* Room number 69? Subtle.
* Well, this setup doesn't strain my suspension of disbelief at all, no sirree Bob.
* Maria is awfully trusting
* Single option button. Rant over
* This guy seems different. Right.
* How did the MC figure out Mizuki just had a breakup? Did I miss something?
* I'm amazed some comely young woman didn't walk in on the MC in the shower. Perhaps a missed opportunity?
* Naomi's boobs are bigger than her head.
* Got an error:
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "game/script.rpy", line 507, in script
if fondled:
File "game/script.rpy", line 507, in <module>
if fondled:
NameError: name 'fondled' is not defined
* Are Naomi and Maria dressing like Japanese schoolgirls for a reason?
* Maria's bobs are pretty ridiculous too.
* Analistic Academy? Seriously?
* MC must be God's gift to women the way they're all reacting to him.
* At least Tiffany's boobs look normal.
* A chicken drumstick? MC is not only broke, but he has a tiny stomach as well.
* If I click :look at that ass" there's a brief image of Maria. Oh, and the choices continue repeating until I choose something else. Is that intentional?
* The cost of living must be ridiculous. A five dollar tip for a drumstick? And that's the low option?
* Oh yeah, no sense of how much money I have or if it's a factor.
* That's an abrupt ending. Perhaps a warning to save would be nice.
Sp, I'm not sure how I feel about this. I like the fact that the writing is direct and to the point, and despite my complaints I'm amused by the overall story. That being said, I also feel like this is something I won't necessarily enjoy as it moves forward as it seems things are too easy for hte MC in terms ofhis relationships wth the girl in the game. I personally prefer a little bit of a challenge in my games.
Still, I'll keep an eye on it. I do think it has some good potential.