From a metacontextual pov this would be a terrible idea. The narrative cadence of the story would have to change to accommodate Orion's inability to follow the main cast back to the "real" world. Amongst other things, there's also Carib D's intentional structuring of the story to ensure every first act of full intercourse with the main cast occurs in the "real" world for maximum impact. Still an AVN at the end of the day.
You can ask yourself if Dalia losing her virginity in 0.8 would be as impactful if it occurred in Eternum, leaving her physical virginity intact, vs. the act occurring in the "real" world with all the factors that come with that.
This is why I wasnt a big fan of how 0.7 ended. By looking outside the story, what will occur within it feels obvious. The death will be undone, there's no surprise there because its the logical choice, the only ambiguity left is how it will be undone and there's only a handful of cards Carib D can play to accomplish this.