I like your game so far
Green Archer , it has great potential.
Dont pay any attention to the whiners about using HS models. Some of my favourite games on this site use HS models.
And people seem to miss the point, that without having advanced knowledge in 3d modeling it is very difficault to create decent models. People are also forgetting, that HS itself has almost no story at all, so any use of the models PLUS a story is already an improvement.
But the thing i cant wrap my head around is: why do people take so much time do critizise a game, they have no intention of playing? Let alone that every game you download here is FUCKING FREE. If I see a game, that doesnt appeal to me, (f.e. I just cant stand rpgm, so I mostly don't even bother checking the describtion), I mark it of and look for another one.
But I dont waste my time on flaming the dev/game.
As I said before I like the game so far, and I like the storytelling. It plays in a hotel, so what? I have never heard a porn company say: "oh no, company xy has just released a video about a horny schoolgirl, too bad no we cant use that topic anymore"
As long as your story is somewhat unique, and I played a lot of games from this site, so I can say: it is,
everything is fine.
the one thing that I dont like is that in dialogue scenes, the girls are very far away, so it is kind of difficault to see their emotions/reactions. Is this on purpose or could it be a resolution problem from my site?
btw. what is your favourite kind of ramen?