Trying to beat this game with 0 advancement in the ero status (masochism/corruption/dirtied) and development is close to impossible. One of the most annoying thing is if you're invincible, like after falling off, any monsters with heart that are close to you or are on your tile, will increase the ero status, during those invincible frame. There are other small inconveniences that adds up to make the speedrun experience absolutely horrid. Character has square collision box so sometimes you just can go through certain spaces unless you position correctly, jump button sometimes just refusing to work, getting regular attack instead of dash attack even though you're holding the run button, enemies having invincibility on spawn + can go heart mode at any point (like after spawning or almost instantly after getting hit) + the grab box being way bigger than the sprite making it look like you get sucked in... some enemies are complete bullshit as well like the ghost and mummies. Probably one of the few games I've given up trying to do this type challenge. Still a good game but screw this shit. I'm extremely annoyed