VN Ren'Py Dual Family [v1.22.1ce] [Gumdrop Games]

2.10 star(s) 189 Votes


Sep 11, 2017
So guys, just to change the subject a little bit and maybe have some positivism in this thread, what are the reasons why you like this game exactly ? What keep you excited with each updates and in the story ?

For myself, it is the more and more intimate relationship that is developped between MC and his mother. For sure, I am in love with the look of mother, her big fat titties and her full bush. She doesnt look like the "mom" in all the other games and even if it is not the most beautiful woman, for me it is a realism that I like a lot. The angles of view made me dream too, as the scene in the MC bedroom, when the cousin removed the clothes of MC mom on the bed, when she was asleep with her son on the bed. Anyway it was just a bit of my reasons why I like this game. So much reasons why I like Dual Family.
Well for me that's easy, the Daughter no question. I would say I am ever so slightly infatuated with her on some level and can't wait to see how she opens up in future updates. Her looks are what attracted me to this game in the first place. More than that though she just seems a sweet, intelligent and caring young woman. I've seen her apparent lack of personality criticized on here and elsewhere but I would say she just comes across as very melancholic at times due to wrestling with the same demons her Father is. Personally I would of killed to have met someone like her someone like her when I were 18...ok maybe not killed but you get my point. Shame I have to live vicariously through the mess of a human being that is the Father in this game. F/D incest is a fairly new itch for me and hopefully it'll be scratched very nicely in Part X.


Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
So guys, just to change the subject a little bit and maybe have some positivism in this thread, what are the reasons why you like this game exactly ? What keep you excited with each updates and in the story ?
For me it is the great renders and Dad-Daughter relationship. While you have to put together quite a bit of info from both MC views to get a picture of how the daughter is, there are quite some stuff to find.
The daughter shows signs of Elektra-complex right from the start, when Dad comes into her room to explain the newest strife between him and Mom. It becomes obvious that the relationship Mom-Daughter is not the best and not only since yesterday.("she should move out, not you") There are signs of it throughout the game. The Son can be at his most "assholeness", the Mom is nicer to him than the Daughter, where a more businesslike behaviour is king. It is telling that the Mom seems partly glad when the Dad-Daughter duo is off on their own.

I agree with @Siddington that the daughter is an attractive, sweet, inteligent young woman. As for the critics about her personality, as I said above, some info has to be gathered over the two storylines since the daughter is no playable MC. e.g. The son hints more than once that for all her caring and sweetness, there is a wild side to her she normally reigns in. (Beware the nice ones):)


Apr 15, 2017
does anyone know if his patreons dropped considerably these past few months? or have a graph of his patreons?
surely his pacing would change back to once it was if he has noticed it drop considerably.
just a shame that you don't get, even just a slight update every now and then of this unique game. I mean fuck its almost 4 months and his "progress bar" is not even half done.


Active Member
Jun 12, 2017
the guy is just lazy. judging by his characters, i doubt he is energetic and motivated. probably spends 20 hours/week at best. my guess is he will either loose motivation to finish this, or next time this year (after 2 updates probably) his supporters will get sick of his bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2017
does anyone know if his patreons dropped considerably these past few months? or have a graph of his patreons?
surely his pacing would change back to once it was if he has noticed it drop considerably.
just a shame that you don't get, even just a slight update every now and then of this unique game. I mean fuck its almost 4 months and his "progress bar" is not even half done.

As you can see his earnings are steady. So probably he will never get faster, instead maybe even get slower with increase of earnings.

I'm sorry, but I have to say this, IMO he's the perfect example of "milking". He knows his patrons very well, how to direct them and how to milk them to the max. If people learns to punish him with their wallets, I bet he will speed up the updating immediately. But that's not gonna happen anytime soon.

Months ago I was planning to support him, but after some little research in this forum and watching his behaviour, changed my mind and will never gonna support him or devs like him.

