VN Ren'Py Dual Family [v1.22.1ce] [Gumdrop Games]

2.10 star(s) 189 Votes

RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
This guy is trully a con artist. :cautious:

Now he says animations haven't been rendered yet, that the release will be in december and he even tries to act sensible saying that people can hold their pledge.

Seriously if there is anyone around here who deserves a "scammer" tag it would be him.

Make it happen moderation team. :LOL:


Mar 26, 2017
First off, I want to spill the beans on animations; nothing too spooky, I promise. The majority of animations I've commissioned from our animator FatCat have been posed. Inversely, the majority of animations have not been rendered; this includes the final two animations yet to be posed.

What an absolute lying disgusting POS this dev is. He can't even make up excuses anymore so he has resorted to lying about what he said earlier.

He did not say anything about posing he said every render with the exception of two had been rendered. Now he spills the beans he was never anywhere close how can you give a release date of Septemember 10 when you haven't even started rendering?

Mods need to create a scammer tage and apply it to him.
There are so many lies piling up, but this is the one that almost made me choke on my coffee. How can anyone contemplate a September 10 release date when one month after said date the majority of animations have not even been rendered?? It's not just that anyone following the development of this game during the last year or so is going to see that this is transparently false, but that it's obvious to any person who hasn't sustained brain damage that this just does not add up. It does not make any goddamned sense.

I mean, we already knew that he is incredibly lazy (to say the least) when it comes to working on his own game, but now he is not even putting any effort into making new lies to try to cover his utterly exposed ass. Just another level unlocked when we thought it was impossible for him to keep leveling up. Hats off.
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Deleted member 177791

So this guy virtually does fuck all for nearly two years, lies constantly and blames others for breaking his own promises and yet still gets good money from a large gullible fanbase?

What the fuck is he still doing in adult gaming? He should start a career in politics, he would easily make 10 times more money with those skills...


Jul 13, 2017
now it is clear that his Patreons for the most part are Fake, after 19 months with yet another postponement of two months, at least on 893 Patrons 50/60 they should write fiery comments on the post, instead not everything is silent as a kind of apathy

it is impossible that such naive people exist

( sorry my english)
Go to his Discord and you´ll see them. Let me represent to you some Abby (aka Gumdrops wife or family member) and Gumdrop cucks here: Cuck1.JPG Cuck2.JPG Cuck3.JPG

Watcher X

Active Member
Dec 26, 2017

Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
Fuck that is depressing reading. It just kills the soul to know there are people out there that are willing to fork over money for literally nothing. How do I meet these people? I have a bridge to sell them.
You have people crowd funding to help build a wall... And you wonder why people spend on this? Must be dangerous for you to open the door into the real world. People spend on silly things all the time, but it's their money to spend, regardless if I think it's a waste or not. Can bark at the moon and it won't change one bit.

Some actually had success at sell bridges too :p



Engaged Member
Game Developer
Apr 27, 2017


Jun 17, 2017
I would wait even more, if that game was good, or at least promised to be good. But it is not. With somehow unique/unusual concept (two sides of one story/two angles or whatever you want to call it) there is mediocre story, and weird renders. He added too much new blank characters, story so far make sense only to some point. And about renders, why he decided to make "object covering the face" shoots and werid angles for some reason? It would make a sense in a comic book, but not in a game, where scene/angle changes every 3-4 frames. And to waiting time, you can wait half of a year for Summertime Saga, because you know, that at the end you will get 10/10 quality product, but here? You cant even tell if it will be finished. Author goes to my "do not trust" list.


Aug 24, 2019


What the hell are this bunch of things he posts during the year? will be the production of Beowulf 2? It must be something really intriguing to hold 900 patrons for 2 years.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Apr 27, 2017
Captain's Log, Day, Gumdrops failure 47

Note to mods: Gimme that sweet sweet TLDR tag baby, do it for the Captain.

Crew have long given up with the Gumdrops Void's ghostly call of promises of 'update sOoOoOoOon', would much rather play cards with the Mods. It's constant whimpering out about the 'update release' date is little more than a fart in the wind at this point. It's irrelevant whatever is said, and no one truly believes the dates given anymore, not even the supposed 'dev' saying it, so why bother?

Little Suzie and the wife have long instead started reading 'War and Peace' together and have told me to take the crew to Dega-buster 5 as we've already been docked here far, far too long.

