (as opposed to interacting with them as archetypes I want to stick my figurative penis in). Although I hope to god there's an actual harem route. There are too many wonderful ladies I'd hate to disappoint by having the game end with MC fired, penniless and abandoned by (and abandoning) the many women he's knocked up. I know some people like that, real life, actions=consequences BS, but I really hope there's a path for those of us who get kicked in the dick enough by real life and just want to play the guy who can juggle all the balls in the air and somehow make it all work and make everyone happy. God knows I already can't make people happy in real life...

2: I'm never playing a game that's still in development again - again I played Doctor Amana a day or so after Lust for Survival (or whatever it's called), and in the latter I spent hours trying to get into my "roommates" pants before finding out there was no sex scenes with her (yet). Then spent hours in Doctor Amana hoping to get into my "step"daughter's pants...before finding out there was no sex scenes with her (yet) either!
Such blue balls!

Oh also, not sayin but just sayin, for those of us who choose the preference that gives you a fairly *large* change to Lola's character, I'd reaaaaallyyy love to see a future scene where we actually get to play with her toy. Gave her a lot of orgasms but not the one I really wanted to have her begging for *winky face*
First, thank you for the compliments! Second, yes, there will be an option for a harem-like route. Though in staying true to the nature of the characters involved, it won't be a big party where everyone shares the MC. It'll be more like, continuing his covert relationships indefinitely. When I started writing this story, I set out to write the game I would want to play. I hate feeling powerless, run down and as you say, kicked in the dick. So don't worry. While there may be an ending involving Roger getting totally fucked, I plan to write several others in which you come away a bit more empowered. Trust that if you play through a scene where you're getting kicked around a lot (like the opening scenes with Roger's boss, Arthur), know that I intend to give you an opportunity for vengeance later, if you choose to.

I am sorry that you've been denied some fun time with Cassie. But also know that I am not a fan of the slow burn. She's had two chapters so far in the game and today I'm beginning work on Chapter 3, in which there will be a chance to finally get that sought after lovin'. Bear with me a little longer and we'll get there.

I always wanted this game to be more about the relationships and not about "finally reaching the sex". Comparatively I would like to think the sex is going to come a lot earlier in this game than in many others, but it still required me to lay a little ground work so that the story made sense and wasn't just a click-through-fuck-buffet. If you can offer me a little patience, I'll see you get the payday you're looking for.

Salute mate and thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Looking to the horizon: Do we get with the doctor sometime?
While the Doctor is not a major love interest, there will be a chance for a one off with her closer to the end of the game. (The Doctor is really just a plot device that I intend to use to link together several stand alone games, but she's too damned hot not to include as a trophy fuck!)

Just want to know if you really need to put the bugfix patch in the game in order to play without any issues? I followed the instructions that came with the download and the game wont open properly know matter what bugfix I download. Also wanted to put the incest patch, tried every link that i saw for the game and didn't work
It's been awhile since I wrote that patch and I don't recall that it was "necessary", but I think it fixed several minor glitches. As for the incest patch, unfortunately I cannot comment on that because I didn't write it. But downloading the main game and the bug fix should work without a problem. If you can let me know more about your problem or send an error report, I'll try to help as best I can.

For sure. Certainly Roman wouldn't rob us of that conquest. I'd assume she'll be the very last one to conquer though.
I most certainly would not! And you assume well.


Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
ac0207 trans 16 sleep.jpg

Amanda Chapter 02 - Complete Play test Available

Just wanted to share some exciting news! Amanda's finished chapter is now available for play testing ($10+ patrons).

Play testing is scheduled through the weekend. I'll review the bug reports and make final fixes over the next two days.

If all goes well and no major game breaking problems occur, I'll be looking at a Monday release for $5+ patrons!

Been a long road to get here, but we've almost arrived.

Salute mates and we'll talk soon!


Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
Pretty sure that would end in a chick fight!!! :oops:
That should depend on the route! If you are being dominant with Nanami, maybe you can both push her around. XD
Or if you are into that, and on the sub route, they can both push him around. lol
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Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
That should depend on the route! If you are being dominant with Nanami, maybe you can both push her around. XD
Or if you are into that, and on the sub route, they can both push him around. lol
Can we just agree that there are way more possibilities than I could ever realistically include in the game. :LOL:
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Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
Can we just agree that there are way more possibilities than I could ever realistically include in the game. :LOL:
No denying that, I could come up with more ideas in a short time than we could put into a game, if we made a team with all of us here.
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4.40 star(s) 78 Votes