To be fair, I'd rather someone post in the thread that they dislike the game for reason A or B instead of giving me a one star rating and saying it's not for them. Couple of my reviewers could learn from this guy!Maybe they find the MC unrelatable somehow b/c of their age difference? Maybe they themselves are older and want more escapism by pretending they're still in their own youth through an MC? In any case, I myself am most puzzled (like Krynh) by the apparent need to get on the thread and announce to everyone they don't like the MC and won't play the game because of it. There are literally hundreds of games (on various sites) that I won't play. I was never pressed with a need to tell everyone about it before just moving on to the next game. But whatever, it's their choice I suppose.
I'm cool with someone voicing their opinion, good or bad. After all, that's what the thread is for. But to give a bad rating over your personal tastes and preferences I think is kind of a dick move.
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