Dryad Quest Dev

Game Developer
Mar 28, 2020
The prologue fight is crazy difficult (for a tutorial).

I got everything needed I think, and can cast Incinerate (but only once, and Clover keeps dodging, even when I reduce her AGI). I also cannot use Allure anymore, so I have to fight her "conventionally" (or I'd have to fight the 5 bat girls, which doesn't look like a more palatable alternative).

What am I missing ?
Also, have you tried using healing items? you can use an item once per tern for free without losing your action point


Mar 21, 2018
I found this:
ERROR DOMException: Failed to execute 'setItem' on 'Storage': Setting the value of 'slot101' exceeded the quota.
    at e.saveIntoSlot (file:///C:/Users/Pokepika01/Desktop/Quick%20Access/HTML%20Games/Dryad%20Quest/data/main.b4bf51742396c8053419.js:1:656356)
    at e.playEnterDungeon (file:///C:/Users/Pokepika01/Desktop/Quick%20Access/HTML%20Games/Dryad%20Quest/data/main.b4bf51742396c8053419.js:1:660583)
    at e.newGameLogic (file:///C:/Users/Pokepika01/Desktop/Quick%20Access/HTML%20Games/Dryad%20Quest/data/main.b4bf51742396c8053419.js:1:657820)
    at file:///C:/Users/Pokepika01/Desktop/Quick%20Access/HTML%20Games/Dryad%20Quest/data/main.b4bf51742396c8053419.js:1:723905
    at lr (file:///C:/Users/Pokepika01/Desktop/Quick%20Access/HTML%20Games/Dryad%20Quest/data/main.b4bf51742396c8053419.js:1:142072)
    at s (file:///C:/Users/Pokepika01/Desktop/Quick%20Access/HTML%20Games/Dryad%20Quest/data/main.b4bf51742396c8053419.js:1:142232)
    at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (file:///C:/Users/Pokepika01/Desktop/Quick%20Access/HTML%20Games/Dryad%20Quest/data/main.b4bf51742396c8053419.js:1:222035)
    at l.invokeTask (file:///C:/Users/Pokepika01/Desktop/Quick%20Access/HTML%20Games/Dryad%20Quest/data/polyfills.3dd1a4aea96f7e1bd132.js:1:19533)
    at Object.onInvokeTask (file:///C:/Users/Pokepika01/Desktop/Quick%20Access/HTML%20Games/Dryad%20Quest/data/main.b4bf51742396c8053419.js:1:182688)
    at l.invokeTask (file:///C:/Users/Pokepika01/Desktop/Quick%20Access/HTML%20Games/Dryad%20Quest/data/polyfills.3dd1a4aea96f7e1bd132.js:1:19454)
Ln @ main.b4bf51742396c8053419.js:1


New Member
Aug 20, 2017
Would suggest some kind of more robust auto-save, possibly with multiple slots. Losing at the batgirls putting you way back at the start is a little bit of a buzzkill, if you hadn't realized the stakes were quite that high and the auto-save functionally absent. Pretty cool, otherwise.


May 12, 2018
The current difficulty is 'hard' because that's how I want to balance the game. I'll add other difficulties in the next version. Again, I can't guarantee an ideal balance all by myself(nobody can). That's why I need feedback. You are my testers))
Well, some hints about going through that fight would have been helpful.

Please allow me to reiterate : unless I'm missing something, 1 archer "boss" that can dodge spells, hiding behind 3 golems, with at most 2x 40% 1x 20% healing potions and 1 decent 1-use-only damage spell at our disposal seems a bit crazy game design for an alpha version.

I can't imagine many people being able to "test your game" beyond that Clover fight without getting extremely lucky on RNG (and having a decent-to-good grasp on RPG mechanics, which shouldn't be a given for smut games, just saying).

TBH, this is a shame because your writing is excellent, and the gameplay looks otherwise really appealing to me. The balance just seems, without further guidance (again, if I missed something), completely out of whack for a tutorial/prologue.

Also, have you tried using healing items? you can use an item once per tern for free without losing your action point
Sorry, I missed your reply on the second page. Yes, of course I did, and the "earth wall" did help too, but when even the elementals/golems/whatever can crit against you (and heal themselves!), it's damage that seems impossible to outheal over the battle with what is at our disposal.
Last edited:
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Feb 18, 2018
- Great writing quality
- Interesting premise
- Top notch interface
- Combat seems like it'll be considerably more engaging than is common in games like this.

