This was an absolute blast and exceeded my expectations. I went into it thinking it was gonna be another typical college VN and while that's true, I think it's pretty ambitious. The fact it has a definite plan (3 seasons with 7 episodes each) is a huge green flag and I hope the dev sticks with it. Please don't character bloat it. We already have a pretty big cast to work with, and if we start getting 3-4 new people in new seasons that will just mean less screen time for others.
Most of the LIs have something that I like. There are some clear frontrunners (Katie, Ella, Chelsea, Paris, and the twins) and some that I've got some reservations about (Taylor, Chloe, Jordan, and Selina). I didn't get all the scenes in one playthrough but I don't know if it's possible without modding to give yourself all the skills.
The skill system gives me major "Nothing is Forever" vibes and how each LI needs a slightly different approach or ability in order to get the most out of them.