I know this very well from my own experience, but the point is not that, the point is that those who want to pay will pay, whether the product (game or OS) is free or not. And vice versa - those who do not want to pay will not pay whether it is free or not. Of course, there will always be a certain number of people who want to use it for free, but they do not make the weather. It's naive to think that if you put a complicated DRM in place to prevent piracy, everyone will rush out and buy the game. Most will just spit and go play something else, it is not a product of primary necessity.
Look at the games here - there are many that make more money than Nenad, and for what? Because they have super-duper DRM? Not even close. Most of these games are on Renpy, where DRM has never been heard of. And they're pirated just as much as Nenad's games.
All you can get out of this DRM mess is a waste of effort that could have been spent on the game, on its development. And in the end the interest in the game will decrease.
But of course it's up to Nenad to decide...
You don't understand the situation, which has already been clarified in previous posts. Nenad's DRM stuff is only there to enforce his preferred setup: paying subscribers get to play the latest update, while anyone who wants to play the game for free will have access to updates one version back. That is, there will still be a public version and a paid version going forward. For example, right now v0.20 is for paying subscribers; v0.19 is the public version. When v0.21 comes out, the public version will be updated to v0.20.
I agree with you, though, on your idea that completely locking up these kind of games against piracy is a bad move. In a world of free porn, people would likely just go play something else. But given the nature of the market but also the basic concept that paying subscribers should be rewarded, I think Nenad's choices a perfect compromise.
So if anyone is a fan of the game but bummed about the DRM stuff, don't worry, because you'll still get to play the game in the future. You'll just have to wait a little longer. I also encourage anyone who can to support Nenad. If you've been playing his games for a while, you know his work ethic and quality are very reliable. If you're new to his games, I envy you, because you've just found a couple of games that are, in my opinion, cornucopias of awesome content and well worth your money.