I don't want to dwell too much on why Alex's mee-maw or Luna's mom haven't shown up yet because I feel like those people are going to be relevant later on in the future. And knowing Cari, he's likely saving them for a heart-wrenching moment that he's planning, the bastard.
Lord Magnus was a special case tied to the grimoire. even a fragment of Astaroth's soul was not enough to sustain immortality and had to be transferred to each host from father to son. good try though.
as for the vampires and werewolves, we don't know if they were actually on earth, and how the knowledge of those countries ended up in their memory. were they on earth and then transferred by an immortal to another world in the past ? or are they NPC loaded up with the memories of entities that existed on earth ? or something else entirely ? there is no information at all. so we can't conclude anythign other than "huh, that's weird".
I guess that kind of fits, but I think of Eturnum less like the Matrix and more like Ready Player One as far as similarities go...
kind of thought of Neo from the matrix when you
described the MC seeing the game in another way, and getting more formidable than everyone else in the game after an awakening
...Imagine removing this humorous scene (and Annie's actual father from the story) so that you can rewrite Annie as Orion's half-sister...
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Like, why even?
why would it need to be removed ? just make that guy the father of both. and change the lines. replace "my little girl" by "your little sister". and then "i'll take care of Annie as if she was my sister" by "of course, i'll take *very* good care of my sister, dad". done.
we would need to explain why MC returned to the UK without Annie though. that would actually be tougher.
Why, pray tell, shouldn't she be a member though? What is the logic of her not being a member and where did you get the idea that she isn't? Like, she shares the same music theme as that of the first Syndicate member in the Red Herring server, she gives Orion something that will be useful to him in a future event (just as the one in the Red Herring did, albeit that one is more of an advice), and she ominously disappears/leaves right after providing the message/help to Orion. Plus, the game specifically shows her image when Nan talks about them, why the hell are you refuting that? Cari already mentioned on Discord that everything he puts in the game is fucking deliberate, so I'm just trying to understand what mental gymnastics is running in your head right now as to refute something that's right there?
Where did I say she definitely wasn't a member ? I only said that there is no CONCLUSIVE proof that she is. and I provided an alternate explanation. everything you provided was not proof at all, only speculation and your interpretation.
like I said, an easy explanation would be that she is simply an NPC controlled through a cube device. we already saw another kid controlled by another cube.
she represents the syndicate in that moment, so yeah, having the musical theme of the syndicate makes sense. doesn't mean she is a member just because of the music.
whatever she says, does or gives to MC doesn't prove anything about her membership.
and ominously disappearing has nothing to do with membership, dude... xD
and Nancy lists out loud all the topics she is discussing, she doesn't show pictures to the group, the image is shown to the *player* to illustrate what the topic is about. and the latest encounter with the syndicate at that moment is the girl, it's the freshest and most impactful memory the players would have about the topic. doesn't prove that the girl is a member, just that she represents the syndicate in the mind of the player, especially since she was linked to a cliffhanger. you can bet that if the image was of the old lady instead, most players would be confused as the encounter had less impact and happened too long ago for most to remember.
approaching MC on the red herring server was easier as he was in the open. but during the heist meeting, he was in an apartment. the syndicate couldn't know who would answer the door, so they couldn't guarantee that they could approach MC directly. using an NPC could be a way to avoid getting too much contact with people other than MC. just a random thought.
if you are that convinced that she IS a member for sure, then provide actual proof.
I can ask you the same "why the hell are you insisting that she is ?"
and why the aggressive and condescending tone even, dude ? do you feel the need to be right that much ?