
Active Member
Oct 5, 2021
oh for the save file. it seems it can't be used cause the save file dont have the config and global file from the save file you give so yeah it's useless but thx for telling me how to get the head
Just save anything to that slot and it will update your global then you can just overwrite it with the save file you downloaded. You could also just change the save number to one you don't care about and overwrite that instead.


New Member
Apr 29, 2018
When trying to go into the woods to help my sister, I get this error:
Edit: I was able to get around the problem by editing a couple of the Map json files, seems like "test" got left in under image -> characterName in a couple of places.
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Oct 26, 2021
1. The name is too long, EMPTY-66 should've been enough.

2. Current overview is shit.
No one's ever going to buy a finished product with such description.
Here's my attempt at making one:

One day you and your sister got back from school like usual.
Later, your dad asked you to help him with something in the basement.
But wait, what's going on? The basement is darker than usual and there's a.. pile of human bones?!
Shocked, you turn back to your father. Wait, where is he? Where's your sister, your mom?
Grab your trusty flashlight and delve deep into the world of a mysterious horror!
Will you be able to find out what happened to your family?
Or will you end up as yet another pile of bones in the dark?
Welcome to the EMPTY-66822.
Welcome.. to hell!

(it's generic and bland, but it offers some real information about the plot.)

3. Walking sound effects are annoying.
It's like a woodpecker's trying to destroy my eardrums.
Also why aren't there any walking sounds in front of the protagonist's real home?

4. Many of the essential menu sound effects are missing.
I always have to check twice if I really used a bandage because there is no DING sound effect when you use it.

5. The lack of a Load button is crippling.
Everytime I fuck up in the game I've to go alt+f4 and restart the game just to load the last save.
Believe it or not, it's faster that quitting to the main menu.

6. Sister isn't named, none of the classmates are named, hero isn't named, why?
Is it that hard to come up with a random name?
There are random name generators on the internet, you know?

7. When L-412 is in our party, we can see that she's marked as Sister.
The protagonist doesn't know about it yet, right?

Алсо, если тебе до сих пор никто не взялся помогать с переводом, обращайся.
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New Member
Apr 29, 2018
How you fix this?
Well, in my first attempt at the fix, I still had the issue of the sister not being visible on the map (and had to wander randomly to talk to her), so I tried my best to fix it in the attached files, just replace the existing files with these ones. From a test of the flashback section on a fresh install modified by this, I got through without issues, however:

Disclaimer, I have zero experience with RPGmaker, and figured these changes out using trial and error. While I really doubt that my changes break things elsewhere, I can't guarantee it. At the end of the day, I'm just an idiot tinkering with things because I am too impatient to wait for the proper fix. Use at your own discretion.

Edit: The issue has been fixed in version 6.01, use that instead.
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Jun 17, 2018
Bit on feedback from where I got (the bar, so probably not the furthest). As far as overall presentation goes, it feels like you've got a unique artstyle that's a bit rough around the edges, but with a bit of polish it could genuinely be pretty neat. Also, the Bartender is the best girl. No, I'm definitely not saying that due to her having nice legs and pantyhose (for real though, cute).

1. I really would recommend you to consider a proofreader and/or writer, especially if people are offering to help you for free. It is admirable that you don't want to receive help without compensation, but it really isn't much, plus it could genuinely really help your presentation. After all, if a porn game didn't have text in its lewds, what more would it be than an overly complex CG set to just look up on Sad Panda?

2. It feels like, in its current setup, the prologue is too empty (with the NPCs you can't interact with not really helping), and even exploring the map before spooks doesn't get rewarded enough. How about some NPCs you can interact with that would tell you a tip about the area's purpose in the main game, ex. people mentioning how good the bath house is? That way when you're told to go there, you think "oh shit, I explored the map before and remembered people telling me about the bath house near that wooden-looking building, that's probably the one I have to go to", yet it's a hint that you're totally able to miss for not actually looking through the map.