- Monstergirls all over the place. Which, sure, is a viable niche, but being a niche, it's not for everyone. Personally, fingers crossed for a good selection of conventional fey and mortals (humans and deer beastmen are a thing, so far) of both genders, animals, magical beasts and plants, etc (possibly with being able to filter content types in settings). Eventually, anyhow.

- Somewhat counterintuituve mechanics, from the IC perspective. Recovering pheromones in combat rather than over time and via consumables or abilities is a bit nonsensical. So is that allure wrecks every encounter with 100% effectiveness. Casting directly from semen also seems kind of dubious, and it interferes with sex scenes a bit too much - seems like the current setup can punish you pretty heavily for doing what's fun over what's efficient.

In the interest of versimilitude, I'd introduce a metaphysical essence pool and convert our dryad's holes from essence-storing organs into essence-harvesting ones, as well as move pheromone and other seduction-based attacks into a new tab during the combat encounter ('Essence', 'Martial' and 'Sexual'?), giving them finite effectiveness that varies depending on the foe.

- Minor nitpick: bulging belly effect is applied too early, by the feel of it, you don't get the impression of being stuffed full from the descriptions when it suddenly pops out of nowhere. A fun mechanic would be if it were possible to go over the stated organ capacity, with excess leaking out over time unless plugged and also causing the aforementioned debuff.

Also, probably need our mentor to comment on stuffing magical gems into our womb in the same manner she explains the panties, because why?
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Reactions: Angelcrush

Dryad Quest Dev

Game Developer
Mar 28, 2020
I found this:
The game tries to autosave as you press the begin button but fails because you somehow don't have any space left in the local storage of your browser. Try increasing the quota of local storage or clearing it(BUT BE AWARE it can delete other save files you have in the other games you've played on this browser).

Dryad Quest Dev

Game Developer
Mar 28, 2020
I can't imagine many people being able to "test your game" beyond that Clover fight without getting extremely lucky on RNG (and having a decent-to-good grasp on RPG mechanics, which shouldn't be a given for smut games, just saying).
As I said it's the hardest difficulty. And judging by your feedback it actually works properly. In the next update I'll add difficulty levels(easy and medium) so you(and other players) won't have to go through this. Again, thanks for your feedback!
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New Member
Feb 15, 2018
Really enjoyed this - died once and lost a bit of progress, but was easy to get back to spot afterward and push through. One thing I noticed is you can only seem to drop gear by looting a body and putting items back into it. A drop function might be helpful, but not critical if too hard to implement. I'd also like a loot all option, because I'm a hoarder ... but inventory quickly fills as-is, so not critical also.
Thank you for sharing this! If I see a few regular updates I'll help on patreon as well. Best of luck!

Dryad Quest Dev

Game Developer
Mar 28, 2020
One thing I noticed is you can only seem to drop gear by looting a body and putting items back into it.
Can you please elaborate? You can freely move items between body/inventory or just throw them away while you're in a 'adventure screen'(the screen where you can move between locations)
loot all option
In TODO list
Best of luck!
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Reactions: Angelcrush


Jul 2, 2018
Concept is original, writing is good, design overall seems promising, also.
Of course, it'd be even better with art, but that needs a budget and getting the backbone of the game first is clearly a priority, so it's fine.
I hope you'll keep the system that allows us to choose what kind of scene we want (oral/vaginal/anal), I always disliked games that force the player in a scene without any control at all (especially if said scene is unavoidable).


New Member
Feb 15, 2018
Maybe I'm blind, but when I click on an item in my backpack, like a junk item, the only option I see is "Back" - it also has description box with coin cost and weight above that. Potions/consumables have description box, and "Consume," "Put into the first slot," "Put into the second slot," "Put into the third slot," and "Back."

Sorry if I've missed something obvious there. The screen that allows movement doesn't seem to have a drop or throw away option. What is it labeled (and what location)?


Mar 3, 2019
Are there like actual portraits of the characters in here or no? All i see from the screenshots is text I know it's a text based game but DoL has great portraits and I'm wondering if it'll be like that


Mar 21, 2018
Thank you, that would explain the issues I've been having with several other games, as well. I'll have to remember that.

