I have huge problems to understand how to solve that "computer hacking" puzzle at the beginning of v0.03 and all the answers on this forum make no logical sense.
Someone says: " you have to get the patterns in the vertical panel on the left to match the patterns in the horizontal panel on the right. Ignore the colors of the squares, just match the patterns in each 4x4 block"
- How the heck can i match the "patterns" without matching the colors???
Someone else says that you must have black there where it is white and vice versa.. Is that so? Does that apply to all squares? Do i have to scroll with the mouse wheal till i see the same constelation of squares but in "negative?
Someone else says that somehow the patterns must be rotated..
Nenad himself posted an answer which due to his russian kind of english is even more difficult for me to understand. And he posted this image which should be the solution:
Look at it .. I can see absolutely NOTHING in that image that somehow "matches" to anything else. Plus there is a third "puzzle" there on the bottom which i do not have when i try to solve the problem in game.
I can simply NOT understand what this test wants me to do in order to solve it!!!
I understand that i can stop or start those movements in the vertical panel with a left click and change those patterns with the mouse wheal. OK, but TO WHAT PURPOSE? In order to do WHAT? What the heck must "match" with what and in what fckin' order???
And i even forgot what i must do in case that somehow by chance i get the right match.. I click on WHAT then? Do i also see a third puzzle on bottom when i manage to "match" whatever with whatever?
Please if anybody who is NOT A CODER has somehow solved this puzzle and can explain in normal words how he/she/it did it, please post it here. The problem with coders is that they can NOT explain anything in normal words, just in code.. but I am no coder so i can't understand that kind of language.. The way in which this puzzle can be solved is a mystery for me and therefore i can not play the whole Jade story in this version because that puzzle is right at the beginning and everything else depends on it..
I love this game, I love Nenad's quite Monty Pythonic kind of humor but I CAN NOT SOLVE THIS PUZZLE! Because i can not understand what this puzzle wants from me! I have only a license in arts, not in cybernetix ... PLEASE HELP!