
Game Developer
Dec 22, 2021
Если Л412 изнасиловать, притащить на своём горбу в отель, и сразу же изнасиловать во второй раз, 412-дцатая телепортируется с постели в тюрьму двенадцатого этажа, а возможность выйти из комнаты пропадает, софтлок.
После того, как бартендер говорит тебе, что в церкви нужны помошники, её портрет остаётся висеть на экране даже после того, как ты прекратишь с ней разговаривать.
Идеальная работа в баре даёт 50,000.000 эссенции, а не 15000, как говорит бартендер.
Если зафейлить один столик, она говорит, что даёт 5000, но добавляется только 004,000.000.
В баре можно снять комнату, после этого начать работу, не работая, сразу подняться на второй этаж, проспать целый день и квест при этом не фейлится.
Каменная дорога при входе в парк и на подходе к боссу Фрея не даёт звуков шагов.
В барном туалете невидимая текстура блокирует проход.
Если зайти/выйти в помещение во время ночи, время сменится на день, но вход/выход во время дня не переключает на ночь, даже если делать это многократно.

Было бы здорово, если бы была возможность настраивать скорость воспроизведения боевых действий и анимаций. Сейчас каждая атака занимает вечность :(
Формат денег ххх,ххх.ххх странный, постоянно ощущение, что бегаешь с миллионами, а в продаже нет ничего, что можно было бы купить за, скажем, 000,000.300 эссенции. Мб стоит последние три цифры урезать, если они не используются?
Understood. Thank you for reporting it.
Я сохранился перед выбором опции "Help" в баре и она пропала из меню :cry:
Hmmm... It's hard to tell what caused this and why. Can you provide me with your save file? I'd be happy to examine it.
Also, here's one of my saves. It's almost before the "Help" scene.
where panties? Searched trader girl's house top to buttom, cant find.
You need to sleep until night at the bar. Then go to the trader's house. Her panties is on her.
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Apr 19, 2020
Is there any new scene in 6.01/6.00 version? A gallery would be great since u dont really know when these scenes can appear

Anyway, great game. It's refreshing to see this kind of genre on this site
May 19, 2019
so... does the game just break after you choose the "have more of her" option in the room at floor 13 on the evil route?
Also are you supposed to get the scene with the bones and the evil chick killing you before that?
Edit: you have to sleep on the bed first, to be able to leave the room. After that, you can't sleep on it anymore, but I was able to find the girl on floor 12. Any more content on this route?
May 19, 2019
I definitely got soft locked. Was able to progress until the panties quest, and turned in the small box to the trader, as well as getting the cupboard jumpscare. Not getting anywhere after this.
Edit: Okay, I'm sleep deprived. Was able to get panties, wash the zombie friend, now all that's left is to do 11 perfect shifts at the bar to progress the story?
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Game Developer
Dec 22, 2021
I definitely got soft locked. Was able to progress until the panties quest, and turned in the small box to the trader, as well as getting the cupboard jumpscare. Not getting anywhere after this.
Edit: Okay, I'm sleep deprived. Was able to get panties, wash the zombie friend, now all that's left is to do 11 perfect shifts at the bar to progress the story?
Yeah. I think so. It's kind of unintuitive. The quest line is a mess. If you force L-412, there's a good chance the game will break. Because it's the least tested route. I need to block it or write a warning.


New Member
Apr 14, 2020
So how to get the head?. I already found the headless body and reach the hospital. But I still can't find the head. The doctor only option is talk and buy.


Game Developer
Dec 22, 2021
I slept before talking to bar girl about help
now she wont talk about help and im stuck cuz i dont have an earlier save
Hmm. So you talk to the girl at the bar and you see the "Help" button. You think "Okay," rent a room and go to sleep. You wake up, go to the girl, talk again, and the "Help" button disappears. Right?
So how to get the head?. I already found the headless body and reach the hospital. But I still can't find the head. The doctor only option is talk and buy.
It's not obvious, I know. My fault. Go to the bar, work bad, about 0 out of 10 tables bad. That should trigger a quest.
Dec 4, 2021
Hmm. So you talk to the girl at the bar and you see the "Help" button. You think "Okay," rent a room and go to sleep. You wake up, go to the girl, talk again, and the "Help" button disappears. Right?
yap, i just thought my health was low and it was a good idea to heal before an event
well i did use the teleport stone from the previous event to the bar. And i noticed everytime i use it to teleport infrom of the bar it turns to night time, just putting it here if it helps.
I tried teleporting again infront of the bar to see if it reset the error, it didn't haha
amazing game btw, art is unique


Game Developer
Dec 22, 2021
well i did use the teleport stone from the previous event to the bar. And i noticed everytime i use it to teleport infrom of the bar it turns to night time, just putting it here if it helps.
Teleportation stones should not be in the game (at least for now). Use them only if you are outside. Not in the building. I think that because you use it inside, it breaks the game. Nevertheless, thanks for telling me about it. I think it can be fixed by going in and then out of any building.
As for the missing help button. I found what I think is causing it. Fixed. Thanks for your report. You don't have a save with a help button, right? Here's the fix. Unzip it into your game data folder. Rewrite the file. Go to the bar, talk to the clown, the button should reappear.
amazing game btw, art is unique
Thank you.
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New Member
Jun 26, 2020
Game is great, I love your artstyle so much.
Bugs: Only bugs I came across are sometimes when you go down a ladder or stairs into a room, you can walk back up and get onto the walls of the rooms.
Suggestion: My eyesight isn't great and I struggle with the dark areas sometimes, maybe add brighter or bigger range flashlight to trader to sell?
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