2021-02-02 News (Note: Attached Image Not In Game)
During today's live stream it dawned on me that I haven't typed one of these up in awhile.
I suppose the reason is because there isn't much to report. Work on the game continues unabated and we draw ever closer to the completion of Cassie's chapter.
All we have left is Cassie's final sex event. This scene comprises four individual positions, each position will have about 20 images. And we just finished the first of them up today. So that means another 60 images and we're done. Sounds like a lot, but if today is any indication, we'll burn through them quickly (we did 15 images just today!)
I am as eager to deliver this update as you are to play it! Few more days of hard grinding and we're good.
Picarto Update
Since streaming seems to be indefinitely a part of the future of the game, I decided to bite the bullet and subscribe to Picarto. What's this mean for you?
As we're building images, I'd like to run the occasional poll to determine scene elements (did one today to determine some masturbatory details for Cassie), and other such stuff.
I'll also be able to start hosting old streams for people to access when I'm offline. I'll need to iron out a process for that because lord knows I don't want to spend an undue amount of time post processing video for the Picarto. But if I can nail it down to a couple of simple steps, we'll start hosting up some of the old streams on there.
Of Cabbages and Kings...
The year long question of how much time can I devote to making the game remains in flux. I do know that for the last two months I got a taste of being a full time developer. Between Holiday time and PTO I pretty took off the entire months of December and January. It was a good experience and did much to reinforce how much I'd like to work on this game full time.
Streaming three to four times a week for several hours at a stretch has proven to be less a chore and more a pleasure. And the added time I have for post processing, engagement and asset development were a bonus.
Now that I'm going back to the real job I have to say it's even more depressing than before. Depending how this release goes and what kind of bump, if any, I see in patronage, I may decide to start dipping into my savings and cut back on my full time work to spend more hours working on the game.
I have no doubt that given the quality of the renders I've learned to produce, coupled with the writing and characters so many people have expressed love and admiration for, that this game could be a rousing success. The only thing holding it back is the pace of development and amount of content. Both of which are things that would be cured if I was working on the game full time.
So let's get through this update and see how things go, and if I come anywhere close to $1,500 a month in patronage, I'll crack open the savings account and see about swinging into full time development.
It's a big gamble, but I think the game is a winner and on a long enough time line will be counted among many people's favorite (if I may be so bold as to say so openly).
After all, I don't need to get rich, I just need to get by. And we're not that far from it if we can grow just a little more.
Anyway, that's all I got for now!
Streaming again tomorrow sometime in the AM. Hoping to get another 25 images in the bag.