3. Kinda leads me to my next point, the game feels like you have to play with the guide on the side, due to a lack of information. It is understandable not to wanna lead a player by the hand, but you totally can do it with dialogue that would make sense organically. The bar is a good example; you've said yourself that the orbs aren't really necessary at this point, and the equipment doesn't feel useful by that point (on top of being purchaseable with the prior rewards alone), so I wouldn't think to grind it 11 times without any knowledge. Nothing really stops you from adding at least a bit of advice in to keep someone pushing, even something like "hey you're doing pretty well, if you keep working hard I might have a fun little bonus for you, if you catch my drift ;) ;) ;) ;)", same with the big reward before that.

4. Think it's already been mentioned, but the monster spawns in that part of the game are honestly ridiculous, to the point you've pretty much gotta savescum to go anywhere. Handgun ammo probably won't save you from a far too tight path where dodging the enemy is basically RNG (could spot you or walk vertically just as you're passing by, even when you try to time it), and failure could mean a 3-enemy spawn that'll instakill you if you don't escape on your first try.

5. The first part of the game actually has the opposite problem; you keep mentioning how the shadows are dangerous and you should run in the guide, yet you drop them in two hits with the bat, and sometimes don't even take any damage from them, which kinda makes them feel trivial.

6. A lot of the story aspects come so suddenly that they feel like they make no sense. The transition between going down to the basement with your dad and immediately transporting to the spooks was confusing, and it took me a surprisingly long time to realize what was even happening during the first quest that the trader gives you. Some stuff also makes no sense, like how for some reason there's people wearing full-on fantasy armor in the bar (I'm guessing it's RPGM assets, it just doesn't give off a very thematically consistent vibe), but that's more of a minor detail that could get ironed out in later updates even without this.

7. Minor personal issue, but the stock RPGM BGM feels goofier more than anything (especially with the pitch); I'd recommend swapping it out for some better-fitting royalty-free music. I wouldn't recommend Western repositories, mostly since they tend to be so overused in internet media we consume that they'd make it feel like a shitpost more than anything (ex. Kevin MacLeod, as respectable as his work is). I'll admit that it isn't as easy as it sounds to go for those, as a lot of JP royalty-free repositories will actually ban porn games from using their work (if you see restriction of "violating public morals" in the ToS, that's the kiss of death), or will require a usage report (which only puts their eyes on your work, which they might just say no to). I've done research on a bunch for a potential project, and I think the perfect starter is . No restrictions, you can use them in commercial products for free, no usage reports, no bullshit; it's also been used by some popular RPGM/WRPGE horror games like Mad Father, so it seems like it could have some fitting stuff. is really good too. They require you to credit them if you wanna use it for free, but they specifically allow usage in porn games, and they were used by Succubus Prison (arguably the best horror eroge out there), so they're absolutely gonna have something good.

8. Last issue, but it's so tiny and personal that it might as well be a showcase of my very smooth brain. When you're supposed to move the shelf in the kitchen, it felt really confusing that you'd push it to the left by pushing from the bottom tile, to the point I needed the guide to confirm that. It feels like it could be more logical if you set the trigger to the black mark (more likely to be investigated) with a step back, so that you're dragging it back to the left instead.
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Game Developer
Dec 22, 2021
When trying to go into the woods to help my sister, I get this error:

Edit: I was able to get around the problem by editing a couple of the Map json files, seems like "test" got left in under image -> characterName in a couple of places.
Fixed. Thanks.
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Game Developer
Dec 22, 2021
1. The name is too long, EMPTY-66 should've been enough.
Hm? But it's the name of the game. I don't see a problem here.

2. Current overview is shit.
No one's ever going to buy a finished product with such description.
Here's my attempt at making one:
One day you and your sister got back from school like usual.
Later, your dad asked you to help him with something in the basement.
But wait, what's going on? The basement is darker than usual and there's a.. pile of human bones?!
Shocked, you turn back to your father. Wait, where is he? Where's your sister, your mom?
Grab your trusty flashlight and delve deep into the world of a mysterious horror!
Will you be able to find out what happened to your family?
Or will you end up as yet another pile of bones in the dark?
Welcome to the EMPTY-66822.
Welcome.. to hell!

(it's generic and bland, but it offers some real information about the plot.)
Yes. I know. It's not good. Thanks for the example.

