
Aug 12, 2019
Try a pure mage build. Keep Mentality up when your magic attack is off, saint heal when your HP is below 60%, defend when enemy is charged, and windmill from Ninja for damage. Set that to ace. Then load up on MP restoring and matk gear. It runs into some survivability issues, in which you may want to switch to paladin. But it generally burns through things before they can do much. Alternatively, use the same build on paladin. No physical attack, just magical attack. That runs into some MP issues at lower levels, but has far more bulk.
To clarify, I don't have any problems finding viable builds, just the one I had been using on this particular run (which was able to tank its way through 99 floors with trivial ease) ended up being too slow to kill the Guardian while also too durable to lose, leading to me having to use the escape button after 2000 rounds of combat. I thought that was funny. I dove back in with an accessory that made me immune to their status effects and a slight rearrangement of action conditionals and that fixed it.

Also, this was on a virgin run so I didn't have the fluids to free up more than a couple of skills. It think the vampiric stance might have been the only thing I actually unlocked; other than that I only had access to knight-specific abilities, and only from ranks 7 and below. But for example if I was a mage, the Drain attack would be the only source of healing, and that's not really enough to keep up with a high level enemy that has high mdef reducing the effect when I have basically no defense. Ninja or Adventurer run into similar problems due to lack of native healing spells... I'm pretty sure a Warrior could get max hp and hp regen rate high enough to keep up with their damage output, if I make liberal use of break beat to strip all their buffs... Not sure if a Swordsman could keep up, probably depends on level.

Fun fact: for my first two entire runs I misread the description of the 'charged' condition as inflicting 120% damage, as in 20% more than normal (instead of 120% more than normal and 220% in total), so I figured it was a waste of time and never actually set a single trigger depending on it. Every time an enemy charged up I just took it on the nose (and then usually healed up after).


Feb 5, 2019
does anyone have a strategy to this or something? im already have a couple hours in and cant get past the 2nd boss.
nvm i got good
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Active Member
Feb 27, 2019
You MUST defend when he Charges. Hammer Fall would be quite powerful as is, but combined with that? He'll blow you up.


Aug 12, 2019
anyone got a good action setting setup? not sure what to choose or do for that
There are dozens if not hundreds of viable builds, though the tools you have available depend on how far along you are and how slutty you are. In a virgin run you're not going to have a lot of human fluids so you'll have to make do with only the skills native to your current class and maybe one or two others, so think hard before you unlock anything to make sure they're things you can't do without. In a whore run, the way you're probably playing, you can unlock every skill from every class and mix and match as you please.

First decision is whether you're going to be using primarily magic, meaning you want to be a mage or a ninja, or primarily brute force, meaning you want to be a warrior or swordsmaster. Knight and Adventurer can do either one, or even both, but if you try to mix and match you'll be less effective at both.

I think your first slot should usually be some sort of powerful healing, on a 'hp is less than x%' trigger. Saint Heal (from the knight) is usually the best if you're playing as a high-magic class since it applies your whole MATK to healing, non-magic builds should try to get as high of base HP as possible and then Refresh (from the warrior) since the amount that heals depends on your maximum. Generally you don't want to spend your limited action setting lines on removing status conditions from yourself, since you would need to put in a different instruction for every one of them. You can put in a line or two specifically to counter whatever boss is giving you trouble at the time (remembering that your build also needs to beat everything before that boss), but in general you can ignore status effects until your hp drops below your healing trigger, and then Saint or Refresh will remove most of them as a free bonus.

Lots of people will tell you that your first or second shot should be dedicated to a 'if enemy charges, defend' because a charged attack does more than double damage and can end your whole run if you're not careful. Personally I don't bother, and just set my healing triggers high enough that unless something goes wrong my heath never goes low enough to get one-shotted.

Everything after that depends on what strategy you're using at the moment but there's a few good rules of thumb.

