I'd venture to say that this particular blend of familiar tropes, fun dialogue and unapologetic randiness should be well received by a solid chunk of folks out there. The others.. not so much, but there's plenty of mainstream vanilla-esque porn games for them to feast upon anyway. Decent games containing futanari, much less a protagonist of the like tend to be few and far between.
Bonus points for her amiable personality and being seemingly being inclined to give and take, so to speak. Though I'd wager any attempts by the town's populance to have Roz in a proper set of pants is bound to be met with explosive wardrobe malfunctions and disappointment.
Given enough love and polishing, this one has the potential to be a real gem. The style is unique enough to stand out, which is pretty great. Not much else to say, as it's early yet in its lifecycle. But again, super promising start, and very much worth keeping an eye on.
Best of luck, dev!