A new remaster where the family is not blood related. The dad is a stepdad, the son is adopted. The only thing blood related is the guitar the son has, since he has played so much on it his fingers started bleeding.
Way to make the game even less interesting than it was, the M\S incest was the only thing that kept me interested.
Probably some parents saw they kids playing a game, researching leads to patreon and they like let's sue them for the money.
And Patreon tries to clean the incest based games? Unless the game changes to unrelated sex story this won't end.
Or maybe is it like some idiots did a report on Patreon, and they start an investigation?
Well alot idea came up in mind but hopefully we don't need to find an alternative, patreon based I mean.
Probably yes, a parent that isn't bothered to educate his kid properly and leaves him to the PC and TV, but if he sees porn and the parent catches him, god save him!
Because there's nothing worse than porn! not war! not plagues or extremists! but porn!
Seriously now i just woke up only to see half of the games i played change their titles\descriptions to remove incest because Patreon finds it "offensive" for some idiotic reason.
All creators should just remove their game from there and post it somewhere making the paypal donation directly so to skip patreon's ridiculous "guidelines for the politically correct parent"
Especially after patreon took the money from these creators as well for so long, hypocrites
Games aren't reality, any normal person should realize it that it doesn't hurt anyone, you don't want your kid to watch porn? just block the damn connection and be done with it.
As long fantasies remain fantasies and don't harm anyone, who cares?
Just let me enjoy the damn game without these idiocies!