3. Walking sound effects are annoying.
It's like a woodpecker's trying to destroy my eardrums.
Also why aren't there any walking sounds in front of the protagonist's real home?
Yes. I'll make them more quiet. You can also mute the sound in the options.

4. Many of the essential menu sound effects are missing.
I always have to check twice if I really used a bandage because there is no DING sound effect when you use it.
Going to fix it. Thanks.

5. The lack of a Load button is crippling.
Everytime I fuck up in the game I've to go alt+f4 and restart the game just to load the last save.
Believe it or not, it's faster that quitting to the main menu.
Yes. RPG Maker doesn't have a load button by default. It's very frustrating. Going to fix it.

6. Sister isn't named, none of the classmates are named, hero isn't named, why?
Is it that hard to come up with a random name?
There are random name generators on the internet, you know?
It's okay that they don't have names. This is my artistic vision (HAHAHA YES).

7. When L-412 is in our party, we can see that she's marked as Sister.
The protagonist doesn't know about it yet, right?
It's just a bug. I think I fixed it now. Thank you.

Алсо, если тебе до сих пор никто не взялся помогать с переводом, обращайся.
I reallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreally don't want anyone to do it for free for me. But I guess soon the time will come when I will have to overcome myself. Thanks for offer. I appreciate it.

Thanks for the long post, by the way!


Game Developer
Dec 22, 2021
Bit on feedback from where I got (the bar, so probably not the furthest). As far as overall presentation goes, it feels like you've got a unique artstyle that's a bit rough around the edges, but with a bit of polish it could genuinely be pretty neat. Also, the Bartender is the best girl. No, I'm definitely not saying that due to her having nice legs and pantyhose (for real though, cute).
Thank you.
1. I really would recommend you to consider a proofreader and/or writer, especially if people are offering to help you for free. It is admirable that you don't want to receive help without compensation, but it really isn't much, plus it could genuinely really help your presentation. After all, if a porn game didn't have text in its lewds, what more would it be than an overly complex CG set to just look up on Sad Panda?
You right. I understand. I hope to overcome myself soon.
2. It feels like, in its current setup, the prologue is too empty (with the NPCs you can't interact with not really helping), and even exploring the map before spooks doesn't get rewarded enough. How about some NPCs you can interact with that would tell you a tip about the area's purpose in the main game, ex. people mentioning how good the bath house is? That way when you're told to go there, you think "oh shit, I explored the map before and remembered people telling me about the bath house near that wooden-looking building, that's probably the one I have to go to", yet it's a hint that you're totally able to miss for not actually looking through the map.
You right. It's a good idea to rework and expand the prologue a bit.
3. Kinda leads me to my next point, the game feels like you have to play with the guide on the side, due to a lack of information. It is understandable not to wanna lead a player by the hand, but you totally can do it with dialogue that would make sense organically. The bar is a good example; you've said yourself that the orbs aren't really necessary at this point, and the equipment doesn't feel useful by that point (on top of being purchaseable with the prior rewards alone), so I wouldn't think to grind it 11 times without any knowledge. Nothing really stops you from adding at least a bit of advice in to keep someone pushing, even something like "hey you're doing pretty well, if you keep working hard I might have a fun little bonus for you, if you catch my drift ;) ;) ;) ;)", same with the big reward before that.
Yes. The game is confusing. I wanted player to be able to go to a lot of places from the beginning and do a lot of things from the beginning. But because it's still in development and doesn't have a lot of content, it became confusing, and now the RPG Maker spaghetti code doesn't allow me to change things easily without breaking a whole thing in the process. I was wrong. I made a mistake. I am aware of this problem. Gonna try to fix it with a new content. Thank you.
4. Think it's already been mentioned, but the monster spawns in that part of the game are honestly ridiculous, to the point you've pretty much gotta savescum to go anywhere. Handgun ammo probably won't save you from a far too tight path where dodging the enemy is basically RNG (could spot you or walk vertically just as you're passing by, even when you try to time it), and failure could mean a 3-enemy spawn that'll instakill you if you don't escape on your first try.
Yes. I'm also going to fix that. Maybe by adding shortcuts on the map or reducing enemy spawn.
5. The first part of the game actually has the opposite problem; you keep mentioning how the shadows are dangerous and you should run in the guide, yet you drop them in two hits with the bat, and sometimes don't even take any damage from them, which kinda makes them feel trivial.
Hm? Hm... I have a problem with them in this part. If they make me use bandages and painkillers, but there's a good chance I won't be able to kill the boss. Bad game design, yeah.
6. A lot of the story aspects come so suddenly that they feel like they make no sense. The transition between going down to the basement with your dad and immediately transporting to the spooks was confusing, and it took me a surprisingly long time to realize what was even happening during the first quest that the trader gives you. Some stuff also makes no sense, like how for some reason there's people wearing full-on fantasy armor in the bar (I'm guessing it's RPGM assets, it just doesn't give off a very thematically consistent vibe), but that's more of a minor detail that could get ironed out in later updates even without this.
Confusing part in the story is okay. Hopefully, with the new updates, it will become clearer what's going on. People in fantasy armor at the bar is okay, too.
7. Minor personal issue, but the stock RPGM BGM feels goofier more than anything (especially with the pitch); I'd recommend swapping it out for some better-fitting royalty-free music. I wouldn't recommend Western repositories, mostly since they tend to be so overused in internet media we consume that they'd make it feel like a shitpost more than anything (ex. Kevin MacLeod, as respectable as his work is). I'll admit that it isn't as easy as it sounds to go for those, as a lot of JP royalty-free repositories will actually ban porn games from using their work (if you see restriction of "violating public morals" in the ToS, that's the kiss of death), or will require a usage report (which only puts their eyes on your work, which they might just say no to). I've done research on a bunch for a potential project, and I think the perfect starter is . No restrictions, you can use them in commercial products for free, no usage reports, no bullshit; it's also been used by some popular RPGM/WRPGE horror games like Mad Father, so it seems like it could have some fitting stuff. is really good too. They require you to credit them if you wanna use it for free, but they specifically allow usage in porn games, and they were used by Succubus Prison (arguably the best horror eroge out there), so they're absolutely gonna have something good.
Thanks for this. I appreciate it very much. It's always a struggle to find the right music or sounds, and it takes a while. I tried to write ambient music myself, but I don't know where to put it in the game, so it's just waiting for its time on my hard drive.
8. Last issue, but it's so tiny and personal that it might as well be a showcase of my very smooth brain. When you're supposed to move the shelf in the kitchen, it felt really confusing that you'd push it to the left by pushing from the bottom tile, to the point I needed the guide to confirm that. It feels like it could be more logical if you set the trigger to the black mark (more likely to be investigated) with a step back, so that you're dragging it back to the left instead.
I see. You have a point. I check it again.