"First off, I want to spill the beans on animations; nothing too spooky, I promise. The majority of animations I've commissioned from our animator FatCat have been posed. Inversely, the majority of animations have not been rendered; this includes the final two animations yet to be posed." -Gumdrops

Is production reversing backwards or something? What happened to 'Just two animations to go guys!' Jesus Christ, why...Why haven't you listed how many animations have to be rendered? Oh...Oh God...

His words are so unreliable even Gumdrops can't rely on Gumdrops anymore.
The narrative he's told is constantly changing to suit the circumstances that justify the constant missed deadlines.

Why bother keeping with a straight story when you can just move the goal post every time? Implying your update is literally just around the corner? Oh so sorry, looks like you forgot to render NEARLY EVER ANIMATION, Oh boy, that one must have just slipped your mind aye?

Just like taking a right instead of left at albuquerque right?

"When'll it all be done? Before the heat death of the universe, probably. More surely before Christmas. Both those windows are ridiculous, already millennia past previous windows established, however it's simply embarrassing at this point to miss another promised date, to once again let you down." -Gumdrops

Ahhhh got it, leaving it open for your *cough* gullible *cough* 'fans' so you can take it rightttttt up to Christmas without scrutiny. Gotcha.

Always keep the carrot in reach for the rabbits running on the treadmill, genius stuff.

Why suddenly care now about the missed deadlines? You've hardly addressed the issue before, and if production is truly THAT far behind, why did you think this month was possible for release?

Wiley Coyote's plans make more sense than your production and the weird, supposed timescale of this games development.

"Standing by my previous sentiment, I urge you to withhold your pledge if the weekly content leading up to Part X isn't as valuable to you as your support. I'll do my best to provide for those who choose to tag along a little longer, sharing a cutie pie or two if you'll let me." -Gumdrops

You seem to think 'standing by your word' at this point somehow makes it more valid. Your 'word' stands on a house of cards as far as anyone with half a brain is concerned. Even Joshua Lawyer Tree points out how utterly unreliable his word truly is. What more can be said?

No one is supporting you for your weekly content of vague promises and weird angled pin-ups you shovel out.
They are supporting you for the goddamn update you've been promising for the last 2 years.

By the way, do the cutie pies you share all still want to slit their wrists or down a whole bottle of Paracetamol?

So, as many of you know

I was finally and recently kicked from the Gumdrops Discord where I decided after truly bottling this deadline and having some newbie stumble in asking how the game was going, well, I think I summed it up quite nicely.

"Either Gumdrops is a full-blown scammer or he's an accidental scammer for simply allowing this money sink hole to exist for so long and profit from it with so little to show and blatant mismanagement/abuse of Patron trust.

Don't worry though, in my absence the Discord made sure to re-affirm their loyalty to their benevolent leader.
By the way, if you ever wanted to see that the Sunk Fallacy Cost was well and truly alive, here's some empirical evidence for you.

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438401_idiots 2.jpg

438402_idiots 3.jpg
Side note: I like how Abby's changed her name to 'Kommandant' after my little jibe, really warms my heart knowing I left her gritting her teeth in rage.

Imagine being able to play Gumdrops off like he's some lovable rogue as he swindles you of your cash.

I find it funny how Gumdrops use to get very defensive when I claimed a 'cult like mentality' was developing among his followers.

Well...Kinda hard to argue when it's so glaring in your face isn't it?

"Always believe in Gumdrops, for he is the light and truth, trust in Abby, for she speaks for the Great Prophet. Do not question the Gumdrops, he is above that, have faith, HAVE FAITH, HAVE UNQUESTIONING UNWAVERING FAITH!" -The Gumdrops Discord Creed

You just know that's how they like it...Unquestioning, totally content.
At best only offering the mildest complaints like "Oh damn haha! I totally know how rough the wait is, like, y'know?" like brands desperately trying to relate to their audience but so very painfully out of touch and borderline condescending. Underplaying any serious and legit complaints.

And that's it really.
Will this sad and sordid tale ever have an end?
Probably not, and even if it does, it's not gonna be worth it.
Someone send Jim Sterling the documents on this stuff, it'd make a fine 'jimquisition' episode.

I thought I'd at least wait until this mystical update finally arrived before I wrote my review,
but why bother? I'm not even sure it'll ever arrive and really, does he deserve anymore polite cutesy waits before I cast judgement?

Not really,
this is your Captain,
delivering more content that Gumdrops ever could.

captain of space ship.jpg
2.10 star(s) 189 Votes