Figure out what a single good primary source of damage is going to be, and focus on that. A knight can get by (until the hundredth floor anyway) on tanking super hard and dealing little scratches with low ATK sword strikes, but generally you want to pick some skill or combo that does lots of damage, and then max out whatever it relies on. As a Swordsman you might just spam basic attacks, but with lots of stances buffing those and huge ATK score. As a Ninja you might have minimal direct damage, but make sure that the enemy is continually poisoned and either burning or frozen. As a Mage you probably want to crank your MATK through the roof until ordinary enemies go down in a single spell and bosses don't last long enough to take advantage of your lack of defenses. Experiment with it, and every time you get a new skill try to think about a strategy that could be based around it. The fast speed and auto-battles mean you can test out a new build very quickly and see its strengths and flaws in actual combat without wasting much time or any resources.

Buffs and debuffs usually work better if the trigger condition is based on current status rather than timing, for example if I want to be Strong all the time for a 50% increase to my physical stats, it's better to say 'if self is not +defense, Strong' than to say something like 'Strong every 8 turns'. Buffs (and debuffs) stay on between fights, so if you program Vera to boost her stats on the first round of combat you're wasting time and mana in every fight, when she could have done 7/8 of those without it. Debuffs (poison, burn, freeze) are great when applied to the enemy, but the spells that produce them have lower base damage, so again you want to set triggers like 'if enemy is not on fire then Flare' instead of treating them like normal attacks.

Doing nothing is better than doing something you're bad at. A Mage for example should never actually hit something with their staff. Taking the Defend action reduces incoming damage by 80%, so when you "waste" a turn you force your enemy to also mostly waste it, and regeneration continues as normal so you'll probably get enough MP back for what you actually want to be doing. An ordinary attack with low physical stats on the other hand accomplishes nothing, and probably leaves you injured.

Vampiric regeneration is nice. Whether it's the Drain Touch spell or the Sun sword stance, you're not going to get nearly as many HP back as you would from a dedicated healing effect, but you can do it for cheap while also making progress toward defeating your enemy. Try not to rely on it for an emergency assist though, unless you're restricted to skills from one class and don't have any dedicated healing; treat it as a way to avoid getting low enough to need a real healing spell instead.

Skills that cost potions or oils are things you should try to avoid relying on, because you'll run out in a long dungeon crawl. They exist either as emergency measures (a mage using a mana potion after running entirely out of MP in a boss fight, or a swordsman whose HP went down too fast and too far for their normal methods to keep them alive), or if you're doing the Adventurer Only challenge run.

When selecting class and equipment, most of the time you want to pay more attention to things that are granted on levelup than to things that are simply added. The Reinforcement Team dungeon amenity means you're almost never going to be fighting at level 1, which means that a '+3 Def Growth' is worth anywhere from 30 to 90 points of defense depending on how far along you are, and thus much more valuable than the +40 def item you might hypothetically be replacing. By the same token, anything your current class has zero growth in is something that you will always be bad at, unless you wear gear specialized in making up for your weakness rather than enhancing your strengths. There's a few times you'll have to fight at level one, and you might want to re-equip appropriately right before those fights, but they're rare.

Oh, and remember that magical effects always hit, meaning that accuracy is worthless to mages, but it's important to physical attacks (whether the simple attack command, or skills that inflict physical damage).

If your build isn't working, like if you're relying on status effects against a boss who's constantly clearing them, or you messed up a trigger and caught yourself in a loop of uselessness, just hit the escape orb and reconfigure. It costs you nothing except increasing your dungeon exploration count, and that only matters if you're trying for achievements or the third ending, neither of which should be a concern on your first playthrough.
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Apr 19, 2020
There's a Mental Cure I just realized is available. Lowers lewdness by 5 for each cure.

What's the purpose of lowering lewdness? From what I can tell, raising it unlocks "quests" (usin' that loosely...). I haven't discovered any downside to being lewd AF. Is there one?


Apr 30, 2019
There's a Mental Cure I just realized is available. Lowers lewdness by 5 for each cure.

What's the purpose of lowering lewdness? From what I can tell, raising it unlocks "quests" (usin' that loosely...). I haven't discovered any downside to being lewd AF. Is there one?
I'm guessing it's just for people who want to control the progress of lewdness more closely, or want a "pure" run.
There really isn't any downside to increased lewdness as far as I remember.