Thank you for many words.


Oct 26, 2021
Если Л412 изнасиловать, притащить на своём горбу в отель, и сразу же изнасиловать во второй раз, 412-дцатая телепортируется с постели в тюрьму двенадцатого этажа, а возможность выйти из комнаты пропадает, софтлок.
После того, как бартендер говорит тебе, что в церкви нужны помошники, её портрет остаётся висеть на экране даже после того, как ты прекратишь с ней разговаривать.
Идеальная работа в баре даёт 50,000.000 эссенции, а не 15000, как говорит бартендер.
Если зафейлить один столик, она говорит, что даёт 5000, но добавляется только 004,000.000.
В баре можно снять комнату, после этого начать работу, не работая, сразу подняться на второй этаж, проспать целый день и квест при этом не фейлится.
Каменная дорога при входе в парк и на подходе к боссу Фрея не даёт звуков шагов.
В барном туалете невидимая текстура блокирует проход.
Если зайти/выйти в помещение во время ночи, время сменится на день, но вход/выход во время дня не переключает на ночь, даже если делать это многократно.

Было бы здорово, если бы была возможность настраивать скорость воспроизведения боевых действий и анимаций. Сейчас каждая атака занимает вечность :(
Формат денег ххх,ххх.ххх странный, постоянно ощущение, что бегаешь с миллионами, а в продаже нет ничего, что можно было бы купить за, скажем, 000,000.300 эссенции. Мб стоит последние три цифры урезать, если они не используются?
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3.70 star(s) 9 Votes