i dont usually post replies to stuff like this but i will say game loads but doing anything like new game or even continue causes the game to bring up the error CANNOT FIND THE FILE graphics/character/...... this probably be due to people not being in a japanese chinese goddenese locale but you also dont show or tell people how to change their locale either and im in the boat of not knowing how to change a locale that shouldnt have been an issue in the first place. this has made me less likely to ever touch or even rate all that highly any game by this developer or type. sad to see a game that i WAS interested in but since i cannot play it much less properly be told how to properly run it outside of being told CHANGE YOUR LOCALE BEFORE EXTRACTING something that shouldnt even be a thing especially for something that is SUPPOSED to be translated into english in the first place(like its posted here as translated even if MTL) so this is a big let down.