Aug 12, 2019
There's a Mental Cure I just realized is available. Lowers lewdness by 5 for each cure.

What's the purpose of lowering lewdness? From what I can tell, raising it unlocks "quests" (usin' that loosely...). I haven't discovered any downside to being lewd AF. Is there one?
Some scenes automatically change to lewder versions of themselves when your tracker goes past a threshold, so if somebody wanted to see the earlier version of it they might need to lower their score. Or if the player has a fetish for the heroine being forced into situations against her will instead of starting to enjoy it and seek them out.
Apr 19, 2020
Some scenes automatically change to lewder versions of themselves when your tracker goes past a threshold, so if somebody wanted to see the earlier version of it they might need to lower their score. Or if the player has a fetish for the heroine being forced into situations against her will instead of starting to enjoy it and seek them out.
I've never seen any forced situations she wasn't into, except maybe the drastically overpowered bandit from the quest board, and the parts where she's sleep-banged, but even in her sleep she seems into it.


New Member
Sep 15, 2020
Hello, is there a way to add mouse support to this game? It would be nice to just click to advance through the text boxes using the mouse...
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Aug 12, 2019
is there mp potions? how do i get them?
"potion" is a generic resource, which can be spent to use certain skills. IIRC there's a basic healing potion that you learn to use as a low level adventurer, an mp potion that you learn to use as a mid to high level mage, and a higher level healing + buff potion you learn to use as a high level adventurer.

Skills that cost a potion to use are generally more powerful than the ones you just spend mp or time on, but you can't carry enough to really use them for anything other than boss fights so they require really careful conditions in your behavior programming.

If you find yourself constantly running out of MP, remember that defending reduces incoming damage by like 80% while giving you your full regeneration for the turn, and even without any bonuses to mp recovery you get back 5% of your maximum every turn. So if you replace the default 'if all else fails, hit them with a stick' at the end of the action queue (which deals pitiful damage if you're not built for physical combat, but leaves you completely open to enemy attacks) with 'if I can't afford to cast a spell, pause and catch my breath' will improve your endurance significantly.

Later in the game you'll be able to use gear to increase both the percentage of your MP you regain and your maximum by a lot, allowing you to fire off big magics more consistently and casually.


Feb 24, 2018
For anyone who wants to do the first EX mission without the class you get from it, here's the knight build I created from a mixture of the advice here plus trial and error that was able to clear it, even if it was a close shave at spots


Active Member
Jun 22, 2022
There are dozens if not hundreds of viable builds, though the tools you have available depend on how far along you are and how slutty you are. In a virgin run you're not going to have a lot of human fluids so you'll have to make do with only the skills native to your current class and maybe one or two others, so think hard before you unlock anything to make sure they're things you can't do without. In a whore run, the way you're probably playing, you can unlock every skill from every class and mix and match as you please.

First decision is whether you're going to be using primarily magic, meaning you want to be a mage or a ninja, or primarily brute force, meaning you want to be a warrior or swordsmaster. Knight and Adventurer can do either one, or even both, but if you try to mix and match you'll be less effective at both.

I think your first slot should usually be some sort of powerful healing, on a 'hp is less than x%' trigger. Saint Heal (from the knight) is usually the best if you're playing as a high-magic class since it applies your whole MATK to healing, non-magic builds should try to get as high of base HP as possible and then Refresh (from the warrior) since the amount that heals depends on your maximum. Generally you don't want to spend your limited action setting lines on removing status conditions from yourself, since you would need to put in a different instruction for every one of them. You can put in a line or two specifically to counter whatever boss is giving you trouble at the time (remembering that your build also needs to beat everything before that boss), but in general you can ignore status effects until your hp drops below your healing trigger, and then Saint or Refresh will remove most of them as a free bonus.

Lots of people will tell you that your first or second shot should be dedicated to a 'if enemy charges, defend' because a charged attack does more than double damage and can end your whole run if you're not careful. Personally I don't bother, and just set my healing triggers high enough that unless something goes wrong my heath never goes low enough to get one-shotted.