Devon Rehab

May 15, 2017
I honestly still care about this game because of the daughter and Karen. I wanna know how things turn out for them, especially how picking one of them will effect the other story line wise. And I like the design for both of their characters. Usually if one of these incomplete Patreon games sucks I stop downloading new updates and move on with my life. And if a game updates often but adds little content each month sometimes I stop jumping on the new version the moment it comes out and wait two or three updates before playing again. Dual Family frustrates me on both fronts because despite its flaws I still like it enough to still be interested and it updates so slowly that by the time the next update is here other games will have updated three or four times.


Feb 14, 2018
Ok so this game is cool, I like it. But is it just me, or is the father's dialogue hella dramatic? Like I'm rolling my eyes every time he has one of his little crises. Also it's hella dim at times. But it's very interesting


Nov 5, 2016
Ok so this game is cool, I like it. But is it just me, or is the father's dialogue hella dramatic? Like I'm rolling my eyes every time he has one of his little crises. Also it's hella dim at times. But it's very interesting
You need a very high iq to truly appreciate this game dramatic nuance, skeleton metaphors and rapey undertones. It's an aquired taste. :test:


Sep 15, 2017
I think of one thing, I remember Part 9, Karen came to MC's home and entered the MC room

What does she seem to have injected into MC? And MC seems to be in a coma.

MC’s mother is also lying naked next to him, Karen stepped out of the room and sat down.

Why is she doing this :RarePepe: ?


Nov 11, 2016
I think of one thing, I remember Part 9, Karen came to MC's home and entered the MC room

What does she seem to have injected into MC? And MC seems to be in a coma.

MC’s mother is also lying naked next to him, Karen stepped out of the room and sat down.

Why is she doing this :RarePepe: ?
It's explained in the father's path.
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Reactions: Amonlip9000


Jul 13, 2017
My "beef" with Dual Family is not the game itself, that comes along nicely. It is with gumdrop´s lackadaisical attitude as a developer. @Siddington is quite right, that with such an attitude at normal work, you´d be toast.
I am a freetime writer myself. I have two stories running (posted free on several sites) with the next two stories in preparation mode for when the first 2 will be finished. At the moment, the two stories are 1400+ and 300+ Din A4 pages long, so without self-boasting I can say to have written quite a bit. At first I could update once a week, but a combination of factors in normal life reduced it to about once a month since last year. I am not happy about that, but I have no choice on this. I work diligently to make the updates as fast as I can, so the readers can enjoy reading the stories. The joy of the readers and my joy creating a story is what keeps me going.

Then I see "developers/writers" like gumdrop, who boast how the story/game comes first, how his new hardware will all make faster...and what happens? It becomes a crawl, not to forget his first "progress indicator", which stood at 90+% for weeks until he had to admit that it is 50-60% finished at best. He openly lied the audience in the face several times, most of his explanations are ludicrous, since there are developers with less options and ressources delivering quality updates much faster and he gets paid for doing less.
If he lost the drive to see this game through, he should just say so, sometimes stories meet dead ends, as I writer I this well, no problem. But then the cheap money for gumdrop would stop. If he had solid explanations for his slow progress, that would be ok too, but even a 4 year old can see through the white lies gumdrop normally gives out.

Not for nothing some members spoofed his "explanations" in the vein of: "Another month over and 1 new segment is half-finished. Now since it is the birthday of Hannibal I need to take a 4 week break to celebrate this. But have no fear, since the game comes first, I will inform you later on."
Gumdrop´s messages feel like a) either he is incredibly lazy or b) he already finished the update and tries to stretch the intervals as long as possible for more milk money. He should make a message how he found the patrons he has, that would be enlightening. milking them is obviously easier than taking candy from a baby.
I am annoyed because gumdrop has talent for making games, which is why I am still looking out for DF and at the beginning gumdrop had some good update pace, but since the money started to roll, the "speed" of the updates plummeted and it is clear the money now comes first, not the game any longer.
I understand you and I´m excluding you from the critic I mentioned. It goes more to the people with 1 - 3 repeating bashing sentences without any value.

If I understand you correctly, you don´t like it, that he earns about 10k a month, and that he doesn´t produce much content, no monthly releases and lies, no transparency about his progress.