Dryad Quest Dev

Game Developer
Mar 28, 2020
- Monstergirls all over the place. Which, sure, is a viable niche, but being a niche, it's not for everyone. Personally, fingers crossed for a good selection of conventional fey and mortals (humans and deer beastmen are a thing, so far) of both genders, animals, magical beasts and plants, etc (possibly with being able to filter content types in settings). Eventually, anyhow.
in TODO list. I'm not against expanding the bestiary. Will depend on feedback.
For now I can say that in the next dungeon there'll be orcs and a satyr
Recovering pheromones in combat rather than over time
not sure how to implement it without completely breaking the game balance
via consumables
in TODO list
via abilities
I will think about it by it's hard to implement it without complicating the gameplay and adding nothing essential
Casting directly from semen also seems kind of dubious. it interferes with sex scenes a bit too much
wow, didn't expect this. While designing this mechanic, I specifically had it in mind for it to affect the game state so that sex scenes wouldn't be just walls of text that do nothing to the gameplay. Well, thanks for your feedback.
seems like the current setup can punish you pretty heavily for doing what's fun over what's efficient.
can you please elaborate? Ideally, it should be balanced but I need more information to fix that.

move pheromone and other seduction-based attacks into a new tab during the combat encounter ('Essence', 'Martial' and 'Sexual'?), giving them finite effectiveness that varies depending on the foe.
I was thinking A LOT about it and decided against it because it will ruin sex scenes. I'm not a fun of 'procedural generation' when it comes to sex. It often just ruins the immersion for me.

- Minor nitpick: bulging belly effect is applied too early, by the feel of it, you don't get the impression of being stuffed full from the descriptions when it suddenly pops out of nowhere. A fun mechanic would be if it were possible to go over the stated organ capacity, with excess leaking out over time unless plugged and also causing the aforementioned debuff.
Also, probably need our mentor to comment on stuffing magical gems into our womb in the same manner she explains the panties, because why?
I'll think about it but I can't guarantee anything. There's a lot of work to do right now beside it))
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Dryad Quest Dev

Game Developer
Mar 28, 2020
Maybe I'm blind, but when I click on an item in my backpack, like a junk item, the only option I see is "Back" - it also has description box with coin cost and weight above that. Potions/consumables have description box, and "Consume," "Put into the first slot," "Put into the second slot," "Put into the third slot," and "Back."

Sorry if I've missed something obvious there. The screen that allows movement doesn't seem to have a drop or throw away option. What is it labeled (and what location)?
There's 2 tabs - Equipped and Backpack. You can take your stuff off by clicking on an item while Equipped tab is active.
You can drop your stuff by clicking on 'x' icon(to the right of the item's name) while Backpack tab is active
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Dryad Quest Dev

Game Developer
Mar 28, 2020
Are there like actual portraits of the characters in here or no? All i see from the screenshots is text I know it's a text based game but DoL has great portraits and I'm wondering if it'll be like that
All I can say is I really want to do it but I can't guarantee anything. I'm not an artist.
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Reactions: Angelcrush


Feb 18, 2018
not sure how to implement it without completely breaking the game balance
'Rest' actions? Restricted to safe zones, and in case of quest/dungeon area, available limited number of times?
I will think about it by it's hard to implement it without complicating the gameplay and adding nothing essential
I mean, if a player invests a lot of effort into getting through the story purely through seduction, it'd make sense to reward them by making their character better at it. It won't be essential per se, but it'd improve player experience.
wow, didn't expect this. While designing this mechanic, I specifically had it in mind for it to affect the game state so that sex scenes wouldn't be just walls of text that do nothing to the gameplay. Well, thanks for your feedback.
I figured, it's just a case of going too far in the other direction, I think. I liked the idea of seeking out specific sex partners and scenes having immediate effect of player skills, but I didn't like the idea of not doing so and indiscriminately sleeping around being potentially harmful.
can you please elaborate? Ideally, it should be balanced but I need more information to fix that.
That is to say, having to outright give up on, say, vaginal sex for a long time (multiple areas potentially) or not seducing a charater you want to seduce because you got a full pool of high quality semen that you're holding onto and messing with which would decrease your combat power significantly.
I was thinking A LOT about it and decided against it because it will ruin sex scenes. I'm not a fun of 'procedural generation' when it comes to sex. It often just ruins the immersion for me.
I don't mean procedurally generated scenes per se. Successful application of allure can still abort the fight and lead to a pre-written scene if one exists, it just shouldn't be an automatic "win next encounter no matter what" button. Making it less overpowering would also allow to be more liberal with pheromones resource.
4.40 star(s) 38 Votes