You want to bring up the dinner scene okay.
Did you take the two seconds needed to realize that Miss Stern saw all of what Elizabeth did ?
Did you even read the text between Elizabeth and Miss Stern ?
I sincerely doubt it because if you did, you'd notice that Miss Stern knows it's a load of crap and respected you for showing some discipline during that sequence. She's very aware that Elizabeth is being a puppetmaster for her own gains and is giving you some freedom in your actions.
But sure lets talk about your "Opinion" here for a hot second. You're can post what you want, I can call it the hot garbage it is.
You may not like that and frankly i don't care. I'm not here to make you feel validated and the developer has already weighed in and said your opinion is completely invalid.
Do you mean she saw through her lies or physically saw her foot? Anja sees the foot not the mother
As for peoples criticism of the game, it's warranted given the dev is trying to create a game of high quality (note his will not waver comments), this scene is poorly written, not because he gets caged, he is not in control, dom/sub is relevant only to his feelings, he has no power yet so he should be caged regardless of path, its stupid because the "intelligent" elizabeth tipped her hand before setting him up and all he had to do was move his chair back a few inches to stop her creating evidence crucial to her plan and or expose her feet to the mother if she chose to continue rubbing him, no big scene, no outburst just casually move chair back a bit
Then add in he doesn't even try to plead his case during or after the fact when there is no established threat or coercion, has a witness in anja AND the mother on his side is bad is a classic bad TV/movie plot line, its lazy writing just to move the plot along and if it were a game like NWO or whatever it was called with a ridiculous setting and clear comedic tones no one would say anything but its not
I dont get all the dick ridding, its a great game so far, lots of potential, here is the first big and easily fixable mistake why are we denying reality to avoid a bit of constructive critisim