
Jun 22, 2019
Everything you said is correct, and that guy had a very uncouth and unneccesary tone. Having said that, the number on the painting IS a huge singular point of gameplay failure - so while I don't sympathize with the severity of his tone, I do the base message. It's not random stuff like keybinds or QoL, it's specifically that number, that painting, as a requirement for progression.

It's like the Monkey Island Herman Toothrot bananapicker, but at least that was shaped like a giant q-tip to clue the player in. Here with the painting, there's nothing, it's totally arbitrary.
Yeah that is indeed a pretty bad game design that basically forces players to search online to progress the game. There should definitely be more hints connecting the toilet to that picture on the wall. But thankfully design like this is just a one time occurrence throughout the whole game. Could ask Nenad to fix it at some point.
  • Yay, new update!
Reactions: Pr0GamerJohnny


Apr 21, 2018
Your criticism sounded more like a huge insulting complaint
My apologies if I did anything that offended you.
Dude, all you do is download a game from a pirate site for FREE
Alright Gentlemen, last one!

Have you ever been met with the weirdest placed resistance when trying to buy something of interest? Let's imagine a company and whoever runs it puts all this work in creating a beautiful website, acquiring the highest materials, advertising, and lets say this fictional place sells 1/5 size models of your go to waifu, and these things are TOP quality! You find YOUR waifu right away with the smooth search feature! BUT there's not really a clear way to buy it? Oh that particular model is only sold every over 23rd of each second month if the actual day doesn't land on a Tuesday, Thursday, or Monday, and you can only pay if you transfer your country's currency into the countries currency directly west of yours first? "Why!!!" You scream at the gods! "Why go through this clear labor of love only to be met with this insanity?!" You shake your fists in the air at nobody in particular! "How could such a great idea fall victim to such a simple oversight?!"...

That's it... That's all there is to it. No hidden agenda, No offense taken, and No cries of rage. Just sheer disappointment. Now as my last said I'm left with trying to figure out why? Honestly, I feel like that is the story of 90% of Adult games on here. All this raw insane talent and it gets blocked in the weirdest ways...

Nenad A. I respect that you made this thing brother, and yup you're 100% right I don't have the knowledge background of what it takes to compress stuff and sizes required to house all these animations. And you know what neither do 98% of people in here and all that lack of knowledge doesn't even for a second change that fact that you lose 50% of possible payers and players the moment they see that multi day, multi pack download. And of those players who say you know what, I WILL take the time to try this game, that time they took is absolutely disrespected the moment they hit that first picture/number puzzle. Which leads to the result -> 99% of those people won't even bother for a second writing a reason why, no review, no care, just moving on to the next game. The first thing you chastised me on was I have to make this complaint on your official discord? I'm already the 1% who will give you the reason why on the platform it's available on! You can not put up so many barriers in front of honest feedback, the player already gave you their time and now you ask for more so they can help you? They have no steak in the game and logicly you have SO much game after that picture puzzle making the only logical conclusion that you want that puzzle that way.

Last thing for you, in regards to the size complaint. You honestly have that one figured out already which i'm surprised about. Split the game into 3 different chapters like you already have it. Having 3 stand alone game chunks is exactly how you get around that very popular complaint. I can think of so many games that do this already, for exactly the reason of game size bloat and to give all their fan and paying players their own installment that they attach onto.

Sony676, I thought of 100 things snappy and witty to say. But I'll just keep it a buck fifty here brother. It's just the way I have fun typing these reviews out, A bit over the top, fun and engaging to read. There is always actual feedback within them and if the creator responds I'll elaborate more on it. Sure, I own it, these come off like a jackass is writing them if you have a chip on your shoulder but treat others the way you want to be treated and all right? If I put my pants on backwards cuz the 10 fake friends in my life keep telling me that its the new fashion and I look great and one day some Australian dude walks up to me roasts me and calls me a dumb cunt for the backwards pants but it finally causes me to look around and see I've been the butt of some losers joke. I can either focus on how the Australian dude hurt my precious feelings or I can see that there was love and care for a fellow human being in his words. The best part is I'll probably never see the nameless Australian dude ever again!

apsentibus, I don't got much for you here. If you honestly think that NEW players aren't what he's aiming for then... Oof. Nenad A. Last, Last thing, watch the fuck out for this aditude, the fake friends I spoke of in my above para are people like this dude. This mentality that YOU are making HIS game because HE pays YOU is like a rot that will purity spiral out of control. If you are aiming to get your game out to a larger audience so you can gain more fans of your game and by product get more patreon subs so you can continue to do what you love. Then that abusive possessive attitude is cancer if it's something you try to account for.

Pr0GamerJohnny, I'm sorry where do you get off being so fucking... BASED! Haha no seriously this guys just a nicer dude than me but he also falls within the 0.5% of people who are going to bother saying something.

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Jun 22, 2019
That guy sounds like he is so frustrated with his daily and sexual life that he has no choice but to live his life in the illusion that his opinion always matters and people actually care about his posts. He needs to go pick a fight with everyone in an actual bar, not on an adult game online forum.
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