I really can´t argue against that, because I tried his game, when he released his first build and the next one was 1,5 - 2 years later. So, when I played it, it took me some time to finish it, and on my view there was a lot of content.

There is a difficulty about his game. He doesn´t produce a game with one protagonist, as it is common. He basicalley has two with the son and the father. He needs to produce the same amount on every side to please the people, who chose one of the two sides to play (2 games in one game). It´s difficult I guess. Ask yourself this...did the amount of his updates stayed the same after switching from per month to 4months releases? (about 300 - 400 renders). Or is there more content in his 4 month release in comparison to the one month release (son and father story together)? When I played his game after 1-2 years, there were some logical issues on the son´s side of the story. Some content, which wasn´t there (shopping with mom) and sudden jumps to the next scene. So I assume, that the monthly release didn´t fit kyle well.

The other thing is quality. I prefer quality over quantity. Meaning...when I played some games, there are often some deja-vu´s I experience. I play with Daz3D as a hobby sometimes, so I often notice, when poses are already prepared and bought. Some don´t fit in the scene quite well. I haven´t experienced these deja-vus in dual family. So I assume, he creates them himself (takes time) or he chooses them wisely. Either way, they fit completely in the scene, always. That´s one thing I like about his games. There are much more...just little nuances, that I like and that takes it to another level in comparison to many other games. I´m not the only one as it seems. There must be a reason, that many pledge to him without a doubt. They just like his game as I do and he has fucking talent and high quality renders.

Off course motivation needs to stay the same. It´s difficult, especially when you´re your own boss... no responsibilites and consequences from your actions (boss or someone else above you). I´m just happy that he is still here. You know, many leave and abandon their games, start over again and so on (about 90%). 10k a month is a ton...honestly I don´t know, how I would behave, there is always some good and bad, but not being there myself, I just can´t evaluate if he brings the perfomance he should.

About the lies...yes, he needs to be more transparent. But let´s see what his new website and progress-tracker brings to us in the future. Now that this is settled, he normally shouldn´t have any distraction in the future.


Active Member
Oct 27, 2017
I understand you and I´m excluding you from the critic I mentioned. It goes more to the people with 1 - 3 repeating bashing sentences without any value.

If I understand you correctly, you don´t like it, that he earns about 10k a month, and that he doesn´t produce much content, no monthly releases and lies, no transparency about his progress.

I really can´t argue against that, because I tried his game, when he released his first build and the next one was 1,5 - 2 years later. So, when I played it, it took me some time to finish it, and on my view there was a lot of content.

There is a difficulty about his game. He doesn´t produce a game with one protagonist, as it is common. He basicalley has two with the son and the father. He needs to produce the same amount on every side to please the people, who chose one of the two sides to play (2 games in one game). It´s difficult I guess. Ask yourself this...did the amount of his updates stayed the same after switching from per month to 4months releases? (about 300 - 400 renders). Or is there more content in his 4 month release in comparison to the one month release (son and father story together)? When I played his game after 1-2 years, there were some logical issues on the son´s side of the story. Some content, which wasn´t there (shopping with mom) and sudden jumps to the next scene. So I assume, that the monthly release didn´t fit kyle well.

The other thing is quality. I prefer quality over quantity. Meaning...when I played some games, there are often some deja-vu´s I experience. I play with Daz3D as a hobby sometimes, so I often notice, when poses are already prepared and bought. Some don´t fit in the scene quite well. I haven´t experienced these deja-vus in dual family. So I assume, he creates them himself (takes time) or he chooses them wisely. Either way, they fit completely in the scene, always. That´s one thing I like about his games. There are much more...just little nuances, that I like and that takes it to another level in comparison to many other games. I´m not the only one as it seems. There must be a reason, that many pledge to him without a doubt. They just like his game as I do and he has fucking talent and high quality renders.