Everything after that depends on what strategy you're using at the moment but there's a few good rules of thumb.

Figure out what a single good primary source of damage is going to be, and focus on that. A knight can get by (until the hundredth floor anyway) on tanking super hard and dealing little scratches with low ATK sword strikes, but generally you want to pick some skill or combo that does lots of damage, and then max out whatever it relies on. As a Swordsman you might just spam basic attacks, but with lots of stances buffing those and huge ATK score. As a Ninja you might have minimal direct damage, but make sure that the enemy is continually poisoned and either burning or frozen. As a Mage you probably want to crank your MATK through the roof until ordinary enemies go down in a single spell and bosses don't last long enough to take advantage of your lack of defenses. Experiment with it, and every time you get a new skill try to think about a strategy that could be based around it. The fast speed and auto-battles mean you can test out a new build very quickly and see its strengths and flaws in actual combat without wasting much time or any resources.

Buffs and debuffs usually work better if the trigger condition is based on current status rather than timing, for example if I want to be Strong all the time for a 50% increase to my physical stats, it's better to say 'if self is not +defense, Strong' than to say something like 'Strong every 8 turns'. Buffs (and debuffs) stay on between fights, so if you program Vera to boost her stats on the first round of combat you're wasting time and mana in every fight, when she could have done 7/8 of those without it. Debuffs (poison, burn, freeze) are great when applied to the enemy, but the spells that produce them have lower base damage, so again you want to set triggers like 'if enemy is not on fire then Flare' instead of treating them like normal attacks.

Doing nothing is better than doing something you're bad at. A Mage for example should never actually hit something with their staff. Taking the Defend action reduces incoming damage by 80%, so when you "waste" a turn you force your enemy to also mostly waste it, and regeneration continues as normal so you'll probably get enough MP back for what you actually want to be doing. An ordinary attack with low physical stats on the other hand accomplishes nothing, and probably leaves you injured.

Vampiric regeneration is nice. Whether it's the Drain Touch spell or the Sun sword stance, you're not going to get nearly as many HP back as you would from a dedicated healing effect, but you can do it for cheap while also making progress toward defeating your enemy. Try not to rely on it for an emergency assist though, unless you're restricted to skills from one class and don't have any dedicated healing; treat it as a way to avoid getting low enough to need a real healing spell instead.

Skills that cost potions or oils are things you should try to avoid relying on, because you'll run out in a long dungeon crawl. They exist either as emergency measures (a mage using a mana potion after running entirely out of MP in a boss fight, or a swordsman whose HP went down too fast and too far for their normal methods to keep them alive), or if you're doing the Adventurer Only challenge run.

When selecting class and equipment, most of the time you want to pay more attention to things that are granted on levelup than to things that are simply added. The Reinforcement Team dungeon amenity means you're almost never going to be fighting at level 1, which means that a '+3 Def Growth' is worth anywhere from 30 to 90 points of defense depending on how far along you are, and thus much more valuable than the +40 def item you might hypothetically be replacing. By the same token, anything your current class has zero growth in is something that you will always be bad at, unless you wear gear specialized in making up for your weakness rather than enhancing your strengths. There's a few times you'll have to fight at level one, and you might want to re-equip appropriately right before those fights, but they're rare.

Oh, and remember that magical effects always hit, meaning that accuracy is worthless to mages, but it's important to physical attacks (whether the simple attack command, or skills that inflict physical damage).

If your build isn't working, like if you're relying on status effects against a boss who's constantly clearing them, or you messed up a trigger and caught yourself in a loop of uselessness, just hit the escape orb and reconfigure. It costs you nothing except increasing your dungeon exploration count, and that only matters if you're trying for achievements or the third ending, neither of which should be a concern on your first playthrough.
What would be optimal for a ninja, slot 1 I have % less than 30 saint heal, then every 1 turn snake stance, not sure what else I should do or grind what class to give ninja more powerful attacks. also the defend action should be enemy state then? some of these are a little confusing to me, I just want to get through the floors with ease I don't really care what class etc been stuck on the 7th for a while and keep playing and trying stuff then coming back to the game weeks later lol.
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