Aug 17, 2019
Imagine there's a guy who pick this game up and remaster it in the future. probably S-tier horror game without cutting or remove anything or adding stuff more


Dec 14, 2018
God this is such a turn on game, fucking sucks there isnt more of this kind of games out there, 10/10 would fap again


Jul 3, 2024
Just finished this, and I gotta say... It's pretty good, while also being disappointing.

The collision issues are obviously a big sticking point, but the weird part is, it really doesn't effect the over-all game, except for the first stage. Every stage after the first stage is just an exploration/stealth/puzzle map with zero platforming expected, so while the collisions are still wonky, it really doesn't effect moment to moment gameplay other than having to jump while running up stairs. So I cannot imagine why the developer made the first stage so heavily platforming based, with pretty tight margins even with out the wonky collision. It really gives a very sour first impression, and is probably why the game isn't rated very highly, despite actually being really good, the first stage is just the game at its absolute worst. If you don't have the patience to deal with Stage 1's gear platforming, I implore you to skip it.

Next, it's a Game Over Rape type game. The fact the game is 3D with interesting scenarios makes it stand out from the crowd, but it's very much a "lose to get what you came for" type game. It's not quite as soulless or uninteresting as many GOR type games, this is very much not the type of game where you can reasonably avoid every Rape Trap, and so you will definitely get the content you came for over the course of playing naturally. I finished the entire game with out ever purposefully losing, and still had plenty of fun stuff to ogle at. Additionally, beyond just the Rape Traps, exploring the levels there still plenty of tantalizing stuff to just look at happening to NPCs, which goes a long way to making the game way more interesting than the standard GOR fare.

The game is still well worth your time, despite those. Skipping Stage 1 recommended, and even if you aren't into GOR type games, I think this stands out from the crowd enough. The game is good graphically, the models are cute. It is BRUTAL though, and while I don't care for guro, I have a high stomach for it at least to push past it to get to what I really want. The game has some really really good animations, if your a fan of more brutal porn, even with out being into gore, you'll love this. Exploring the levels is interesting, coming across the different things to find, the scenarios happening around you, it's pretty fun and makes actually playing the game enjoyable. The game is extremely sexual, so this isn't a porn game that keeps the porn and the game at arms length, only giving the former as a reward or punishment due to the latter, it's very much a sexually charged game at all times. The scenarios are often unique and quite hot, facial animations are on point, and the main character is a cutie. The game ends on a real downer of an ending, but it was too be expected, even if was still a bit of cold shower even for me.

The disappointed comes in when comparing it to Dungeon of Revival, the Developers previous game. I absolutely adored Dungeon of Revival, as I think it's one of the best example of a GOR type game done right. In Dungeon of Revival, losing is it's own little challenge. It wasn't enough to just stand still and let a monster beat on you to get a scene, a lot of the time, that won't actually lead to anything but a bloody death. In Dungeon of Revival, figuring out the right way to lose is just as much a part of the game as figuring out how to move forward. Depending on your current items, locations, what you have and haven't done in a level, and other factors, actually changed what scenes you get when you get captured. One monster could have multiple scenes, that change depending on what you've done. Unlocking all the scenes in the gallery was it's own brain scratcher. Dungeon of Meat is unfortunately, mostly very straight forward. See a monster/hostile NPC? Provoke them, get your one scene, and move on. Now there are a few hidden scenes that aren't obvious on how you'd unlock, which are cool, but for the most part, it's like any other GOR game. See a bad situation? Walk right into it and have fun! The games quality and novelty of being a 3D adventure game is enough to make it still stand out among the see of 2D/RPG maker GOR games where you just hold the arrow key into the enemy until the cutscene plays, don't get me wrong, but it's a far cry from Dungeon of Revival, where the obvious bad decision usually just leads to nothing more interesting than your character rag dolling and getting sent back to a check point.

Honestly, in general, I think Dungeon of Revival is just the better game, expect for maybe Dungeon of Meat looking slightly better. Only big thing is Dungeon of Meat has way more sexual content, where as Dungeon of Revival has more gore content, so that can definitely be a big swing for Meat vs Revival. Beyond that though, Revival just generally plays better, it doesn't have the same collision problems which is odd, consider it's the same developer in what appears to be the same engine, has more interesting level designs and encounters, turning finding the different ways the heroine can fail into a puzzle on its own.

All that said, I still think Dungeon of Meat is a good game that I genuinely think is worth it for people to check out, even if you aren't into Gore (But have a strong stomach for it). Don't let the low review scores trick you, the game is actually quite decent once your past the First Stage, with a solid few hour of content, brutal but well animated scenes, and levels that are honestly pretty fun in the own right to get your way through.
Jun 10, 2019
Honestly got bit disappointed cause i was expecting a different type of game than a management one but you can try Mad Island if is your "taste" :FacePalm:
that one is way too complicated and confusing, i've got ravenous and meatfarm mods on skyrim, also there's a few dolcett scenes in blue mad diode games like depravia egrigrol or graveyard executioner or depravia sariel but none of them have interactive and detailed human slaughter and butchery
2.40 star(s) 14 Votes