Off course motivation needs to stay the same. It´s difficult, especially when you´re your own boss... no responsibilites and consequences from your actions (boss or someone else above you). I´m just happy that he is still here. You know, many leave and abandon their games, start over again and so on (about 90%). 10k a month is a ton...honestly I don´t know, how I would behave, there is always some good and bad, but not being there myself, I just can´t evaluate if he brings the perfomance he should.

About the lies...yes, he needs to be more transparent. But let´s see what his new website and progress-tracker brings to us in the future. Now that this is settled, he normally shouldn´t have any distraction in the future.
It's understandable Kyle is consuming time for creating two branching narratives. It's understandable as the story progresses, the amount of scenes needed to be rendered is exponentially increasing but Kyle has his own style. I asked him before why the game has an abhorring amount of scenes where we stare at furniture or bizzare, dutch-angles instead of panning the camera towards the characters. He states it is to reduce the amount of scenes needed, rendering environments is much faster than rendering a poser and I don't remember the exact words but he claims that scenes with subtle gestures such as moving mouths during conversations or a slight hand movement bores him than the furniture scenes where expositional, philosophical and melodramatic dialogue fits. Again, I don't remember the exact words but I remember boring. I wish I kept that screenshot.

What I do remember is opening up community complaints of dutch-angles and overwhelming furniture/environment scenes and asked for a relative change of scene choice. I did convinced him to create pin-up renders, maybe the allotted time consumed is because he abandoned environment scenes and preferred character shots instead.

Back to complaints. Kyle's mistakes outweighs the terrific things he did. He blatantly lied to his patrons of the Chapter 9's progress tracker; he started late at the middle of the 2nd month of the chapter's 3-month development time; he constantly restarts segments, re-rendering finished renders due to slight shading complications; he assures that his rendering speed will increases once he gets his hands on new hardware and when he did, there was no relative increase in progress; and he spends way much time in discord. Way too much. The last time we had a decent conversation was almost an hour and a half. An hour and fucking half.

In his market, no one bosses him around because he's his own boss. Maybe the reason why Kyle is making a living on an adult game industry is because he's incompetent to survive corporate work: Works late, works slow, gets a new hardware-works even slower, can't meet the deadline, blatantly lies and covers err, spends too much recreational time instead of working, etc. The guy can't probably live outside the adult gaming market. This is probably the best thing he can do.


Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
I understand you and I´m excluding you from the critic I mentioned. It goes more to the people with 1 - 3 repeating bashing sentences without any value.

If I understand you correctly, you don´t like it, that he earns about 10k a month, and that he doesn´t produce much content, no monthly releases and lies, no transparency about his progress.(...)
Hi and thanks!
Actually I don´t have a problem with gumdrop earning so much per se. He would be an idiot not to take it. My annoyance is on several things. One is he does not deliver all that much compared to what he gets paid and the time he has. He brings quality, his artwork is one of the reasons I follow this game, but even accounting for the two storylines you simply cannot shake off the feeling that he could have done more per update.
Since I am writing myself, I have full understanding of the difficulties you face and the time you need if you want to produce quality. I would be the last to bash some other author if I saw he/she needs the time or has restricted writing time, so it takes longer between updates. For instance, one story I follow gets updated about once every 5 months and with few stuff in aggregate. But that is ok in this case, since the author from the start said he is a hobby writer and he lacks time, so he can´t do more or faster. That is something you can live with, you know what you get.

Gumdrop on the other side always talks about how the game comes first, how his new hardware makes it all faster and more stuff, etc., but then nothing of that happens. Despite the new hardware the interval between updates is enlarging, not becoming smaller. In terms of amount, you can quickly find other developers, without specialised gear, who push out updates similar in size and quality much faster. Not to speak of the open lies. Gumdrop simply does not deliver what he promises.
Fi he kept just half of his promises, most of the grumbling would stop. But since he seems intent on breaking all, you simply can just arrive at the conclusion that he is either really lazy or he already finished his work and delays to get more money.
That he still earns 10k is a small wonder, which is the reason why I wrote gumdrop should tell us how to find patrons like his. I want some of those for me too.:happyblush:eek:penedeyewink:
2.10 star(s) 189 Votes